
时间:2012-10-25 10:53:15

标签: r date plot zoo

数据文件的日期是时间序列数据的格式,即1975M1,1975M2,... 2011M12。当使用R绘制此数据时,我希望x轴显示刻度轴上的月份。

对于要正确阅读的日期,我尝试将M替换为 - 获得%Y-%m格式,但对于来自hydroTSM软件包的drawTimeAxis来说似乎不太好,这可能需要%Y-%M-%d格式。它给出了刻度尺维度的维数不正确的错误。

另一种解析和格式化数据的方法,如x$newdate <- strptime(as.character(x$date), "%Y-%m")然后format(x$newdate,""%Y-%m") 也没有读取日期并给出错误...所有NA。

date&lt; - as.Date(data [,1]表示字符串不是标准明确格式且ts&lt; - read.zoo(xts,as.yearmon(x [,1]))的错误在数据行中给出了不好的结果。



date    x   x2
1975M1  112.44  113.12
1975M2  113.1   114.36
1975M3  115.04  114.81
1975M4  117.65  115.35
1975M5  119.5   116.92
1975M6  121.4   118.56
1975M7  120.64  118.97
1975M8  119.12  119.84
1975M9  118.91  120.59
1975M10 120.58  122.3
1975M11 121.26  123.35
1975M12 122.34  123.33

更新:到目前为止,答案通过在xts包中使用%YM%m或添加获取标准格式的日期来解决正确读取日期的问题。定制刻度轴仍然是个问题。 drawTimeAxis给出了尺寸误差,并且绘图命令没有显示超过一年的数据或其他数据的月度标签。任何自定义刻度轴的方法?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:17)


dat$date <- as.yearmon(dat$date, "%YM%m")


  1. 您的数据:

    dat <- read.table(text = "date    x   x2
    1975M1  112.44  113.12
    1975M2  113.1   114.36
    1975M3  115.04  114.81
    1975M4  117.65  115.35
    1975M5  119.5   116.92
    1975M6  121.4   118.56
    1975M7  120.64  118.97
    1975M8  119.12  119.84
    1975M9  118.91  120.59
    1975M10 120.58  122.3
    1975M11 121.26  123.35
    1975M12 122.34  123.33", header = TRUE)
  2. 使用“zoo”包中的xts转换为as.yearmon()

    library(xts) # Will also load zoo
    dat.xts <- xts(dat[-1], 
                   order.by = as.yearmon(dat$date, "%YM%m"))
    #               x     x2
    # Jan 1975 112.44 113.12
    # Feb 1975 113.10 114.36
    # Mar 1975 115.04 114.81
    # Apr 1975 117.65 115.35
    # May 1975 119.50 116.92
    # Jun 1975 121.40 118.56
    # Jul 1975 120.64 118.97
    # Aug 1975 119.12 119.84
    # Sep 1975 118.91 120.59
    # Oct 1975 120.58 122.30
    # Nov 1975 121.26 123.35
    # Dec 1975 122.34 123.33
  3. 绘制数据:


    enter image description here

             col = c("red", "blue"))

    enter image description here

  4. 更新:指定您自己的轴


    dat <- data.frame(date = paste0(rep(1975:1977, each = 12), 
                                    "M", rep(1:12, times = 3)),
                      x1 = runif(36, min = 100, max = 140),
                      x2 = runif(36, min = 100, max = 140))
    library(zoo) # xts is actually unnecessary if this is all you're doing
    # Convert your data to a `zoo` object
    dat.z <- zoo(dat[-1], order.by = as.yearmon(dat$date, "%YM%m"))

    这是使用plot(dat.z, screen = 1, col = 1:2)获得的默认情节:

    enter image description here


    1. 绘制数据,但用xaxt = "n"

      plot(dat.z, screen = 1, col = 1:2, xaxt = "n")
    2. 做一些设置工作,每个月都有一个标签。 (参见?plot.zoo,修改后的位置。)

      tt <- time(dat.z)
      # The following is just the sequence 1:36. 
      #   If you wanted only every third month plotted,
      #   use a sequence like ix <- seq(1, length(tt), 3)
      ix <- seq_along(tt) 
      # What format do you want for your labels.
      #   This yields abbreviated month - abbreviated year
      fmt <- "%b-%y" 
      labs <- format(tt, fmt) # Generate the vector of your labels
    3. 将您的轴添加到您的绘图中。可能需要一些实验来找到适合所有东西的正确尺寸。 las = 2使标签垂直于轴,如果确实认为需要为每年的每个月添加标签,则需要这样做。

      axis(side = 1, at = tt[ix], labels = labs[ix], 
           tcl = -0.7, cex.axis = 0.7, las = 2)
    4. 这是最终的情节:

      enter image description here

      顺便说一下,如果您收到1977.15之类的日期等等,您可能需要阅读一些答案to this question,例如,查看@joran对{{1}的使用}}

答案 1 :(得分:2)


dat <- read.table(text = "date    x   x2
1975M1  112.44  113.12
1975M2  113.1   114.36
1975M3  115.04  114.81
1975M4  117.65  115.35
1975M5  119.5   116.92
1975M6  121.4   118.56
1975M7  120.64  118.97
1975M8  119.12  119.84
1975M9  118.91  120.59
1975M10 120.58  122.3
1975M11 121.26  123.35
1975M12 122.34  123.33", header = TRUE)


paste0(as.character(date), "-01") ## temporary step, not needed


> with(dat, paste0(date, "-01"))  ## temporary step, not needed
 [1] "1975M1-01"  "1975M2-01"  "1975M3-01"  "1975M4-01"  "1975M5-01" 
 [6] "1975M6-01"  "1975M7-01"  "1975M8-01"  "1975M9-01"  "1975M10-01"
[11] "1975M11-01" "1975M12-01"



## full solution
dat <- transform(dat, date = as.Date(paste0(date, "-01"), format = "%YM%m-%d"))


> dat
         date      x     x2
1  1975-01-01 112.44 113.12
2  1975-02-01 113.10 114.36
3  1975-03-01 115.04 114.81
4  1975-04-01 117.65 115.35
5  1975-05-01 119.50 116.92
6  1975-06-01 121.40 118.56
7  1975-07-01 120.64 118.97
8  1975-08-01 119.12 119.84
9  1975-09-01 118.91 120.59
10 1975-10-01 120.58 122.30
11 1975-11-01 121.26 123.35
12 1975-12-01 122.34 123.33