失败的rspec测试 - 没有创建对象

时间:2012-11-13 21:58:06

标签: ruby-on-rails rspec


require 'spec_helper'
require 'matchers/be_valid_verbose'

describe User do

before do 
    @user = User.new(first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", email: "test@test.com", role: "admin",
                    password: "foobar12", password_confirmation: "foobar12")
subject ( @user )

specify { should be_valid_verbose }

describe "return value of authendicate method" do
    before { @user.save }
    let(:found_user) { User.find_by_email(@user.email) }

    describe "with valid password" do
        it { should == found_user.authenticate(@user.password) }

        describe "with invalid password" do
            let(:user_for_invalid_password) { found_user.authenticate("invlaid") }

            it { should_not == user_for_invalid_password }
            specify { user_for_invalid_password.should be_false }

我不明白为什么:它{should be_valid}是一个完全空的用户对象。当我在before do语句中创建用户对象后尝试find_by_email时也会发生同样的情况。 这是我的测试输出

    $ bundle exec rspec spec/models/user_trial_spec.rb


  1) User 
     Failure/Error: specify { should be_valid_verbose }
       expected valid? to return true, got false:
        Password digest can't be blank
        First name can't be blank
        Last name can't be blank
        Role is not included in the list
        Email can't be blank
        Email is invalid
        Password can't be blank
        Password is too short (minimum is 8 characters)
        Password confirmation can't be blank
     # ./spec/models/user_trial_spec.rb:25:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'

  2) User return value of authendicate method with valid password 
     Failure/Error: it { should == found_user.authenticate(@user.password) }
       expected: #<User id: 10, first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", email: "test@test.com", role: "admin", password_digest: "$2a$10$Z0c6zJNH4yu8IpYfNqEbKOmqEWK.euTFcYuwB/8UW9jk...", created_at: "2012-11-13 21:44:55", updated_at: "2012-11-13 21:44:55", remember_token: nil>
            got: #<User id: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, email: nil, role: nil, password_digest: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, remember_token: nil> (using ==)
       @@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
       -#<User id: 10, first_name: "First", last_name: "Last", email: "test@test.com", role: "admin", password_digest: "$2a$10$Z0c6zJNH4yu8IpYfNqEbKOmqEWK.euTFcYuwB/8UW9jk...", created_at: "2012-11-13 21:44:55", updated_at: "2012-11-13 21:44:55", remember_token: nil>
       +#<User id: nil, first_name: nil, last_name: nil, email: nil, role: nil, password_digest: nil, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, remember_token: nil>
     # ./spec/models/user_trial_spec.rb:32:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'

Finished in 2.3 seconds
4 examples, 2 failures

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/models/user_trial_spec.rb:25 # User 
rspec ./spec/models/user_trial_spec.rb:32 # User return value of authendicate method with valid password 

Randomized with seed 39450

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


subject ( @user )


subject { @user }