
时间:2012-11-29 20:01:35

标签: actionscript-3 flash actionscript-2 flash-cs5.5



我只是通过学习AS3来启动Flash,所以我不知道如何将AS2转换为AS3 请别人帮助我:)。

finder.onRelease = function() {
       var inputterString:String = _root.inputter
       var inputLength:Number = inputterString.length;
       textStart = textVar.indexOf(inputter, 0);
       if (inputLength>0) {
             textEnd = textStart+inputLength;
       } else {
             textEnd = 0;
       if (textStart>=0) {
             Selection.setSelection(textStart, textEnd);
       } else {
             Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
       _root.textEnd = textEnd;

findNext.onRelease = function() {
       var inputterString:String = _root.inputter;
       var inputLength:Number = inputterString.length;
       textStart = textVar.indexOf(inputter, _root.textEnd);
       if (inputLength>0) {
             textEnd = textStart+inputLength;
       } else {
             textEnd = 0;
       if (textStart>=0) {
             Selection.setSelection(textStart, textEnd);
       } else {
             Selection.setSelection(0, 0);
       _root.textEnd = textEnd;

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

它没有您想象的那么糟糕,但是finder和findNext - 按钮是什么?这些是可以通过

finder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, finderCallback);

// somewhere else in the code

private function finderCallback(e:MouseEvent):void {
   // code here

   // anything like _root.<varName> references something on the main file, 
   // so this just has to be something you can access in the funciton

答案 1 :(得分:0)


import flash.events.MouseEvent;

function onFinderClicked(event:MouseEvent):void{
    stage.focus = root.textInstance;
    root.textInstance.selectable = true;
     var inputterString:String = root.inputter
     var inputLength:Number = inputterString.length;
     textStart = textVar.indexOf(inputter, 0);
     if (inputLength>0) {
         textEnd = textStart+inputLength;
     } else {
         textEnd = 0;
     if (textStart>=0) {
         root.textInstance.setSelection(textStart, textEnd);
     } else {
         root.textInstance.setSelection(0, 0);
     root.textEnd = textEnd;

function onFindNextClicked(event:MouseEvent):void{
    stage.focus = root.textInstance;
    root.textInstance.selectable = true;
    var inputterString:String = root.inputter;
    var inputLength:Number = inputterString.length;
    textStart = textVar.indexOf(inputter, root.textEnd);
    if (inputLength>0) {
         textEnd = textStart+inputLength;
    } else {
         textEnd = 0;
    if (textStart>=0) {
         root.textInstance.setSelection(textStart, textEnd);
    } else {
         root.textInstance.setSelection(0, 0);
    root.textEnd = textEnd;

finder.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onFinderClicked);
findNext.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onFindNextClicked);