
时间:2012-12-01 04:18:15

标签: java arrays object input variable-assignment



是否有任何帮助为每个顶点的Edge []邻接分配新边?请记住,它可以是1个或多个边缘。

class Vertex implements Comparable<Vertex>
    public final String name;
    public Edge[] adjacencies;
    public double minDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    public Vertex previous;
    public Vertex(String argName) { name = argName; }
    public String toString() { return name; }

    public int compareTo(Vertex other){
    return, other.minDistance);

class Edge{
    public final Vertex target;
    public final double weight;

    public Edge(Vertex argTarget, double argWeight){
        target = argTarget; weight = argWeight; }

public static void main(String[] args)
    Vertex v[] = new Vertex[3];
    Vertex v[0] = new Vertex("Harrisburg");
    Vertex v[1] = new Vertex("Baltimore");
    Vertex v[2] = new Vertex("Washington");

    v0.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(v[1],  1),
                             new Edge(v[2],  3) };
    v1.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(v[0], 1),
                             new Edge(v[2],  1),};
    v2.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(v[0],  3),
                                 new Edge(v[1],  1)  };

    Vertex[] vertices = { v0, v1, v2};
       /*Three vertices with weight: V0 connects (V1,1),(V2,3)
                                     V1 connects (V0,1),(V2,1)
                                     V2 connects (V1,1),(V2,3)
    for (Vertex v : vertices){
    System.out.println("Distance to " + v + ": " + v.minDistance);
    List<Vertex> path = getShortestPathTo(v);
    System.out.println("Path: " + path);



for (int i = 0; i < total_vertices; i++){
        s = br.readLine();
        char[] line = s.toCharArray();
        for (int j = 0; j < line.length; j++){  
           if(j % 4 == 0 ){ //Input: vertex weight vertex weight: 1 1 2 3
            int vert = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(line[j]));
            int w = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(line[j+2]));
            v[i].adjacencies = new Edge[] {new Edge(v[vert], w)};


v0.adjacencies = new Edge[]{ new Edge(v[1],  1),
                         new Edge(v[2],  3) };

如何获取用户输入并制作Edge [],将其传递给邻接?问题是它可能是0边或许多。

非常感谢任何帮助 谢谢!

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在你的情况下,你为j的每次迭代分配v [i] .adjacencies ...这意味着它是line.length = 8,然后v [i] .adjacencies被分配2次。我不认为这是你的意图。

    for (int j = 0; j < line.length; j++){  
       if(j % 4 == 0 ){ //Input: vertex weight vertex weight: 1 1 2 3
        int vert = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(line[j]));
        int w = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(line[j+2]));
        v[i].adjacencies = new Edge[] {new Edge(v[vert], w)};


    Edge[] edges = new Edge[line.length/4];  
    for (int j = 0; j < line.length; j++){           
       if(j % 4 == 0 ){ //Input: vertex weight vertex weight: 1 1 2 3
        int vert = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(line[j]));
        int w = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(line[j+2]));
        edges[j/4] =  {new Edge(v[vert], w)};
   v[i].adjacencies = edges;

