
时间:2012-12-03 04:43:42

标签: c++ ifstream eof getline



while(getline(checkTasks, workingString)){
            countTheDays = 0;
            // Captures a clean copy of the line in tasks.dat in it's entirety, stores in workingString.
            char nlcheck;
            if(nlcheck == '\n'){
                //getline(checkTasks, workingString);
                // Breaks that line up into more usable pieces of information.
                getline(check2,tName, '\t');
                getline(check2,tDate, '\t');
                getline(check2,trDate, '\t');
                getline(check2,tComplete, '\n');
                // Converts the string form of these pieces into usable integers.
                stringstream(tDate.substr(0,tDate.find_first_of('/'))) >> year;
                stringstream(tDate.substr(tDate.find_first_of('/')+1,tDate.find_last_of('/'))) >> month;
                stringstream(tDate.substr(tDate.find_last_of('/')+1,tDate.length()-1)) >> day;
                stringstream(tComplete) >> checkComplete;
                stringstream(trDate) >> checkReminder;              

                // Adds the number of days until your task is due!
                if(year != date[0]){
                    for(int i = date[1]; i <= 12; i++){
                        countTheDays += System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(date[0], i);                      
                    countTheDays-= date[2];
                    for (int i = 1; i<= month; i++){
                        countTheDays +=System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, i);
                    countTheDays -= (System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, month) - day);
                else if(month != date[1]){
                    for(int i = date[1]; i <= month; i++){
                        countTheDays += System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(date[0], i);
                    countTheDays -= (date[2]);
                    countTheDays -= (System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, month) - day);
                    countTheDays+= System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(date[0], month);
                    countTheDays -= (System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, month) - day);
                    countTheDays -= date[2];                    

                // If the task is nearing it's due date (the time frame specified to be notified) it'll notify user. 
                // Only coded to work if the task is due in the current or following months.
                if(countTheDays <= checkReminder){
                    if( countTheDays < 0){
                        cout << endl << endl << tName << " is past due!" << endl;
                        cout << "Should I keep reminding you about this task? Enter Y or N. ";
                        cin >> continueToRemind;
                        cout << endl << endl << tName << " is due in " <<countTheDays << " days! Don't forget!" << endl;
                        cout << "Should I keep reminding you about this task? Enter Y or N. ";
                        cin >> continueToRemind;

                    // If user doesn't want to be reminded, begins process of converting that line in the file to usable info
                    // and 'overwriting' the old file by creating a new one, deleting the old one, and renaming the new one.
                    if(continueToRemind == "n" || continueToRemind == "N"){
                        fileModified = true;
                        string line;
                    /*  vector<string> lines;
                        while(getline(tasksClone, line)){
                        lines.erase(remove(lines.begin(), lines.end(), workingString), lines.end());
                        if (!lines.empty()) {
                            auto i=lines.begin();
                            auto e=lines.end()-1;
                            for (; i!=e; ++i) {
                                saveTasks << *i << '\n';
                            saveTasks << *i;

                        // This writes a copy of the tasks.dat file, minus the task that the user elected not to be notified of.'
                        while(getline(tasksClone, testBuffer)){
                            if(testBuffer == workingString){
                                // This condition does nothing. Essentially erasing the 'completed' task from the list.
                            else if(testBuffer != workingString && tasksClone.eof()){
                                // This writes everything except the specified task to taskbuffer.dat
                                saveTasks << testBuffer;
                            else { 
                                saveTasks << testBuffer << '\n';
        cout << "The tasks file is empty, you must not have any tasks!" << endl;





while(getline(tasksClone, testBuffer)){
        if(testBuffer == workingString){
            // This condition does nothing. Essentially erasing the 'completed' task from the list.
        else if(testBuffer != workingString && tasksClone.eof()){
            // This writes everything except the specified task to taskbuffer.dat
                saveTasks << testBuffer;
        else { 
                saveTasks << testBuffer << '\n';



test1   2012/12/13  10  0;
test2   2012/12/23  20  0;
test3   2012/12/31  28  0;


test2   2012/12/23  20  0;
test3   2012/12/31  28  0;

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


std::vector<std::string> lines;
std::string line;
while (std::getline(tasksClone, line))


if (lines[i].empty())


lines.erase(std::remove(lines.begin(), lines.end(), workingString), lines.end());



if (!lines.empty()) {
    auto i=lines.begin(), e=lines.end()-1;
    for (; i!=e; ++i) {
        saveTasks << *i << '\n';
    saveTasks << *i;

答案 1 :(得分:0)


像往常一样,像while (!your_file.eof())这样的代码却被打破了。你可能想要这样的东西:

while (std::getline(taskClone, buffer)) {
    if (buffer.empty()) 

    if (keep(buffer)) // whatever condition you need
        saveTasks << "\n" << buffer;


// prefix_iterator.h
#include <ostream>
#include <iterator>

template <class T, 
          class charT=char, 
          class traits=std::char_traits<charT> 
class prefix_ostream_iterator :
    public std::iterator<std::output_iterator_tag,void,void,void,void>
    charT const* delimiter;
    std::basic_ostream<charT,traits> *os;
    typedef charT char_type;
    typedef traits traits_type;
    typedef std::basic_ostream<charT,traits> ostream_type;

    prefix_ostream_iterator(ostream_type& s) 
        : os(&s),delimiter(0) 
    prefix_ostream_iterator(ostream_type& s, charT const *d) 
        : os(&s),delimiter(d)
    prefix_ostream_iterator<T,charT,traits>& operator=(T const &item)
        // Here's the only real change from ostream_iterator:
        // Normally, the '*os << item;' would come before the 'if'.
        if (delimiter != 0) 
            *os << delimiter;
        *os << item;
        return *this;

    prefix_ostream_iterator<T,charT,traits> &operator*() {
        return *this; 
    prefix_ostream_iterator<T,charT,traits> &operator++() { 
        return *this; 
    prefix_ostream_iterator<T,charT,traits> &operator++(int) {
        return *this; 

将此与我在earlier answer中发布的line代理一起使用,您可以使用以下代码执行此操作:

#include "line.h"
#include "prefix_iterator.h"

                    prefix_ostream_iterator<std::string>(taskSave, "\n"),
                    [](std::string const &line) { /* decide if to keep line*/});

答案 2 :(得分:0)

你想要做什么并不太清楚。 std::getline 剥离尾随的新行,所以每当你输出你的内容时 读,你必须添加它。 (如果您要写入文本文件, 如果写的最后一个字符不是a,则它是未定义的行为 '\n'。)

另请注意,您的主循环不正确。的状态 tasksClone.eof()是不确定的,您无法验证 执行getline后输入成功。你是什​​么 需要是这样的:

std::string line
while ( std::getline( tasksClone, line ) ) {
    if ( line != workingString ) {
        saveTasks << line << '\n';


答案 3 :(得分:0)


// Reads the file, checks if it's due, and if it's due prompts user to either save or delete the task.
// Captures a clean copy of the line, in its entirety, and stores it to workingString.
    countTheDays = 0;
    // Handles newline characters.
    char nlcheck;
    if(nlcheck == '\n'){
        // Breaks that line up into more usable pieces of information.
        getline(check2,tName, '\t');
        getline(check2,tDate, '\t');
        getline(check2,trDate, '\t');
        getline(check2,tComplete, '\n');
        // Converts the string from of these pieces into usable integers.
        stringstream(tDate.substr(0,tDate.find_first_of('/'))) >> year;                       stringstream(tDate.substr(tDate.find_first_of('/')+1,tDate.find_last_of('/'))) >> month;                  stringstream(tDate.substr(tDate.find_last_of('/')+1,tDate.length()-1)) >> day;
        stringstream(tComplete) >> checkComplete;
        stringstream(trDate) >> checkReminder;              

        // Adds the number of days until your task is due!
        if(year != date[0]){
            for(int i = date[1]; i <= 12; i++){
                countTheDays += System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(date[0], i);                      
            countTheDays-= date[2];
            for (int i = 1; i<= month; i++){
                countTheDays +=System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, i);
            countTheDays -= (System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, month) - day);
        else if(month != date[1]){
            for(int i = date[1]; i <= month; i++){
                countTheDays += System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(date[0], i);
            countTheDays -= (date[2]);
            countTheDays -= (System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, month) - day);
            countTheDays+= System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(date[0], month);
            countTheDays -= (System::DateTime::DaysInMonth(year, month) - day);
            countTheDays -= date[2];                    

        // If the task is nearing it's due date (the time frame specified to be notified) it'll notify user. 
        if(countTheDays <= checkReminder){
            if( countTheDays < 0){
                cout << endl << endl << tName << " is past due!" << endl;
                cout << "Should I keep reminding you about this task? Enter Y or N. ";
                cin >> continueToRemind;
                cout << endl << endl << tName << " is due in " <<countTheDays << " days! Don't forget!" << endl;
                cout << "Should I keep reminding you about this task? Enter Y or N. ";
                cin >> continueToRemind;

            // If user doesn't want to be reminded, begins process of converting that line in the file to usable info
            // and 'overwriting' the old file by creating a new one, deleting the old one, and renaming the new one.
            if(continueToRemind == "n" || continueToRemind == "N"){
                fileModified = true;
                // Adds workingString to deleteTasks[] to be compared against later.

        int match = 0;
        // Iterates through tempTasks.dat and compares lines to workingString.
        while(getline(tasksClone, testBuffer)){
            for(int i = 0; i< deleteTasks.size(); i++){
                // If a match is found, it sets the match flag to delete that line.
                if(testBuffer ==  deleteTasks[i]){
                    match = 1;
            // Deletes that task.
            if(match == 1){
                //Do nothing, erasing the task
            // If EOF, writes only the task, without a newline character.
            else if(tasksClone.eof()){
                saveTasks << testBuffer;
            // If !EOF, also writes a newline character.
                saveTasks << testBuffer << '\n';
            match = 0;

答案 4 :(得分:-1)

如果您在Windows或Mac中查看文件,则问题可能在于使用“\ n”。 尝试使用“\ r \ n”代替。
