时间:2012-12-05 09:10:20

标签: .net com interop idl oleview




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

我怀疑这是一个完全符合你想要的工具。但滚动自己的转换器也不应该太难。使用类型库有点麻烦。我编写了一个工具,可以从.idl文件或.tlb文件为COM接口生成C ++包装类。读取接口相关信息的代码大约是250行代码,因此如果添加一些代码来生成.idl文件,最终应该有大约1000行代码。

以下代码是我的C ++代码的简化版本,可以为您提供一般的想法。但是,由于我目前无法访问编译器,因此无法检查它是否编译(不太可能)或工作(当然不是)。

    #include <afxwin.h>
    #include <comdef.h>
    #include <atlconv.h>
    #include <atlbase.h>

    char* paTypeNames[] =
        "VT_EMPTY",          // = 0,
        "VT_NULL",           // = 1,
        "short", //"VT_I2", //             = 2,
        "long", //"VT_I4", //             = 3,
        "real", // "VT_R4", //             = 4,
        "double", // "VT_R8", //             = 5,
        "VT_CY", //              = 6,
        "VT_DATE", //            = 7,
        "BSTR", //"VT_BSTR", //            = 8,
        "IDispatch*", // "VT_DISPATCH", //        = 9,
        "VT_ERROR", //           = 10,
        "VARIANT_BOOL", //"VT_BOOL", //            = 11,
        "VARIANT", //"VT_VARIANT", //         = 12,
        "IUnknown*", // VT_UNKNOWN        = 13,
        "VT_DECIMAL", //         = 14,
        "VBA reserves 15 for future use",
        "VT_I1", //              = 16,
        "VT_UI1", //             = 17,
        "VT_UI2", //             = 18,
        "VT_UI4", //             = 19,
        "VT_I8", //              = 20,
        "VT_UI8", //             = 21,
        "int", //"VT_INT", //             = 22,
        "UINT", //            = 23,
        "VOID", //            = 24,
        "HRESULT", //         = 25,
        "VT_PTR", //             = 26,
        "VT_SAFEARRAY", //       = 27,
        "VT_CARRAY", //          = 28,
        "VT_USERDEFINED", //     = 29,
        "VT_LPSTR", //           = 30,
        "VT_LPWSTR", //          = 31,
        "VBA reserves 32 for future use",
        "VBA reserves 33 for future use",
        "VBA reserves 34 for future use",
        "VBA reserves 35 for future use",
        "VT_RECORD", //          = 36,
        "VT_INT_PTR", //         = 37,
        "VT_UINT_PTR", //        = 38,
        "Unknown Type number above 39"

    CString GetType (const TYPEDESC& p_TYPEDESC, ITypeInfo* p_pTypeInfo)
        // Look up user defined types in the type library.
        if (p_TYPEDESC.vt == VT_USERDEFINED)
            ITypeInfoPtr spInnerType;
            VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (p_pTypeInfo->GetRefTypeInfo (p_TYPEDESC.hreftype, &spInnerType)));
            BSTR CurrTypeName;
            VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spInnerType->GetDocumentation (MEMBERID_NIL, &CurrTypeName, NULL, NULL, NULL)));
            return CString (CurrTypeName);
        else if (p_TYPEDESC.vt == VT_PTR)
            return GetType (*p_TYPEDESC.lptdesc, p_pTypeInfo) + CString (_T("*"));
            return CString (paTypeNames[min (p_TYPEDESC.vt & VT_TYPEMASK, 39)]);

    bool ParseTypeLib (char* p_strTypeLibName)

        // Load the type library.
        ITypeLibPtr spTypeLib;
        HRESULT hr = LoadTypeLibEx (A2OLE (p_strTypeLibName), REGKIND_DEFAULT, &spTypeLib);
        if (!(bool)spTypeLib)
            return false;

        UINT uiNumberOfTypes = spTypeLib->GetTypeInfoCount ();
        for (int i = 0; i < uiNumberOfTypes; i++)
            ITypeInfoPtr spCurrTypeInfo;
            spTypeLib->GetTypeInfo (i, &spCurrTypeInfo);
            if (!(bool) spCurrTypeInfo)
                return false;

            // We only want to process interface definitions, so if we encounter anything
            // else (for example enums), we skip the rest of the loop.
            TYPEATTR* pCurrentTypeAttr;
            VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spCurrTypeInfo->GetTypeAttr (&pCurrentTypeAttr)));
            if (pCurrentTypeAttr->typekind != TKIND_DISPATCH &&
                pCurrentTypeAttr->typekind != TKIND_INTERFACE)

            // Retrieve the current interface name.
            CComBSTR CurrInterfaceName;
            hr = spTypeLib->GetDocumentation (i, &CurrInterfaceName, NULL, NULL, NULL);

            std::cout << "interface " << CurrInterfaceName;

            // Retrieve the name of the base class. According to MSDN
            // (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa909031.aspx), we must first retrieve
            // the TKIND_INTERFACE type description for our class, and then we can retrieve
            // the base class information. We also need the TKIND_INTERFACE type description
            // because TKIND_DISPATCH type descriptions contain both the methods of the current
            // interface as well as the methods of all base interfaces.
            ITypeInfoPtr spBaseType;
            if (pCurrentTypeAttr->typekind == TKIND_DISPATCH)
                HREFTYPE TempHREF;
                VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spCurrTypeInfo->GetRefTypeOfImplType (-1, &TempHREF)));
                ITypeInfoPtr spTempInfo;
                VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spCurrTypeInfo->GetRefTypeInfo (TempHREF, &spTempInfo)));
                spCurrTypeInfo = spTempInfo;
            HREFTYPE BaseClassHREF;
            VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spCurrTypeInfo->GetRefTypeOfImplType (0, &BaseClassHREF)));
            VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spCurrTypeInfo->GetRefTypeInfo (BaseClassHREF, &spBaseType)));
            CComBSTR CurrBaseTypeName;
            VERIFY (SUCCEEDED (spBaseType->GetDocumentation (MEMBERID_NIL, &CurrBaseTypeName, NULL, NULL, NULL)));

            std::cout << " : " << CurrBaseTypeName << "{\n";

            // Process the methods of the current interface.
            FUNCDESC* pCurrFUNCDESC;
            int j = 0;
            while (SUCCEEDED (spCurrTypeInfo->GetFuncDesc (j++, &pCurrFUNCDESC)))
                // Retrieve the return type of the COM method (this does not necessarily have to be
                // an HRESULT).
                std::cout << paTypeNames[pCurrFUNCDESC->elemdescFunc.tdesc.vt] << " ";

                // Ask for the function descriptor for the current function.
                unsigned int cNames;
                BSTR* CurrNames = DEBUG_NEW BSTR[pCurrFUNCDESC->cParams + 1];
                hr = spCurrTypeInfo->GetNames (pCurrFUNCDESC->memid, CurrNames, pCurrFUNCDESC->cParams + 1, &cNames);

                // The first element contains the name of the function.
                std::cout << CurrNames[0] << " (";

                // Process the parameters of the current function.
                for (int k = 0; k < pCurrFUNCDESC->cParams; k++)
                    std::cout << "[";

                    // Determine the type of the parameter (in, out, retval).
                    bool needComma = false;
                    if (pCurrFUNCDESC->lprgelemdescParam[k].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FIN)
                        std::cout << "in";
                        needComma = true;
                    if (pCurrFUNCDESC->lprgelemdescParam[k].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FOUT)
                        if (needComma)
                            std::cout << ", ";
                        std::cout << "out";
                        needComma = true;
                    if (pCurrFUNCDESC->lprgelemdescParam[k].paramdesc.wParamFlags & PARAMFLAG_FRETVAL)
                        if (needComma)
                            std::cout << ", ";
                        std::cout << "retval";

                    std::cout << "] ";
                    std::cout << GetType (pCurrFUNCDESC->lprgelemdescParam[k].tdesc, spCurrTypeInfo);

                    // If we didn't get a name for the parameter, it must be the parameter of a property put
                    // method. In this case we call the parameter simply "RHS"
                    if (k + 1 >= cNames)
                        std::cout << "RHS";
                        std::cout << CurrNames[k + 1];
                delete[] CurrNames;

        // If we have reached this line, all of the above operations must have succeeded.
        return true;

此致 斯图尔特

答案 1 :(得分:0)


