续订Apple Enterprise证书以及对现有配置文件的影响

时间:2012-12-06 01:46:08

标签: ios xcode certificate provisioning

我为多个客户管理iOS Enterprise发行版。我们的情况是,分发证书即将到期,并对证书续签的后果感到好奇。目标是维护应用程序的完整性,而不需要重新安装应用程序。有没有办法续订证书并重新生成配置文件,而不会影响最终用户?



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Distribution provisioning profiles expire 12 months after they’re issued. Two months before expiration, the iOS device begins displaying notifications about the impending expiration. After the expiration date, the app won’t launch.

Before to a provisioning profile expires, use the iOS Development Portal to create a new profile for the app. Create a new app archive (.ipa) with the new provisioning profile, for users who are installing the app for the first time.

For users who already have the app, you may want to time your next released version so that it includes the new provisioning profile. If not, you can distribute just the new .mobileprovision file so users won’t have to install the app again. The new provisioning profile will override the one that’s already in the app archive.

