左边连接的mysql SUM DISTINCT行

时间:2012-12-06 21:56:06

标签: mysql group-by sum distinct date-range

我对SUM的这个查询有一个问题,左边的连接在哪里,另一个在分组 我有2个表sales,它将unixtimestamp存储在saleon字段中,其他内容如roundoff,hash(二进制字段)

另一个名为sale_products的表格,该表格包含该字段sales salehash表格的产品(每个销售可能包含1个以上产品) p>

我将按照storehash& amp; theformat可能按日,月,周,年,也按日期范围过滤


SELECT Sum(sp.quantity)                        AS noqtys,
       Sum(sp.price)                           AS price,
       Sum(sales.roundoff)                     AS roundoff,
       Count(DISTINCT sales.hash)              AS nosales,
       From_unixtime(sales.saleon, '%Y-%m-%d') AS theformat
FROM   sale_products AS sp FORCE INDEX (salehash, storehash)
       LEFT JOIN sales FORCE INDEX FOR JOIN (hash, storehash, saleon, status)
              ON sales.hash = sp.salehash
WHERE  sales.storehash IN ( Unhex(
                            ) )
       AND sales.status != '2'
       AND sales.saleon >= '1352937600'
       AND sales.saleon <= '1353024000'
GROUP  BY sp.storehash,
ORDER  BY sales.saleon ASC;

正如您在上面的查询中所看到的那样,我可以通过执行COUNT(DISTINCT sales.hash)获得销售数量,但类似于SUM(DISTINCT sales.roundoff)的舍入中的SUM不会起作用,因为舍入值可能相同,如果我做SUM(sales.roundoff)我将获得最终的舍入值(行数*最终舍入值),这是错误的。

我看了类似SUM(DISTINCT) Based on Other Columns之类的问题以及更多但是我真的无法让它工作,我在做子查询之前也会三思而后行,特别是因为这些表会有数百万行





+----------------------------------+----------+------------+ | hash | roundoff | theformat | +----------------------------------+----------+------------+ | c9ec832e119f442b9b1157e643c35a0d | 0.00 | 2012-11-03 | | 98c1b20149664e7d92b1053326fe0244 | 0.00 | 2012-11-04 | | c3376632fc924c6fb77cb71ae0f42767 | 0.00 | 2012-11-05 | | d0b28ea95ebc47cda4301b3b62a1552d | -0.11 | 2012-11-06 | | eada664c47d448f4b1c31393cae6726d | 0.05 | 2012-11-12 | | 218a8f3074284f3590343f521bc592a0 | 0.15 | 2012-11-13 | | 1c44131c91004323b688a75158357422 | 0.00 | 2012-11-14 | | ab4d6cfb3f1e469b9601d2f97b38ac5f | 0.05 | 2012-11-15 | | f4958f1eec8c4c07b47a98b576382734 | 0.00 | 2012-11-16 | | e7442dd4fedd43f59c4870142a11b982 | 0.15 | 2012-11-17 | | 6afbfc42f69847ebad3187cb8120d888 | 0.05 | 2012-11-18 | | a33e5715a4dc48a4a1bc4cfc67f79688 | 0.05 | 2012-11-19 | | 5ae7a65f23204739906bb0c38dad504f | 0.00 | 2012-11-20 | | 756c9c542e7d4d55b22cfc9280fd19f5 | 0.15 | 2012-11-21 | | 73993c78ff814252801bbc94402f2ff1 | 0.05 | 2012-11-23 | | c511e8d0f30149f894b9b108ff783af5 | 0.10 | 2012-11-26 | | dd24ec0ae9ec41ff817e3c35d576e84d | 0.05 | 2012-11-27 | | 97df779dd99640dbacaf73e6bad55445 | 0.05 | 2012-11-28 | +----------------------------------+----------+------------+


+----------------------------------+---------+------------+ | salehash | price | theformat | +----------------------------------+---------+------------+ | c9ec832e119f442b9b1157e643c35a0d | 52.76 | 2012-11-03 | | 353045b295384eb690834733ec2ce558 | 19.23 | 2012-11-03 | | 98c1b20149664e7d92b1053326fe0244 | 2232.01 | 2012-11-04 | | 0c1e178f33844f26ac19b5e99392e35b | 1098.90 | 2012-11-04 | | 0be689dca0c74ff5a672e255dc7459b8 | 1711.47 | 2012-11-04 | | 36a6fe2c2b974cf4ba6f0afcec854962 | 1071.42 | 2012-11-04 | | c3376632fc924c6fb77cb71ae0f42767 | 1679.09 | 2012-11-05 | | 98583ae2de65454f84e9275389fb9235 | 371.25 | 2012-11-05 | | e986362f1f9c4271b286c44ea9f1bdc6 | 788.43 | 2012-11-05 | | d0b28ea95ebc47cda4301b3b62a1552d | 172.27 | 2012-11-06 | | 9a4b8f6955924f929fc9a1db3b1ae3e0 | 89.10 | 2012-11-06 | | 41de8af35c314cb09cf351c5e5019b28 | 134.61 | 2012-11-06 | | 4a75c598f457419080bbce8f663c02b0 | 5373.00 | 2012-11-06 | | eada664c47d448f4b1c31393cae6726d | 4.95 | 2012-11-12 | | eace51feb7d247bd9c17bfe031127f94 | 199.00 | 2012-11-13 | | 218a8f3074284f3590343f521bc592a0 | 76.92 | 2012-11-13 | | 218a8f3074284f3590343f521bc592a0 | 19.80 | 2012-11-13 | | 1c44131c91004323b688a75158357422 | 38.46 | 2012-11-14 | | ab4d6cfb3f1e469b9601d2f97b38ac5f | 69.00 | 2012-11-15 | | ab4d6cfb3f1e469b9601d2f97b38ac5f | 19.80 | 2012-11-15 | +----------------------------------+---------+------------+


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