CQRS / Event Sourcing,如何获得一致的数据来应用业务规则?

时间:2012-12-11 10:21:41

标签: domain-driven-design cqrs event-sourcing

有时我正在使用CQRS模式和事件采购开发一个小项目。 我有一个结构性问题,我不知道采取哪种解决方案来解决它。

想象一下以下示例: 发送命令,其中包含银行客户存入一定金额的信息(DepositCommand)。 在命令处理程序/实体/聚合(对讨论来说不重要)中,必须应用业务规则; 如果客户是前10%中的一个,在账户中有更多的钱赢得一些奖金。


  • 我无法使用事件存储,因为无法进行此类查询;
  • 我不确定我是否可以使用读模型,因为不是100% 确定这是最新的。

如果您需要数据库中的数据来应用业务规则,您会怎么做?如果我不注意最新数据,我会遇到各种可能性 给两个不同的客户奖励


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public class Client : Aggregate
    public void Handle(DepositMoney command)
        // What if the account is not known? Has insufficient funds? Is locked? etc...
        // Track the minimum amount of state required to make whatever choice is required.
        var account = State.Accounts[command.AccountId]; 

        // Balance here would reflect a point in time, and should not be directly persisted to the read model;
        // use an atomic update to increment the balance for the read-model in your denormalizer.
        Raise(new MoneyDeposited { Amount = command.Amount, Balance = account.Balance + command.Amount }); 

    public void Handle(ElevateClientStatus command)
        // you are now a VIP... raise event to update state accordingly...

public class TopClientSaga : Saga
    public void Handle(MoneyDeposited e)
        // Increment the total deposits... sagas need to be thread-safe (i.e., locked while state is changing).
        State.TotalDeposits += e.Amount;

        //TODO: Check if client is already a VIP; if yes, nothing needs to happen...

        // Depositing money itself changes the 10% threshold; what happens to clients that are no longer in the top 10%?
        if (e.Balance > State.TotalDeposits * 0.10)
            // you are a top 10% client... publish some command to do whatever needs to be done.
            Publish(new ElevateClientStatus { ClientId = e.ClientId, ... });

    // handle withdrawls, money tranfers etc?