
时间:2009-09-08 12:19:17

标签: visual-studio version assemblyinfo




    Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Updating version numbers")

        Dim strPath As String = System.AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory()
        Dim strAppName As String = ""
        If My.Application.CommandLineArgs.Count > 0 Then
            strPath = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(0)
            strAppName = My.Application.CommandLineArgs(1)
            strPath = "C:\Projects\APP\"
            Console.WriteLine("Error loading settings")
        End If

        Dim strAssemblyInfoFile As String = strPath + "Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs"
        If Not File.Exists(strAssemblyInfoFile) Then
            strAssemblyInfoFile = strPath + "My Project\AssemblyInfo.vb"
        End If
        Console.WriteLine("Loading " + strAssemblyInfoFile)

        Dim strFileContent As String
        strFileContent = ReadFileText(strAssemblyInfoFile)

        Dim AssemblyVersionRegex As New Regex("AssemblyVersion(?:Attribute)?\(\s*?""(?<version>(?<major>[0-9]+)\.(?<minor>[0-9]+)\.(?<build>[0-9]+)\.(?<revision>[0-9]+))""\s*?\)")

        Dim strOldVersion As String = AssemblyVersionRegex.Match(strFileContent).Groups("version").Value
        Dim oldVersion As New Version(strOldVersion)

        Dim newVersion As New Version(oldVersion.Major.ToString + "." + oldVersion.Minor.ToString + "." + oldVersion.MajorRevision.ToString + "." + (oldVersion.MinorRevision + 1).ToString)
        Dim strNewVersion As String = newVersion.ToString()

        Console.WriteLine("Newversion " + strNewVersion)

        'Replace oldversion to newversion
        strFileContent = strFileContent.Replace(strOldVersion, strNewVersion)

        File.WriteAllText(strAssemblyInfoFile, strFileContent)

        Dim strProjectFile As String = strPath + strAppName + ".csproj"
        If Not File.Exists(strProjectFile) Then
            strProjectFile = strPath + strAppName + ".vbproj"
        End If

        Console.WriteLine("Loading " + strProjectFile)

        strFileContent = File.ReadAllText(strProjectFile)

        strFileContent = strFileContent.Replace(strOldVersion, strNewVersion)

        Dim strOld As String = "<ApplicationRevision>" + oldVersion.MinorRevision.ToString() + "</ApplicationRevision>"
        Dim strNew As String = "<ApplicationRevision>" + (oldVersion.MinorRevision + 1).ToString() + "</ApplicationRevision>"

        strFileContent = strFileContent.Replace(strOld, strNew)

        SaveFile(strProjectFile, strFileContent)


    Catch ex As Exception
    End Try
End Sub

Function ReadFileText(ByVal strFilePath As String) As String
    Return File.ReadAllText(strFilePath)
End Function

Sub SaveFile(ByVal strFilePath As String, ByVal strData As String)
    File.WriteAllText(strFilePath, strData)
End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

我通常将程序集版本属性存储在单独的 AssemblyVersion.cs 文件中,并将其放在我的解决方案的根文件夹中。

然后我 link the file to each project

  1. 项目的上下文菜单,然后选择“添加现有项目”
  2. 从根文件夹
  3. 中选择文件
  4. 点击“添加”按钮旁边的下拉菜单,然后选择“添加为链接”
  5. 不幸的是,我没有在MSBuild中找到一种干净的方法来在解决方案编译之前自动生成版本号。 (我相信MSBuild每个项目只有事件,而不是每个解决方案 - 也许其他人知道 更新:请参阅here for solution-wide pre-build events through msbuild

    相反,我使用nant编译解决方案并使用 asminfo 任务生成 AssemblyVersion.cs 文件。