Perl IO :: Socket / IO :: Select - 从“准备读取”套接字读取

时间:2013-01-07 01:38:26

标签: perl sockets select




它使用IO :: Select-> can_read,然后使用$ socket-> getline来检索消息。


这是我的程序的匆匆剥离版本,演示了该错误(我试图删除无关紧要但有些可能仍然存在)。我仍然对是否保留消息边界以及是否" \ n"等问题感到困惑。是否需要,以及用于从套接字读取的方法。我真的不想考虑组装消息片段,而且我希望IO :: Select能让我这么做。


#!/usr/bin/env perl 

use warnings;
use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Basename;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Select;
use IO::File;                    # for CONSTANTS
use Net::hostent;                # for OO version of gethostbyaddr
use File::Spec qw{rel2abs};      # for getting path to this script
use POSIX qw{WNOHANG setsid};    # for daemonizing

use 5.010;

my $program    = basename $0;
my $progpath = File::Spec->rel2abs(__FILE__);
my $progdir  = dirname $progpath;

$| = 1;                          # flush STDOUT buffer regularly

# Set up a child-reaping subroutine for SIGCHLD.  Prevent zombies.
say "setting up sigchld";

$SIG{CHLD} = sub {
    local ( $!, $^E, $@ );
    while ( ( my $kid = waitpid( -1, WNOHANG ) ) > 0 ) {
        say "Reaping child process $kid";

# Open a port for incoming connections
my $listen_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
    Proto     => 'tcp',
    LocalPort => 2000,
    Listen    => SOMAXCONN,
    Reuse     => 1
croak "Can't set up listening socket: $!\n" unless $listen_socket;

my $readers = IO::Select->new($listen_socket)
    or croak "Can't create the IO::Select read object";

say "Forking";

my $manager_pid;
if ( !defined( $manager_pid = fork ) ) {
elsif ( 0 == $manager_pid ) {
    # ------------------ BEGIN CHILD CODE HERE -------------------
    say "Child starting";

    my ($master_addr, $master_port) = split /:/, 'localhost:2000';

    my $master_socket = IO::Socket::INET->new(
        Proto    => "tcp",
        PeerAddr => $master_addr,
        PeerPort => $master_port,
    ) or die "Cannot connect to $master_addr:$master_port";

    say "Child sending HELLO.";


    # Simulate elapsed time spent initializing...
    say "Child sleeping for 1 second, pretending to be initializing ";

    sleep 1;
    # Finished initializing.

    say "Child sending READY.";

    say "Child sleeping indefinitely now.";

    # ------------------- END CHILD CODE HERE --------------------

# Resume parent code

# The following blocks until we get a connect() from the manager

say "Parent blocking on ready readers";

my @ready = $readers->can_read;

my $handle;

for $handle (@ready) {
    if ( $handle eq $listen_socket ) {    #connect request?

        my $manager_socket = $listen_socket->accept();
        say "Parent accepting connection.";

        # The first message from the manager must be his greeting
        my $greeting = $manager_socket->getline;
        chomp $greeting;
        say "Parent received $greeting";

    else {
        say( $$, "This has to be a bug" );

say "Parent will now wait until child sends a READY message.";
say "NOTE: if the bug works, Ill never receive the message!!";

# Wait until all managers have sent a 'READY' message to indicate they've
# finished initializing.

$readers->add($handle); # add the newly-established socket to the child

do {
    @ready = $readers->can_read;
    say "Parent is ignoring a signal." if !@ready;

} until @ready;

# a lot of overkill for demo

for my $socket (@ready) {
    if ( $socket ne $listen_socket ) {
        my $user_input;
        $user_input = $socket->getline;
        my $bytes = length $user_input;
        if ( $bytes > 0 ) {
            chomp $user_input;
            if ( $user_input eq 'READY' ) {
                say "Parent got $user_input!";
            else {
                say( $$, "$program RECVS $user_input??" );
        else {
            say( $$, "$program RECVs zero length message? EOF?" );
    else {
        say( $$, "$program RECVS a connect on the listen socket??" );
} # end for @ready
say "Parent is ready to sleep now.";

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我不知道这是否是您的(唯一)问题,但始终将sysreadselect一起使用。从未使用像getline这样的缓冲IO。 getline加倍是没有意义的,因为它可以阻止尚未收到的数据。


  1. 永远,

    1. 等待套接字准备好阅读。
    2. 对于准备读取的每个插座,

      1. sysread($that_socket, $buffer_for_that_socket, 64*1024,
      2. 如果sysread返回undef,

        1. 处理错误。
      3. 如果sysread返回false,
        1. 处理关闭的插座。
      4. 否则,处理读取数据:

        1. while ($buffer_for_that_socket =~ s/^(.*)\n//) { my $msg = $1; ... }