
时间:2013-01-11 15:49:06

标签: mysql performance explain sql-execution-plan



id  select_type table   type    possible_keys                   key         key_len ref                                 rows    filtered    Extra
1   SIMPLE      a       ALL     NULL                            NULL        NULL    NULL                                49520   100.00  
1   SIMPLE      b       ref     scoreEvent,eventScore           eventScore  4       olympics.a.eventId                  413     100.00      Using where; Using index; Not exists
1   SIMPLE      c       ref     PRIMARY,scoreEvent,eventScore   scoreEvent  8       olympics.a.score,olympics.a.eventId 4       100.00      Using where; Using index; Not exists


id  select_type table       type    possible_keys   key     key_len     ref     rows    filtered    Extra
1   PRIMARY     <derived2>  ALL     NULL            NULL    NULL        NULL    50000   100.00      Using temporary; Using filesort
2   DERIVED     results     ALL     NULL            NULL    NULL        NULL    49520   100.00      Using filesort

在文档中,它说ALL需要全表扫描,这非常糟糕。它还说filesort需要额外的传递来对记录进行排序,它还说Not exists意味着MySQL能够进行LEFT JOIN优化。同样清楚的是,第一种方法是使用索引,而第二种方法则不然。

我正在尝试解决这里发生的事情以及涉及的数学问题。我在测试之间运行RESET QUERY CACHE以确保没有任何不公平的优势。 49520 x 413 x 4比50000 x 49520小很多。


当我测试这些和其他查询时,似乎我的观察结果是查询复杂性可以通过将具有相同id的项相乘并将每个id的结果加在一起来近似...这是一个有效的假设吗? / p>



CREATE TABLE results (
  resultId INT NOT NULL auto_increment KEY, 
  athleteId INT NOT NULL,
  eventId INT NOT NULL,
  score INT NOT NULL,
  CONSTRAINT FOREIGN KEY (athleteId) REFERENCES athletes(athleteId),
  INDEX eventScore (eventId, score),
  INDEX scoreEvent (score, eventId)
) ENGINE=innodb;


SELECT a.resultId, a.eventId, a.athleteId, a.score
FROM results a 

-- Find records with matching eventIds and greater scores
LEFT JOIN results b 
ON b.eventId = a.eventId 
AND b.score > a.score

-- Find records with matching scores and lesser testIds
LEFT JOIN results c
ON c.eventId = a.eventId
AND c.score = a.score
AND c.resultId < a.resultId

-- Filter out all records where there were joins
WHERE c.resultId IS NULL 
AND b.resultId IS NULL;


SELECT resultId, athleteId, eventId, score
  SELECT resultId, athleteId, eventId, score
  FROM results
  ORDER BY eventId, score DESC, resultId
) AS a
GROUP BY eventId;

我还注意到,如果我删除索引eventScore,查询下降到2.531秒并且执行计划没有那么大的改变,但possible_keys的顺序发生了变化而且不是Using index对于表b(忽略行计数的细微变化,我每次更改架构时都会生成数据)...

id  select_type table   type    possible_keys               key         key_len ref                                 rows    filtered    Extra
1   SIMPLE      a       ALL     NULL                        NULL        NULL    NULL                                47457   100.00  
1   SIMPLE      b       ref     eventId,scoreEvent          eventId     4       olympics.a.eventId                  659     100.00      Using where; Not exists
1   SIMPLE      c       ref     PRIMARY,eventId,scoreEvent  scoreEvent  8       olympics.a.score,olympics.a.eventId 5       100.00      Using where; Using index; Not exists

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

事实上,当你看到你不应该成倍增加,但总结这个数字。 在你的情况下比较(49520 x 413 x 4)和(50000 + 49520)。


id select_type  ... rows
1  PRIMARY           1
1  PRIMARY           2
2  DERIVED           3
2  DERIVED           4
3  DERIVED           5
3  DERIVED           6

复杂性为:1 * 2 + 3 * 4 + 5 * 6

答案 1 :(得分:0)


也许更新索引统计信息会给你一个更好的估计(OPTIMIZE TABLE,http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/optimize-table.html