
时间:2013-01-15 01:36:25

标签: scala dependency-injection akka typeclass


主/ SRC /阶/的 mypackage的/ Services.scala

package mypackage
import RemoteFetcherFileSystem._

trait RemoteFetcher {
  def fetch( path:String ): Future[Stream[String]]

class MyRemoteResourceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def fetchRemote( path:String ) = implicitly[RemoteFetcher].fetch( path )
  def receive = {
     case FetchRemoteResource( path ) => fetchRemote( path ).map( _.foreach( sender ! _ ) )


implicit object RemoteFetcherFileSystem extends RemoteFetcher {
   def fetchRemote( path:String ) = Future[Stream[String]] { ... reading from file system ... }


implicit object RemoteFetcherMock extends RemoteFetcher {
   def fetchRemote( path:String ) = Future[Stream[String]] { ... mock implementation ... }


当我环顾四周并阅读类型类依赖注入模式时,我按照教程开始工作,但是当我想在我的例子中进行测试和覆盖时,我不能让它工作。< / p>

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


trait RemoteFetcherComponent {
  def remoteFetcher: RemoteFetcher
  trait RemoteFetcher {
    def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]]

trait RemoteFetcherFileSystemComponent extends RemoteFetcherComponent {
   val remoteFetcher = RemoteFetcherFileSystem
   object RemoteFetcherFileSystem extends RemoteFetcher {
     def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]] = ???

class MyRemoteResourceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging with RemoteFetcherFileSystemComponent {
  def fetchRemote(path: String) = remoteFetcher.fetch(path)
  def receive = {
     case FetchRemoteResource(path) => fetchRemote(path).map( _.foreach(sender ! _))

val myRemoteResourceActor = new MyRemoteResourceActor()


trait RemoteFetcherMockComponent extends RemoteFetcherComponent {
  def remoteFetcher = RemoteFetcherMock
  object RemoteFetcherMock extends RemoteFetcher {
    def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]] = ???

val myMockedResourceActor = new MyRemoteResourceActor with RemoteFetcherMockComponent {
  override val remoteFetcher = super[RemoteFetcherMockComponent].remoteFetcher

您遇到隐含问题的原因是因为您使用它的方式与仅使用def fetchRemote(path: String) = RemoteFetcherFileSystem.fetch(path)没有区别。通过导入,您已经定义了实现,而不是允许稍后注入。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


trait RemoteFetcher {
  def fetch(path: String): Future[Stream[String]]

object RemoteFetcher {
   implicit val fetcher = RemoteFetcherFileSystem

class MyRemoteResourceActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  def fetchRemote(path: String)(implicit remoteFetcher: RemoteFetcher) = remoteFetcher.fetch(path)
  def receive = {
     case FetchRemoteResource(path) => fetchRemote(path).map( _.foreach(sender ! _))


有关隐式参数解析优先级规则的详细信息,请参阅this post