
时间:2013-01-16 03:20:37

标签: string char cstring getline

我必须每隔一段时间用c ++编写一次。我的问题是如何在字符串中找到字符串?然后保存该行,然后在该行中查找一组数字。例如,我有一个看起来像这样的文本文件。

地址长度名称 87623498 2只狗 12345678 4只猫 98737289 1只鸟

我想搜索“cat”,然后将与之关联的数字(12345678)和(4)存储到不同的变量名称中。这是我写的一些代码,但它并不接近正确。我有一个调用此DLL的.exe。任何帮助表示赞赏! `     #包括     #包括     #包括     #包括     #include

char* File_Path;  //Path is sent by another program
char* Name;   //value is being sent by another program
unsigned long Address;
int Length;
int found = 0;
   using namespace std;
   std::string Line;
   std::ifstream infile;
   infile.open (File_Path);
   if (infile.is_open())
       std::ofstream outfile;
       outfile.open ("C:\\debug\\test.txt")
       while (infile.good()  && found == 0)
           //if (Name is within Line){
           /*I want to say IF char* Name = a part of the string line 
           ie.  Name = cat and the string Line is (12345678 4 cat)
           Then store the number (12345678 = Address), and 
           (4 = Length)  I hope that makes sense :/
                outfile << Line;                 //output the stored line for debug
                outfile << address;              //output the stored address for debug
                outfile << length;               //output the stored length for debug
                found = 1;


return 0;

` 请帮忙!谢谢!

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