
时间:2013-01-23 13:27:25

标签: php hash login passwords


  Secure hash and salt for PHP passwords

我正在为我的网站开发一个PHP脚本,它自己的网站正在运行。我遇到的问题是网站上的注册是用于纯文本密码。显然这是非常弱的安全性。我希望有人可以帮助我转换它,以便我可以使用哈希密码。 我已经包含了我认为重要的部分注册码。我没有在页面上包含所有代码,因为我认为它不相关,但如果有人认为它会有所帮助,我会提供。

require 'include.inc';
if ($signup) {

if ($signup[repassword] != $signup[password]) {
    $err_msg = "Your passwords do not match.";

if(!preg_match("^[_\.0-9a-z-]+$/i^", $str)) {
$msg = 'Invalid Username! Usernames can consist of letters and numbers only';
if(!preg_match("^[_\.0-9a-z-]+$^",$signup[password])) {
   $err_msg = "Invalid Password!  Passwords can consist of letters and numbers   only.";
  if(!$signup[password] || !$signup[username] || !$signup[email] || !$signup[username])
        $err_msg = "Oops! You forgot some important fields!";

  if (!$err_msg) {
$usercheck = @mysql_query("INSERT INTO user values(
    '$signup[username]','$signup[password]','$signup[email]', 1, ".$pointInc.",     '$signup[referral]', NOW(), 'n', 'y')");

      // done, you are entered correctly, Now Enter the points and URL info

        $sql = "Select id from user where username='$signup[username]'";

    $result = mysql_query( $sql );
        if ( $result != false )
        while ( $data = mysql_fetch_assoc( $result ) )
            $point_set = $data['id'];

        } else {
            echo mysql_error();
    // add rerral points

if ($signup[referral])  {
  $referralSql="UPDATE points SET points=points+ ".$refPoints . " WHERE     userid=".$signup[referral];
  $result = mysql_query( $referralSql );
                if ( $result != false )
                } else {
                    echo mysql_error();

// add URL  

$sql="INSERT INTO url_table ( userid, website, active, datechanged) VALUES ($point_set,'".$signup[site_url]."','n', '".date("Ymd")."')";

  $result = mysql_query( $sql );
                if ( $result != false )
                } else {
                    echo mysql_error();
// add points
    $sql="INSERT INTO points (userid, username, points) VALUES ($point_set,'     ',$signPoints)";
  $result = mysql_query( $sql );
                if ( $result != false )
                } else {
                    echo mysql_error();
     echo mysql_errno().": ".mysql_error()."<br>";

            if (!$usercheck) {
       $err_msg = "Database error:<br>There was an error entering your account.<br>It is possible that username or Email already exists, please try another one.<br>";
         }   else {
            include ("reg.php"); 
     if (!$err_msg) {
        // done, you are entered correctly

   pageHeader($title, $bgColor, $styleSheet);

5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



$query = $pdoObject->prepare('INSERT INTO users (UserName, Password) VALUES (:u, :p)');
$query->bindParam(':u', $_POST['username']);
$query->bindParam(':p', hash($_POST['password']));
// Note that we don't store the password, we store the hash of the password. Once this script is done executing, no one involved in the website (except for the original user) will know that the password is


$query = $pdoObject->prepare('SELECT * FROM users WHERE UserName = :u AND Password = :p');
$query->bindParam(':u', $_POST['username']);
$query->bindParam(':p', hash($_POST['password']));
// We locate the original user by searching for the hash of the password that they typed in


  1. 许多教程建议使用SHA1的MD5作为散列函数。但是, these are not secure 。检查PHP hash library(尤其是hash()函数)是否有可用的散列算法。
  2. 您还应该考虑使用salted passwords。对于每个注册用户,创建一个随机字符串( salt ),将此字符串与用户密码连接起来,然后对密码和盐进行哈希处理(盐也需要保存,因为您需要再次使用它验证用户)。
  3. 您可以使用PDO来提高SQL的安全性。这可以保护您免受SQL Injection的攻击。如果您不这样做,那么用户可以通过输入撇号(')等字符来搞乱您的网站。

答案 1 :(得分:0)


$password = '12345';
$password = md5($password);


$post['password'] = md5($post['password']);

并检查是否等于数据库中保存的哈希值。 我知道md5不是最好的哈希,但很简单并具有良好的安全性

答案 2 :(得分:0)


答案 3 :(得分:-1)


同时查找uniqid http://php.net/manual/en/function.uniqid.php

在数据库中以纯文本格式存储密码始终是一种不好的做法。检查另一个问题: What are the best practices to encrypt passwords stored in MySql using PhP?

答案 4 :(得分:-1)
