
时间:2013-01-23 21:52:02

标签: php strtotime



这是我编写的PHP的第一部分,我想知道是否有更好的方法来实现它?服务器正在运行PHP 5.3


$d = strtotime('today');
$t = strtotime('first friday of this month');

if ($d > $t) {
  $ff = strtotime('first friday of next month');
  $ffn = date('M j', $ff);
  echo 'Friday, '.$ffn.' at 7pm';
} elseif ($d == $t) {
  echo 'Tonight at 7pm';
} else {
  $ff = strtotime('first friday of this month');
  $fft = date('M j', $ff);
  echo 'Friday, '.$fft.' at 7pm';

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

Confirmed working

$today  = new DateTime();
$this_months_friday = new DateTime('first friday of this month');
$next_months_friday = new DateTime('first friday of next month');
echo ($today < $this_months_friday) ? $this_months_friday->format('M j') : $next_months_friday->format('M j');