使用VBA设置所有数据透视字段Visible = False?

时间:2013-01-24 14:45:34

标签: vb.net excel-vba vba excel

我正在尝试设置数据透视表字段visible = false中的所有项目。例如,我在每个国家有5个部门,分别是DivA,DivB,DivC,DivD和DivE。现在有时在我的源数据中,我有比上面提到的分区更多或更少,所以我想在枢轴场“分区”下关闭所有的otions,然后如果它们在那里可以看到所有上面提到的分区(有时候可能有3,4个或全部5个部门。

我在网上发现了一个代码并尝试合并它,但它一直给我设置“False = False”的错误。



Sub test()
' test Macro

   With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable3").PivotFields("Division")

    Dim Table As PivotTable
    Dim FoundCell As Object
    Dim All As Range
    Dim PvI As PivotItem

    Set All = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A7:AZ10000")
    Set Table = Worksheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable3")
    For Each PvI In Table.PivotFields("Division").PivotItems
        Set FoundCell = All.Find(PvI.Name)
        If FoundCell <> "itemname" Then
            PvI.Visible = False
        End If

        .PivotItems("DivA").Visible = True
        .PivotItems("DivB").Visible = True
        .PivotItems("DivC").Visible = True
        .PivotItems("DivD").Visible = True
        .PivotItems("DivE").Visible = True

    End With
End Sub

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

这是你在尝试什么? (的 UNTESTED

Sub test()
    Dim table As PivotTable
    Dim PvI As PivotItem

    Set table = Worksheets("Sheet1").PivotTables("PivotTable3")

    With table.PivotFields("Division")
        For Each PvI In .PivotItems
            Select Case PvI.Name
            Case "DivA", "DivB", "DivC", "DivD", "DivE"
                PvI.Visible = True
            Case Else
                PvI.Visible = False
            End Select
    End With
End Sub

答案 1 :(得分:0)


Sub Pivot_Test()

Dim Dt As String
Dt = Range("C1")

Dim PMth1 As String
Dim PMth2 As String
Dim PMth3 As String
Dim PMth4 As String
Dim PMth5 As String
Dim PMth6 As String
Dim PMth7 As String
Dim PMth8 As String
Dim PMth9 As String
Dim PMth10 As String
Dim PMth11 As String
Dim PMth12 As String

PMth1 = Range("J1")
PMth2 = Range("J2")
PMth3 = Range("J3")
PMth4 = Range("J4")
PMth5 = Range("J5")
PMth6 = Range("J6")
PMth7 = Range("J7")
PMth8 = Range("J8")
PMth9 = Range("J9")
PMth10 = Range("J10")
PMth11 = Range("J11")
PMth12 = Range("J12")


Dim pt1 As PivotTable
Dim pt2 As PivotTable
Dim PI1 As PivotItem
Dim PI2 As PivotItem

Set pt1 = Worksheets("MANCO").PivotTables("Resolution")

With pt1.PivotFields("Month")
    For Each PI1 In .PivotItems
        Select Case PvI.Name
        Case PMth1, PMth2, PMth3, PMth4, PMth5, PMth6, PMth7, PMth8, PMth9, PMth10, PMth11, PMth12
            PI1.Visible = True
        Case Else
            PI1.Visible = False
        End Select
End With

Set pt2 = Worksheets("MANCO").PivotTables("Complaints")

With pt2.PivotFields("Month")
    For Each PI2 In .PivotItems
        Select Case PI2.Name
        Case PMth1, PMth2, PMth3, PMth4, PMth5, PMth6, PMth7, PMth8, PMth9, PMth10, PMth11, PMth12
            PI2.Visible = True
        Case Else
            PI2.Visible = False
        End Select
End With

End Sub