将<dl>标记放在我的<p>标记中?</p> </dl>

时间:2013-02-05 10:23:44

标签: xhtml tags


"Definition lists are lists of terms and their definitions. They are a little different than ordered and unordered lists in that the items are listed in pairs. The dl and dl surround the list. The name of the term appears between dt and dt, and the definition is between dd and dd."


"Definition lists are lists of terms and their definitions. They are a little different than ordered and unordered lists in that the items are listed in pairs. The <dl> and </dl> surround the list. The name of the term appears between<dt> and </dt>, and the definition is between <dd> and </dd>."

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另请参阅this article,“何时使用转义”部分。

答案 1 :(得分:1)


“定义列表是术语及其定义的列表。它们与有序和无序列表略有不同,因为项目是成对列出的。&lt; dl&gt;和&lt; dl&gt;围绕列表。该术语的名称出现在&lt; dt&gt;和&lt; dt&gt;之间,定义介于&lt; dd&gt;和&lt; dd&gt;之间。“