
时间:2013-02-10 08:52:57

标签: c# generics nullable overload-resolution as-keyword

这是纯粹的好奇心/挑战,根本没有实际意义。 所以我不是在寻找可以完成工作的替代解决方案。

从这个问题Most efficient way to check for DBNull and then assign to a variable?我发现this answer看起来像是:

oSomeObject.IntMemeber = oRow["Value"] as int? ?? iDefault;
oSomeObject.StringMember = oRow["Name"] as string ?? sDefault;


oSomeObject.IntMemeber = oRow.Read<int?>("Value", 0); //iDefault is now 0
oSomeObject.IntMemeber = oRow.Read<int>("Value"); //iDefault is now default(int)

oSomeObject.StringMember = oRow.Read<string>("Name"); //sDefault is now default(string)


1)我需要一个选项来指定DBNull s的默认值。如果我没有指定默认值,我还需要一个返回default(T)的选项。所以这不会起作用:

public static T Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, T defaultValue) where T : class
    return dr[field] as T ?? defaultValue;

public static T? Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, T? defaultValue) where T : struct
    return dr[field] as T? ?? defaultValue;

因为我无法拨打oSomeObject.StringMemeber = oRow.Read<string>("Name")


public static T Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field) where T : class
    return dr[field] as T ?? default(T);

public static T? Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field) where T : struct
    return dr[field] as T? ?? default(T?);

public static T Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, T defaultValue) where T : class
    return dr[field] as T ?? defaultValue;

public static T? Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, T? defaultValue) where T : struct
    return dr[field] as T? ?? defaultValue;





  1. C# generic class using reference types and nullable value types

  2. Is creating a C# generic method that accepts (nullable) value type and reference type possible?

  3. Can a Generic Method handle both Reference and Nullable Value types?

  4. 但这对as关键字非常具体。所以答案不适用。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



public static T Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, 
                        T defaultValue = null) where T : class
    return dr[field] as T ?? defaultValue;

public static T? ReadNullable<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, 
                                 T? defaultValue = null) where T : struct
    return dr[field] as T? ?? defaultValue;

这样,当您希望在无法转换值时结果为null时,可以使用dr.ReadNullable(field);如果要指定默认值,则可以使用dr.ReadNullable(field, someValue)


答案 1 :(得分:0)

似乎没有一种方法。 JLRishe的答案很好。它依赖于重命名重载。这是不重命名函数的东西,但是在调用的容易性上有所妥协(即一个可选参数少)

static T Read<T>(this object obj, T defaultValue) where T : class
    return obj as T ?? defaultValue;

static T? Read<T>(this object obj, T? defaultValue) where T : struct
    return obj as T? ?? defaultValue;

public static T Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, 
                        T defaultValue) where T : class //no optional parameter here :(
    return dr[index].Read<T>(defaultValue);

public static T? Read<T>(this IDataRecord dr, string field, T? defaultValue = null) 
                        where T : struct
    return dr[index].Read<T>(defaultValue);


Session s = new Session();
s.Id = r.Read("", (byte[])null);
s.UserId = (int)r.Read<int>("");
s.LoginTime = (DateTime)r.Read<DateTime>("");
s.LogoutTime = r.Read("", default(DateTime?));
s.MachineFingerprint = r.Read("", (string)null);


答案 2 :(得分:0)

想法是使用is而不是as。 下面的方法可以解决问题:

    public static T Read<T>(this IDictionary<string, object> dr, string field, T defaultValue)
        var v = dr[field];
        return v is T ? (T)v : defaultValue;

    public static T Read<T>(this IDictionary<string, object> dr, string field)
        var v = dr[field];
        return v is T ? (T)v : default(T);


    Dictionary<string, object> d = new Dictionary<string, object>();

    d["s"] = "string";
    d["i"] = 5;
    d["db.null"] = DBNull.Value;

    Console.WriteLine(d.Read("i", 7));                        // 5
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read("s", "default string"));         // string
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read("db.null", "default string"));   // default string
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read("db.null", -1));                 // -1
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read<int>("i"));                      // 5
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read<string>("s"));                   // string
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read<int>("db.null"));                // 0
    Console.WriteLine(d.Read<string>("db.null") ?? "null");   // null
