
时间:2013-02-11 21:35:52

标签: python variables loops generator

我有这两个功能一起工作。第一个生成下一个素数。第二个将素数附加到素数列表中。当我基本上说i = next(n)= nextPrime(primeList)时,我觉得我在第二个函数中过度使用变量。有没有更好的方法来写这个?

def nextPrime(primeList):
    checkNum = 3
    while True:
        for i in primeList:
            if checkNum % i == 0:
            if i > math.sqrt(checkNum):
                yield checkNum
        checkNum += 2

def primeNumbers(limit):
    primeList = [2]
    i = 0
    n = nextPrime(primeList)
    while i <= limit:
        i = next(n)
    return primeList

primeList = primeNumbers(200000)

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


def primeNumbers(limit):
    primeList = [2]
    for i in nextPrime(primeList):
        if i > limit:
    return primeList

答案 1 :(得分:2)


import itertools

def primeNumbers(limit):
    primes = nextPrime((2,))

    # Limit to `limit`.
    primes = itertools.takewhile(lambda i: i <= limit, primes)

    # Return a list.
    return list(primes)

答案 2 :(得分:1)

这不使用两个函数来做,但这里是使用Sieve of Eratosthenes生成素数到'n'的一般(我相信最快)方法:

def prevPrimes(n):
    """Generates a list of primes up to 'n'"""
    from numbers import Integral as types #'Integral' is a class of integers/long-numbers
    if not isinstance(n, types): raise TypeError("n must be int, not " + str(type(n)))
    if n < 2: raise ValueError("n must greater than 2")
    primes_dict = {i : True for i in range(2, n + 1)} # initializes the dictionary
    for i in primes_dict:
        if primes_dict[i]: #avoids going through multiples of numbers already declared False
            num = 2
            while (num * i <= n): #sets all multiples of i (up to n) as False
                primes_dict[num*i] = False
                num += 1
    return [num for num in primes_dict if primes_dict[num]]

正如Jack J所指出的那样,避免使用所有偶数使得代码更快。

def primes(n):
    """Generates a list of primes up to 'n'"""
    primes_dict = {i : True for i in range(3, n + 1, 2)} # this does not
    for i in primes_dict:
        if primes_dict[i]:
            num = 3
            while (num * i <= n):
                primes_dict[num*i] = False
                num += 2
    primes_dict[2] = True
    return [num for num in primes_dict if primes_dict[num]]


from timeit import timeit
def test1():
    return primes(1000)

print 'Without Evens: ', timeit(test1, number=1000)
print 'With Evens: ', timeit(stmt='prevPrimes(1000)', setup='from nums import prevPrimes', number=1000)


Without Evens:  1.22693896972
With Evens:  3.01304618635