流畅的NHibernate - 将一对多关系映射到不同的类/实体层次结构

时间:2013-02-22 10:04:13

标签: nhibernate-mapping fluent-nhibernate-mapping


Class 1 -> Mapped to Table 1 (The one- side of the one-to-many relationship)
   --- Intermediary class that has additional methods on and has a List of Class 2
       ---- Class 2 -> Mapped to Table 2 (The -many side of the relationship)


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class Class1Map : ClassMap<Class1>
    public Class1Map()
        Id(x => x.Id);
        Component(c =>
            c.Map(x => x.Foo);
            c.HasMany(x => x.Classes2);