
时间:2013-03-01 08:44:19

标签: c# winapi shell-extensions

我正在使用SSLWare的EZShellExtensions.Net v2011,它们支持属性处理程序,但代码不能像我希望的那样工作。

我想为 docx xlsx 文件扩展名的属性处理程序添加几个新属性,但我的代码会删除所有默认属性。

有没有办法用EZShellExtensions添加其他属性?或者我必须使用C ++?


[TargetExtension(".docx", true)]
[TargetExtension(".xlsx", true)]
[TargetExtension(".xlsm", true)] 
public class PropertyHandler4 : PropertyHandler

    public PropertyHandler4()

    protected override Property[] GetProperties()
        // TODO : Write your code here.
        // Defines two properties for a file 

        UserDefinedProperty prop = new UserDefinedProperty("MyProperty1");
        prop.Description = "My Property1";
        prop.LabelText = "My Property1";

        UserDefinedProperty prop1 = new UserDefinedProperty("MyProperty2");
        prop1.Description = "My Property2";
        prop1.LabelText = "My Property2";

        return new Property[] { prop, prop1 };

    // Override this method to retrieve the value of the specified property.
    protected override object GetPropertyValue(Property property)
        return "WUZZAP!";

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