html + js淡出淡出文本注释

时间:2013-03-06 13:28:49

标签: jquery html comments fade

我有这个代码,它运行得很好,唯一的问题是在最后一个引用被使用之后,它将在从开头再次开始之前显示一个空div几秒钟。所以,我的问题是如何在使用最后一个之后跳回到第一个引用。谢谢。 (您可以在mapsbyphil dot com中查看它。)

<div id="container">
 <p><b>"The early days of GIS were very lonely. No-one knew what it meant."</b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Roger Tomlinson</a>, Father of GIS</p>
 <p><b>“GIS is a form of digital mapping technology.  Kind of like Google Earth, but better.”</b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Arnold Schwarzenegger</a>, Conference on California's Future 2008</p>
 <p><b>“I am told there are people who do not care for maps, and I find it hard to believe.”</b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Robert Louis Stevenson</a></p>
 <p><b>“Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.”</b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Tobler's First Law of Geography</a></p>
 <p><b>"It is not down in any map; true places never are."</b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Herman Melville</a></p>
 <p><b>"They were maps that lived, maps that one could study, frown over, and add to; maps, in short, that really meant something.” </b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Gerald Durrell</a></p>
 <p><b>“I get to go to overseas places, like Canada.” </b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Britney Spears</a></p>
 <p><b>“I like geography. I like to know where places are.” </b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Tom Felton</a></p>
 <p><b>"I have no idea where Italy is on the map, but I do know what shape it is, and its like a boot." </b><br><a href=""  target="_blank">Snooki</a></p>
<script type="text/javascript">
function InOut(elem)
        if( > 0) 
          { InOut(; }
          { InOut(elem.siblings(':first')); }


$('#container div').hide();
InOut($('#container div:first'));

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我认为你实际上是在尝试展示<script>,因为它是最后一个兄弟姐妹。您可能希望将<script>放在<div id="container">之外。

或者您可以将选择器'div'传递给next() function