
时间:2013-03-08 17:56:43

标签: jquery html hover fadein hoverintent


为了简单起见,我将名称为“top”的顶行用相关的div“top-reveal”和底部的名称“bottom”和“bottom-reveal”。 (参见jsfiddle链接。)


我首先尝试使用直接的CSS div:first-child,但我无法控制用户“意图”。


var timeHover = 700;

    over: topRevealer,
    timeout: timeHover,
    out: topHider
    over: bottomRevealer,
    timeout: timeHover,
    out: bottomHider

function topRevealer() {
    setTimeout(function () {
        $('#bottom-reveal').hide(), $('#top-reveal').fadeIn();
    }, timeHover);

function bottomRevealer() {
    setTimeout(function () {
        $('#top-reveal').hide(), $('#bottom-reveal').fadeIn();
    }, timeHover);

function topHider() {

function bottomHider() {

我正在使用hoverIntent因为我无法弄清楚如何使用.hover()执行超时。它有效,除了显示div淡出然后再进入。我知道这是因为当鼠标从“顶部”移动到“顶部显示”然后在它进入“TopRevealer”后调用“TopRevealer”时它会调用“TopHider” “Top-Reveal”div但我不希望它进出。我还注意到它可以创建一个淡入淡出的队列,我不知道如何创建各种错误捕获器。





1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您已在使用超时,则可以有选择地存储和清除超时ID以创建此效果。以下解决方案不使用hoverIntent jQuery插件。

<强> HTML

<div id="hover-area">
    <div id="one" class="hoverable">One</div>
    <div id="two" class="hoverable">Two</div>
    <div id="three" class="hoverable">Three</div>
    <div id="four" class="hoverable">Four</div>
    <div id="one-reveal" class="revealable">One Reveal</div>
    <div id="two-reveal" class="revealable">Two Reveal</div>
    <div id="three-reveal" class="revealable">Three Reveal</div>
    <div id="four-reveal" class="revealable">Four Reveal</div>

<强> JS

var timeHover = 700;

// Setup reveal and hide on hoverable items
    'mouseenter': function() {
        // Get the hoverable ID
        var hoverableId = $(this).attr('id');
        // Generate the associated revealable ID
        var revealableId = hoverableId + '-reveal';
        // Show the associated revealable item (after timeout)
        showRevealable('#' + revealableId);
    'mouseleave': function() {
        // Get the hoverable ID
        var hoverableId = $(this).attr('id');
        // Generate the associated revealable ID
        var revealableId = hoverableId + '-reveal';
        // Hide the associated revealable item (after timeout)
        hideRevealable('#' + revealableId);

// Set up to maintain visibility and hide for the revealable items
    'mouseenter': function() {
        // Clear the timeout for this revealable item
    'mouseleave': function() {
        // Hide the revealable item (after timeout)

// Clears the timeout for the given revealable container
function clearRevealableTimeout(revealable) {
    // Get the associated timeout ID from the data attribute
    var timeout = $(revealable).data('timeout');
    // Clear the associated timeout

// Shows the given revealable item (after a delay)
function showRevealable(revealable) {
    // Set a new timeout for the show and get the associated ID
    var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
        // Hide any existing revealables that are not this one
    }, timeHover);
    // Store the timeout ID in the data attribute
    $(revealable).data('timeout', timeout);

// Hides the given revealable item (after a delay)
function hideRevealable(revealable) {
    // Clear the timeout to prevent any pending behavior
    // Set a new timeout for the hide and get the associated ID
    var timeout = setTimeout(function () {
    }, timeHover);
    // Store the timeout ID in the data attribute
    $(revealable).data('timeout', timeout);

<强> DEMO