使用IIS express& Azure进行Azure调试VS2010将不再起作用

时间:2013-03-17 15:45:13

标签: visual-studio-2010 azure iis-express

我有一个使用IIS Express作为本地开发服务器的项目,但是当使用CTRL + F5启动项目时,IIS express将不再启动。我在任务栏上看不到IIS Express图标。如果我在没有调试的情况下启动,项目将启动没有问题,我可以看到任务栏上的图标。

来自%UserProfile%\ AppData \ Local \ dftmp \ IISConfiguratorLogs \ IISConfigurator.log文件我看到它是某种超时错误:

IISConfigurator Information: 0 : [00007792:00000005, 2012/08/15 20:13:59.67] IIS Express failed to start app pool 'xxxx' within the expected timeout


There was an error attaching the debugger for the IIS worker process for URL 'xxxx' for role instance 'xxxx'. Unable to start debugging on the web server. See help for common configuration errors. Running the web page outside of the debugger may provide further information.


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