为什么当...... = [.data.table时,trace(...,edit = TRUE)不起作用

时间:2013-04-10 16:47:51

标签: r data.table tracing

要临时编辑已打包函数func的正文,我经常使用trace(func, edit=TRUE)。出于某种原因,当func[.data.table时,R不允许我这样做:

## Note: In this and the other cases below, once an editor pops up, I save and 
## and then exit without making any edits to the function. The commented-out
## message below each call to trace() is what is then printed to my R console.

trace("[.data.table", where=data.table, edit=TRUE)
# Error in .makeTracedFunction(def, tracer, exit, at, print, doEdit) : 
#   the editing in trace() can only change the body of the function, not 
#   the arguments or defaults


FWIW,这似乎不是 data.table 命名空间中的函数的一般问题(参见下面的#1),也不是子集方法的问题一般(见下文#2)。

## (#1)     
trace("within.data.table", where=data.table, edit=TRUE)
# Tracing function "within.data.table" as seen from package "data.table"
# [1] "within.data.table"

## (#2)
trace("[.Date", edit=TRUE)
# Tracing function "[.Date" in package "base"
# [1] "[.Date"

我在Windows XP计算机上运行R-3.0.0data.table_1.8.8,无论是使用set options(editor="emacs")options(editor="notepad")还是使用R GUI的默认编辑器,都会出现相同的错误

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)


首先,MRE显示大括号确实导致trace(..., edit=TRUE)窒息:

## Without braces, no problem
func <- function(inColor=FALSE, col = if(inColor) "red" else "grey") { 
    plot(rnorm(99), col=col)}

trace(func, edit=TRUE)
# [1] "func"

## With braces, tracing fails
funcB <- function(inColor=FALSE, col = if(inColor) "red" else {"grey"}) { 
    plot(rnorm(99), col=col)}

trace(funcB, edit=TRUE)
# Error in .makeTracedFunction(def, tracer, exit, at, print, doEdit) : 
#   the editing in trace() can only change the body of the function, not 
#   the arguments or defaults


## Version 1.8.6 -- Tracing worked
function (x, i, j, by, keyby, with=TRUE, nomatch=getOption("datatable.nomatch"), 
    mult="all", roll=FALSE, rolltolast=FALSE, 
    which=FALSE, .SDcols, verbose=getOption("datatable.verbose"), drop=NULL)

## Version 1.8.8 -- Tracing doesn't (See {} in the 'rollends' argument)
function (x, i, j, by, keyby, with=TRUE, nomatch=getOption("datatable.nomatch"), 
    mult = "all", roll = FALSE, 
    rollends = if (roll == "nearest") c(TRUE, 
        TRUE) else {
        if (roll >= 0) 
            c(FALSE, TRUE)
        else c(TRUE, FALSE)
    which = FALSE, .SDcols, verbose = getOption("datatable.verbose"), 
    allow.cartesian = getOption("datatable.allow.cartesian"), 
    drop = NULL, rolltolast = FALSE) 