
时间:2013-04-16 08:41:32

标签: javascript jquery design-patterns architecture aura.js

Nicholas ZakasAddy Osmani的这些会谈中,他们讨论了在构建大规模Javascript应用程序时使用Facade模式作为沙箱的想法,以便将应用程序与底层基础库分离。 / p>




举个例子,假设我的facade / sandbox有一个dom方法.find(selector)。我可以想到它可能会返回的3个选项:

  1. 一个jQuery对象 - 这会将jQuery泄漏到消费模块中。

  2. 原始dom元素 - 功能丧失,没有人真正想要使用它!没有链接。

  3. 一个类似jQuery的自定义包装器 - 可能非常复杂,但似乎是理想的解决方案。

  4. 所以我的问题是,你如何在不丢失太多功能的情况下抽象像jQuery这样的库,这样可以在未来的某个时候用最小的努力来替换它?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


异步模块定义 http://addyosmani.com/writing-modular-js/

答案 1 :(得分:0)


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Module play</title>

// myCore provides all functionality required by modules
// Could use a library in here
var myCore = {

  getContainer: function() {
    // code in here to find a suitable container in which to put widgets
    // This is where different client capabilities will be tested to ensure the
    // widget behaves in it's user agent context - desktop, phone, tablet, pad, etc.

    // very simple shortcut
    return {
            element: document.body,

            // This function could use a general purpose library
            add: function(widget) {


  // This function could use a general purpose library
  getNewWidget: function() {
    var element = document.createElement('div');

    return {

      getElement: function() {
        return element;

      display: function(text) { 

        // Tightly couple to itself or not? 
        this.getElement().innerHTML = '<em>' + text + '</em>';

        // or
        element.innerHTML = '<em>' + text + '</em>';

// Missing sandbox layer...

// Add a module - only uses myCore API (access should be controlled by
// the sandbox), does not deal with underlying library or host objects
(function() {

  // Get a container to add a widget too
  var container = myCore.getContainer();

  // Create a widget
  var widget = myCore.getNewWidget();

  // Add the widget to the container

  // Give something to the widget to display
  widget.display('Hello World');




(function() {
    var container, widget;

    if (!myCore) return;

    if (myCore.getContainer) { // Some would include an isCallable test too

      container = myCore.getContainer();

    // getWidget could be a method of container instead so that
    // everything you need is either a method or property of container
    // or widget
    if (myCore.getWidget) {
      widget = myCore.getWidget();


