
时间:2013-04-22 01:08:56

标签: java class inner-classes


    public class Packet {

    protected int offset = 0;
    public int type;

    public Packet() {
        // This is the backward out-constructor. Every sub class must call its superior classes .new () to live!
        offset++; // For type

    int[] compile(int[] outBuffer) {
        // This is the top-down compilation routine. Every sub class should call its superior compile() in a similar manner, as recursion is only possible this way!
        int dOffset = offset;
        outBuffer[--offset] = this.type;
        int[] result = outBuffer;
        offset = dOffset;
        return result;

    public class Command {

        public int opCode;
        public int length;

        public Command() {
            // OpCode and length are set by sub-classes!
            type = 0x01;
            offset += 3;
            length = 0; // Init only

        int[] compile(int[] outBuffer) {
            int dOffset = offset;
            offset -= 3;
            outBuffer[offset] = opCode & 0xFF;
            outBuffer[offset + 1] = (opCode >>> 8) & 0xFF;
            outBuffer[offset + 2] = length;
            int[] result = Packet.this.compile(outBuffer);
            offset = dOffset;
            return result;

        public class HWCommand {
            // And so on... 8 more nesting levels in my project


    public Packet(int[] data) {
        // This is the forward in-constructor.
        if (data.length > 0) {
            type = data[offset++];

    public class Event {
        // ...




现在,当我只有Packet.Command.HWCommand的实例时,我想要的是一种访问例如Packet.Command的OpCode变量的方法。 ...... .SubClass sp; - 所以我可以拥有一个带有操作码和命令的关联HashMap,只需抓住未通过成功消息确认的那些并重新发送它们。


  1. 实施getter和setter(对我来说似乎不是一个好主意)
  2. 保持对实例化SubClass的Packet.Command的引用(可以正常工作,但需要更改10k +代码行,因为那些发送例程正在大量使用)
  3. 泄漏这个$ 0参考。通过getter(例如创建一个parent()函数)
  4. 保存最后发送的数据包的原始数据,将其重新分析为该大规模协议数据结构,然后重新发送(似乎...... 有点对我来说很奇怪)
  5. 其中哪一种是最好的方法,还是有更好的方法我不知道?

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