
时间:2013-04-28 17:23:06

标签: java web-services rest fuse

我正在尝试开发一些东西,出于学习目的,允许我将任何类型的网络资源(所以HTTP / FTP目录和类似的东西)安装为本地文件夹。

我在这个库中使用FUSE + JAVA:https://github.com/EtiennePerot/fuse-jna



 _______________                ____________             __________
|               |              |            |           |          |
|remote resource|<--HTTP/FTP-->|fuse machine|<--SAMBA-->|desktop pc|
|_______________|              |____________|           |__________| 


package net.fusejna.examples;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import net.fusejna.DirectoryFiller;
import net.fusejna.ErrorCodes;
import net.fusejna.StructFuseFileInfo.FileInfoWrapper;
import net.fusejna.StructStat.StatWrapper;
import net.fusejna.types.TypeMode.ModeWrapper;
import net.fusejna.types.TypeMode.NodeType;
import net.fusejna.util.FuseFilesystemAdapterAssumeImplemented;

public final class MemoryFS extends FuseFilesystemAdapterAssumeImplemented
    private final class MemoryDirectory extends MemoryPath
        private final List<MemoryPath> contents = new ArrayList<MemoryPath>();

        private MemoryDirectory(final String name, final MemoryDirectory parent)
            super(name, parent);

        public void add(final MemoryPath p)
            p.parent = this;

        protected MemoryPath find(String path)
            if (super.find(path) != null) {
                return super.find(path);
            while (path.startsWith("/")) {
                path = path.substring(1);
            if (!path.contains("/")) {
                for (final MemoryPath p : contents) {
                    if (p.name.equals(path)) {
                        return p;
                return null;
            final String nextName = path.substring(0, path.indexOf("/"));
            final String rest = path.substring(path.indexOf("/"));
            for (final MemoryPath p : contents) {
                if (p.name.equals(nextName)) {
                    return p.find(rest);
            return null;

        protected void getattr(final StatWrapper stat)

        private void mkdir(final String lastComponent)
            contents.add(new MemoryDirectory(lastComponent, this));

        public void mkfile(final String lastComponent)
            contents.add(new MemoryFile(lastComponent, this));

        public void read(final DirectoryFiller filler)
            for (final MemoryPath p : contents) {

    private final class MemoryFile extends MemoryPath
        private ByteBuffer contents = ByteBuffer.allocate(0);

        private MemoryFile(final String name, final MemoryDirectory parent)
            super(name, parent);

        protected void getattr(final StatWrapper stat)

        private int read(final ByteBuffer buffer, final long size, final long offset)
            final int bytesToRead = (int) Math.min(contents.capacity() - offset, size);
            final byte[] bytesRead = new byte[bytesToRead];
            contents.get(bytesRead, (int) offset, bytesToRead);
            contents.position(0); // Rewind
            return bytesToRead;

        private void truncate(final long size)
            if (size < contents.capacity()) {
                // Need to create a new, smaller buffer
                final ByteBuffer newContents = ByteBuffer.allocate((int) size);
                final byte[] bytesRead = new byte[(int) size];
                contents = newContents;

        private int write(final ByteBuffer buffer, final long bufSize, final long writeOffset)
            final int maxWriteIndex = (int) (writeOffset + bufSize);
            if (maxWriteIndex > contents.capacity()) {
                // Need to create a new, larger buffer
                final ByteBuffer newContents = ByteBuffer.allocate(maxWriteIndex);
                contents = newContents;
            final byte[] bytesToWrite = new byte[(int) bufSize];
            buffer.get(bytesToWrite, 0, (int) bufSize);
            contents.position((int) writeOffset);
            contents.position(0); // Rewind
            return (int) bufSize;

    private abstract class MemoryPath
        private final String name;
        private MemoryDirectory parent;

        private MemoryPath(final String name, final MemoryDirectory parent)
            this.name = name;
            this.parent = parent;

        private void delete()
            if (parent != null) {
                parent = null;

        protected MemoryPath find(String path)
            while (path.startsWith("/")) {
                path = path.substring(1);
            if (path.equals(name) || path.isEmpty()) {
                return this;
            return null;

        protected abstract void getattr(StatWrapper stat);

    public static void main(final String... args)
        if (args.length != 1) {
            System.err.println("Usage: MemoryFS <mountpoint>");
        try {
            new MemoryFS().log(true).mount(args[0]);
        catch (final Throwable e) {

    private final MemoryDirectory rootDirectory = new MemoryDirectory("", null);

    public MemoryFS()
        // Nothing

    public int access(final String path, final int access)
        return 0;

    public int create(final String path, final ModeWrapper mode, final FileInfoWrapper info)
        if (getPath(path) != null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.EEXIST;
        final MemoryPath parent = getParentPath(path);
        if (parent instanceof MemoryDirectory) {
            ((MemoryDirectory) parent).mkfile(getLastComponent(path));
            return 0;
        return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;

    public int getattr(final String path, final StatWrapper stat)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p != null) {
            return 0;
        return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;

    private String getLastComponent(String path)
        while (path.substring(path.length() - 1).equals("/")) {
            path = path.substring(0, path.length() - 1);
        if (path.isEmpty()) {
            return "";
        return path.substring(path.lastIndexOf("/") + 1);

    private MemoryPath getParentPath(final String path)
        return rootDirectory.find(path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("/")));

    private MemoryPath getPath(final String path)
        return rootDirectory.find(path);

    public int mkdir(final String path, final ModeWrapper mode)
        if (getPath(path) != null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.EEXIST;
        final MemoryPath parent = getParentPath(path);
        if (parent instanceof MemoryDirectory) {
            ((MemoryDirectory) parent).mkdir(getLastComponent(path));
            return 0;
        return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;

    public int open(final String path, final FileInfoWrapper info)
        return 0;

    public int read(final String path, final ByteBuffer buffer, final long size, final long offset, final FileInfoWrapper info)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        if (!(p instanceof MemoryFile)) {
            return -ErrorCodes.EISDIR;
        return ((MemoryFile) p).read(buffer, size, offset);

    public int readdir(final String path, final DirectoryFiller filler)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        if (!(p instanceof MemoryDirectory)) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOTDIR;
        ((MemoryDirectory) p).read(filler);
        return 0;

    public int rename(final String path, final String newName)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        final MemoryPath newParent = getParentPath(newName);
        if (newParent != null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        if (!(newParent instanceof MemoryDirectory)) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOTDIR;
        ((MemoryDirectory) newParent).add(p);
        return 0;

    public int rmdir(final String path)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        if (!(p instanceof MemoryDirectory)) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOTDIR;
        return 0;

    public int truncate(final String path, final long offset)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        if (!(p instanceof MemoryFile)) {
            return -ErrorCodes.EISDIR;
        ((MemoryFile) p).truncate(offset);
        return 0;

    public int unlink(final String path)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        return 0;

    public int write(final String path, final ByteBuffer buf, final long bufSize, final long writeOffset,
            final FileInfoWrapper wrapper)
        final MemoryPath p = getPath(path);
        if (p == null) {
            return -ErrorCodes.ENOENT;
        if (!(p instanceof MemoryFile)) {
            return -ErrorCodes.EISDIR;
        return ((MemoryFile) p).write(buf, bufSize, writeOffset);






由于我在谈论远程资源,这意味着在与台式机共享之前,保险丝必须下载它们。 当然,这将导致2次下载同一资源,一次由保险丝启动,另一次由台式机启动。



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