
时间:2013-05-11 18:58:04

标签: c++ qt colors gradient mandelbrot

在维基百科的Mandelbrot set页面上,有很多美丽的Mandelbrot图像。

Detail Mandelbrot

我也刚刚实现了自己的Mandelbrot算法。给定n是用于计算每个像素的迭代次数,我将它们从黑色变为绿色到非常简单(使用C ++和Qt 5.0):

QColor mapping(Qt::white);
    double quotient = (double) n / (double) MAX_ITERATIONS;
    double color = _clamp(0.f, 1.f, quotient);
    if (quotient > 0.5) {
        // Close to the mandelbrot set the color changes from green to white
        mapping.setRgbF(color, 1.f, color);
    else {
        // Far away it changes from black to green
        mapping.setRgbF(0.f, color, 0.f);
return mapping;


enter image description here



4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:22)

渐变可能来自Ultra Fractal。它由5个控制点定义:

Position = 0.0     Color = (0,   7,   100)
Position = 0.16    Color = (32,  107, 203)
Position = 0.42    Color = (237, 255, 255)
Position = 0.6425  Color = (255, 170, 0)
Position = 0.8575  Color = (0,   2,   0)


问题在于它是不是线性渐变。点之间的插值是立方(或类似的)。下图显示了线性和Monotone cubic插值之间的差异:

Linear vs cubic gradient



double size = Math.Sqrt(re * re + im * im);
double smoothed = Math.Log(Math.Log(size) * ONE_OVER_LOG2) * ONE_OVER_LOG2;
int colorI = (int)(Math.Sqrt(i + 1 - smoothed) * gradient.Scale + gradient.Shift) % colors.Length;
Color color = colors[colorI];


答案 1 :(得分:14)


  R   G   B
 66  30  15 # brown 3
 25   7  26 # dark violett
  9   1  47 # darkest blue
  4   4  73 # blue 5
  0   7 100 # blue 4
 12  44 138 # blue 3
 24  82 177 # blue 2
 57 125 209 # blue 1
134 181 229 # blue 0
211 236 248 # lightest blue
241 233 191 # lightest yellow
248 201  95 # light yellow
255 170   0 # dirty yellow
204 128   0 # brown 0
153  87   0 # brown 1
106  52   3 # brown 2


if (n < MAX_ITERATIONS && n > 0) {
    int i = n % 16;
    QColor mapping[16];
    mapping[0].setRgb(66, 30, 15);
    mapping[1].setRgb(25, 7, 26);
    mapping[2].setRgb(9, 1, 47);
    mapping[3].setRgb(4, 4, 73);
    mapping[4].setRgb(0, 7, 100);
    mapping[5].setRgb(12, 44, 138);
    mapping[6].setRgb(24, 82, 177);
    mapping[7].setRgb(57, 125, 209);
    mapping[8].setRgb(134, 181, 229);
    mapping[9].setRgb(211, 236, 248);
    mapping[10].setRgb(241, 233, 191);
    mapping[11].setRgb(248, 201, 95);
    mapping[12].setRgb(255, 170, 0);
    mapping[13].setRgb(204, 128, 0);
    mapping[14].setRgb(153, 87, 0);
    mapping[15].setRgb(106, 52, 3);
    return mapping[i];
else return Qt::black;


Mandelbrot set


答案 2 :(得分:1)

我相信它们是Ultra Fractal中的默认颜色。评估版本附带了许多参数的来源,我认为包含该颜色图(如果你无法从头版的屏幕截图推断它),也可能还有背后的逻辑为每个场景适当地动态缩放该颜色贴图。

答案 3 :(得分:0)



#set up the control points for your gradient
yR_observed = [0, 0,32,237, 255, 0, 0, 32]
yG_observed = [2, 7, 107, 255, 170, 2, 7, 107]
yB_observed = [0, 100, 203, 255, 0, 0, 100, 203]

x_observed = [-.1425, 0, .16, .42, .6425, .8575, 1, 1.16]

#Create the arrays with the interpolated values
x = np.linspace(min(x_observed), max(x_observed), num=1000)
yR = pchip_interpolate(x_observed, yR_observed, x)
yG = pchip_interpolate(x_observed, yG_observed, x)
yB = pchip_interpolate(x_observed, yB_observed, x)

#Convert them back to python lists
x = list(x)
yR = list(yR)
yG = list(yG)
yB = list(yB)

#Find the indexs where x crosses 0 and crosses 1 for slicing
start = 0
end = 0
for i in x:
    if i > 0:
        start = x.index(i)

for i in x:
    if i > 1:
        end = x.index(i)

#Slice away the helper data in the begining and end leaving just 0 to 1
x = x[start:end]
yR = yR[start:end]
yG = yG[start:end]
yB = yB[start:end]

#Plot the values if you want

#plt.plot(x, yR, color = "red")
#plt.plot(x, yG, color = "green")
#plt.plot(x, yB, color = "blue")