NSSplitVIew - 自动保存分隔符位置不适用于启用自动布局

时间:2013-05-16 12:10:05

标签: objective-c macos cocoa autolayout nssplitview




8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:21)


class MySplitViewController: NSSplitViewController {

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        splitView.autosaveName = "Please Save Me!"

答案 1 :(得分:9)

我也遇到了这个问题,我发现我需要为NSSplitView设置两个 identifierautosaveName值,并且他们需要被设置为不同的值。

答案 2 :(得分:4)

对我来说,设置标识符+ autosavename不起作用。我不得不依靠ElmerCat提供的解决方案。但是我稍微修改了代码以避免设置分隔符位置(没有让它工作)。相反,我正在修改视图大小。我还添加了隐藏的折叠视图。

@interface NSSplitView (RestoreAutoSave)
- (void)restoreAutosavedPositions;

@implementation NSSplitView (RestoreAutoSave)
- (void)restoreAutosavedPositions
    NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"NSSplitView Subview Frames %@", self.autosaveName];
    NSArray *subviewFrames = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:key];

    // the last frame is skipped because I have one less divider than I have frames
    for( NSInteger i = 0; i < subviewFrames.count; i++ ) {

        if( i < self.subviews.count ) { // safety-check (in case number of views have been removed while dev)

            // this is the saved frame data - it's an NSString
            NSString *frameString = subviewFrames[i];
            NSArray *components = [frameString componentsSeparatedByString:@", "];

            // Manage the 'hidden state' per view
            BOOL hidden = [components[4] boolValue];
            NSView* subView =[self subviews][i];
            [subView setHidden: hidden];

            // Set height (horizontal) or width (vertical)
            if( !self.vertical ) {

                CGFloat height = [components[3] floatValue];
                [subView setFrameSize: NSMakeSize( subView.frame.size.width, height ) ];
            else {

                CGFloat width = [components[2] floatValue];
                [subView setFrameSize: NSMakeSize( width, subView.frame.size.height ) ];

答案 3 :(得分:2)

NSSplitView因特别挑剔和麻烦而臭名昭着;你有时不得不竭尽全力让它表现得很好。我知道我的设置已保存在User Defaults中 - 我可以看到它们通过终端“Defaults read etc...”正确更改,但是当应用程序重新打开时它们没有恢复。



@interface NSSplitView (PraxCategories)
- (void)restoreAutosavedPositions;

@implementation NSSplitView (PraxCategories)
- (void)restoreAutosavedPositions {

    // Yes, I know my Autosave Name; but I won't necessarily restore myself automatically.
    NSString *key = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"NSSplitView Subview Frames %@", self.autosaveName];

    NSArray *subviewFrames = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] valueForKey:key];

    // the last frame is skipped because I have one less divider than I have frames
    for (NSInteger i=0; i < (subviewFrames.count - 1); i++ ) {

        // this is the saved frame data - it's an NSString
        NSString *frameString = subviewFrames[i];
        NSArray *components = [frameString componentsSeparatedByString:@", "];

        // only one component from the string is needed to set the position
        CGFloat position;

        // if I'm vertical the third component is the frame width
        if (self.vertical) position = [components[2] floatValue];

        // if I'm horizontal the fourth component is the frame height
        else position = [components[3] floatValue];

        [self setPosition:position ofDividerAtIndex:i];


for (NSSplitView *splitView in @[thisSplitView, thatSplitView, anotherSplitView]) {
    [splitView restoreAutosavedPositions];

答案 4 :(得分:0)



答案 5 :(得分:0)

发现自己多年前使用Mac OS 10.12查看相同的旧NSSplitView自动保存问题。幸运的Joris&#39;解决方案仍是一个很好的解决方法。这是一个经过测试的Swift 3扩展,在我们当前的项目中运行良好。

注意:由于自动布局显然会覆盖自动保存默认值,因此需要在viewDidLoad或视图控制器附近调用NSSplitView restoreAutoSavePositions()中的awakeFromNib以使其工作。

extension NSSplitView {

    ** unfortunately this needs to be called in the controller's viewDidAppear function as
    ** auto layout kicks in to override any default values after the split view's awakeFromNib
    func restoreAutoSavePositions() {

        let key = String(format: "NSSplitView Subview Frames %@", self.autosaveName!)
        let subViewFrames = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: key)
        guard subViewFrames != nil else { return }

        for (i, frame) in (subViewFrames?.enumerated())! {

            if let frameString = frame as? String {

                let components = frameString.components(separatedBy: ", ")
                guard components.count >= 4 else { return }

                var position: CGFloat = 0.0

                // Manage the 'hidden state' per view
                let hidden = NSString(string:components[4].lowercased()).boolValue
                let subView = self.subviews[i]
                subView.isHidden = hidden

                // Set height (horizontal) or width (vertical)
                if self.isVertical {
                    if let n = NumberFormatter().number(from: components[2]) {
                        position = CGFloat(n)
                } else {
                    if let n = NumberFormatter().number(from: components[3]) {
                        position = CGFloat(n)

                setPosition(position, ofDividerAt: i)

答案 6 :(得分:0)


答案 7 :(得分:-1)

我正在使用 NSSplitViewController 并且我只看到未恢复项目的折叠状态(尺寸正确)。我可以看到信息被正确保存。


extension NSSplitViewController
    public func ensureRestoreCollapsed()
        guard let autosaveName = splitView.autosaveName else { return }

        let framesKey = "NSSplitView Subview Frames \(autosaveName)"
        guard let subViewFrames = UserDefaults.standard.array(forKey: framesKey) else { return }

        for (i, frame) in subViewFrames.enumerated() {
            guard let hidden = (frame as? String)?.components(separatedBy: ", ")[safe: 4] else {
                return }
            splitViewItems[safe: i]?.isCollapsed = hidden.boolValue