
时间:2013-05-19 09:54:46

标签: android eclipse adt libraries


我已将其导入我的工作区。 之后我进入MY项目属性添加一个库,然后单击apply并确定,所以我得到:

Step 1


Step 2


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

我决定通过删除eclipse并重新安装来解决,以前使用2个工作区时似乎是一个Eclipse bug ...

根据这个问题SO Link

答案 1 :(得分:1)


答案 2 :(得分:1)


1. import and copy all project data including library project into workspace
2. delete the old project reference by Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, and select corrupted library(so that waht i call it) and choose Remove
3. clean project first (to refresh ur project properties)
4. go to library project Properties-->Android-->Library and check the is library if it does'nt click Apply then OK
5. if the library project is library is already checked, first Unchecked it then Clean the library project after that do the Step 4 again
6. go to project that u want the library are in then Right-click on the project-->Properties-->Android-->Library, Add then choose the library project (it should be there) and click Apply then OK
7. if still doesn't appear clean the project once more time and that should do

