
时间:2013-05-23 09:05:12

标签: ios objective-c cocos2d-iphone ccsprite


- (void)handleDoubleTap:(UITapGestureRecognizer *)doubletapRecognizer
    [self placeBomb];

    NSLog(@"Bomb placed");
    _circle = [[CCSprite alloc]initWithFile:@"Circle.png"];
    CGPoint circle0position = ccp(_cat.position.x , _cat.position.y);
    CGPoint c0TileCoordt = [self tileCoordForPosition:circle0position];
    CGPoint c0TileCoord = [self positionForTileCoord:c0TileCoordt];//Supereffective way to get rid of decimals
    _circle.position = c0TileCoord;
    [self addChild:_circle];
    id fade = [CCScaleTo actionWithDuration:3.5 scale:0];
    [_circle runAction:fade];
    [self performSelector:@selector(explosion) withObject:nil afterDelay:3];

然后我运行-(void)explosion - 惊讶 - 使其爆炸,然后再次调用checkForDamage方法,该方法在爆炸的生命周期内测试爆炸区域内的碰撞。

问题是我不想限制炸弹(精灵)的数量,但是当我现在放置两颗炸弹时,第一颗炸弹的爆炸发生在第二颗炸弹的位置,我显然可以不要责怪,因为这就是我要求它做的事情。爆炸是基于_circle.position爆炸块大约有三百行,所以我不打扰你在(Heres pastebin link)张贴它,但作为一个例子,我将发布checkForDamage。

-(void)checkForDamage //Gets called with CCTime on explosion
    bool playerHit = NO;
    CGPoint bombPos = [self tileCoordForPosition:_circle.position];

    for (int i = 0; i <= explosionLenght; i++)
        CGPoint playerPosF = [self tileCoordForPosition:_cat.position];

        int bombX    = (bombPos.x + i);
        int bombY    = (bombPos.y + i);
        int bombNegX = (bombPos.x - i);
        int bombNegY = (bombPos.y - i);

        CGPoint centre = bombPos;
        CGPoint top    = ccp(centre.x, bombY);
        CGPoint left   = ccp(bombNegX, centre.y);
        CGPoint bottom = ccp(centre.x, bombNegY);
        CGPoint right  = ccp(bombX, centre.y);

        if (CGPointEqualToPoint(top, playerPosF) || 
            CGPointEqualToPoint(left, playerPosF) ||
            CGPointEqualToPoint(bottom, playerPosF) || 
            CGPointEqualToPoint(right, playerPosF))
            playerHit = YES;

            NSLog(@"Player hit, BOOL:%i",playerHit);
            [self unschedule:@selector(checkForDamage)];

    [self performSelector:@selector(stopCheckDamage) withObject:nil afterDelay:2];    


if (explosion1exists) {explosion with circle1}, if (expl1 + expl2 exists) {expl with circle3}


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