
时间:2013-05-23 22:38:56

标签: c++ header g++ stdvector

首先,我知道这里有很多类似的帖子,但我一直在浏览它们一段时间,我无法解读我需要做的事情。所以关于我的问题:我正在将我以前在C中编写的Graph类转换为C ++。由于我如何初始化它,我无法将数组转换为向量。如果有人能指出我正确的方向,那就太棒了。您可以看到我开始尝试将数组char *颜色转换为矢量颜色,但它不起作用并且G ++错误消息很长一段时间。我遗漏了#include语句,但我保证这些不是问题。


using namespace std;
const int INF = INT_MAX;  
const int NIL = 0;

class Graph
    Graph(int n);
    Graph(ifstream& in);

    int getOrder();
    int getSize();
    int getSource();
    int getParent(int u);
    int getDist(int u);
    void getAdjacencyList(List* L, int u);

    void makeNull();
    void addEdge(int u, int v, int weight, int color);
    void addArc(int u, int v, int weight, int color);
    void BFS(int s, int c);
    void Prim(int s, int color);
    void printGraph();
    void printSpanningTree();
    bool colorApprover(int, bool ,bool , bool);
    void prepGraph(int n);
    int order;
    int size;
    int source;
    vector<char> color (16);
    int* distance;
    int* parent;
    List** edgeDist;
    List** edgeColor;
    List** adj;


//helper function to streamline the constructors
void Graph::prepGraph(int n){
    order = n;
    size = 0;
    source = NIL;
    //color (n + 1);//static_cast<char*>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(char)));
    distance = static_cast<int*>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(int)));
    parent = static_cast<int*>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(int)));
    adj = static_cast<List**>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(List*)));
    edgeDist = static_cast<List**>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(List*)));
    edgeColor = static_cast<List**>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(List*)));
    //discover = static_cast<int*>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(int)));
    //finish = static_cast<int*>(calloc(n + 1, sizeof(int)));
    int i;
    for(i = 0; i <= n; i++){
        color[i] = 'w';
        distance[i] = INF;
        parent[i] = NIL;
        adj[i] = new List();
        edgeDist[i] = new List();
        edgeColor[i] = new List();

Graph::Graph(int n){

Graph::Graph(ifstream& in){
int n;
in >> n;
int i, j, weight, color;
in >> i;
        in >> j;
        in >> weight;
        in >> color;
        //increment values by 1 so they fit
        //into existing graph structure
        i += 1;
        j += 1;
        addEdge(i, j, weight, color);
        //cout << "added arc " << i << " " << j << endl;

我不能只做vector.push_back()因为其余代码依赖于数组的随机访问属性,所以他们必须准备好去这里。我对C ++太新了,我仍然在努力学习语法。

修改 我想我应该提到它使用图表的边列表形式。 List是我也写过的一个类,它处理节点。我只需要将所有这些C数组转换为C ++向量,语法就是杀了我。例如,int * distance数组应该是int的向量,List ** edgeDist和whatnot应该是List *的向量。它只是在我需要帮助的Graph.cpp函数Graph :: prepGraph(int n)中初始化它。语法有点诅咒,但我试图在不完全破坏它的情况下展示我想要做的事情。换句话说,我一直抱怨的那些static_cast(calloc(无论如何))语句?帮我摆脱那些。

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//helper function to streamline the constructors
typedef List<int> NodeList;
struct Node {
    char color;
    int distance;
    int parent;
    NodeList adj;
    NodeList edgeDist;
    NodeList edgeColor;

    Node() {
        color = 'w';
        distance = INF;
        parent = 0;

class Graph
    vector<Node> nodes;

void Graph::prepGraph(int n){
    order = n;
    size = 0;
    source = NIL;
    // nodes will be initialized implicitly