
时间:2013-05-25 07:14:40

标签: assembly dos tasm x86-16

我一直在尝试为'shell'编写一个基本的 com 文件。 我能够在 NASM 中组装相同的代码,只需稍加修改。

但是此代码不会在 TASM 中汇编! 我得到了那种错误:相对跳出范围 我在谷歌上查了一下以了解跳跃。然而我找不到太多,除了打破这个跳跃到相对较短的跳跃的想法。 有更整洁的选择吗?


.model tiny

CR  equ 13d
LF  equ 10d
TAB equ 09d


prompt      db CR,LF,"Input : ",0
tab_max     db 7 dup('_'),0
input       db 128 dup(0)   ; Input Buffer Of 80 Bytes
str_ver     db CR,LF,CR,LF,CR,"        ",\
           "Version : 1.0",CR,LF,0
str_help    db CR,LF,CR,LF,CR,"        ",\
           "Type VER For Version !!!",\
           CR,LF,CR,"        ",\
           "Type CLS To Clear Screen !!!",\
           CR,LF,CR,"        ",\
           "Type HELP To Display This Message !!!",\
str_welcome db "Welcome To My Operating System !!!",0
str_default db CR,LF,CR,LF,CR,"        ",\
           "Invalid Command !!!",\
           CR,LF,CR,"        ",\
           "Type HELP To Display Help !!!",\
cmd_ver     db "VER",0
cmd_help    db "HELP",0
cmd_cls     db "CLS",0


org 100h

main proc near
xor ax,ax       ; Select Video Mode Function
mov al, 03h     ; Select 80x25 (8 Pages) Text Mode
int 10h     ; Call  Interrupt
mov dh, 0h      ; Row
mov dl, 0h      ; Column
call    goto_xy
mov cx, 30h
lea si, [str_welcome]
call    put_str

    lea     si, [prompt]        ; Display Prompt
    mov cx, 0ah         ; Max Length=10
    call    put_str
    call    beep
    lea     si, [input]
    call    null_str        ; Recycle The Input Buffer
    mov cx, 60h         ; Max Length=64
    call    get_str         ; Read User Input
    call    del_whitespace      ; Do Away With Leading And Trailing Space Characters
    call    str_to_upper        ; Convert To Uppercase
    call    chk_internal        ; Cross-Check In Internal Commands
    jmp Begin0          ; Loop Forever

null_str proc near
    push    si      ; Save SI
    push    cx      ; Save CX
    push    ax      ; Save AX
    xor ax, ax
    call    str_len     ; Move Length Of String In CX
    cmp cx, 0       ; Is It Zero-Length ?
    jz  .finish0    ; If So Do Away With
    mov [si], ax    ; Null A Character In Input Buffer
    dec cx      ; Decrement Counter
    inc si      ; Advance SI
    jmp .more0      ; Loop On Until First 0
    pop ax      ; Retrieve AX
    pop cx      ; Retrieve BX
    pop si      ; Retrieve SI
    ret         ; Return

del_whitespace proc near
    push    si      ; Save SI
    push    di      ; Save DI
    push    dx      ; Save DX
    push    cx      ; Save CX
    push    bx      ; Save BX
    push    ax      ; Save AX
    xor ax, ax
    xor bx, bx
    xor cx, cx
    xor dx, dx
    mov di, si
    dec si      ; SI=SI-1
    inc si      ; Go On Incrementing Source String Index
    xor dx, dx
    mov dx, [si]
    xor dh, dh
    cmp dl, 00h     ; Is String Finished ?
    jz  .chomp00
    cmp dl, 20h     ; Is It A Space
    jz  .loop00     ; Go On Eating Spaces
    cmp dl, TAB     ; Is It A TAB
    jz  .loop00     ; Go On Eating TABS
    push    si      ; First Non-Whitespace Character Index In String
    inc cx      ; Number Of Tokens In String
    inc si      ; Increment SI
    mov dx, [si]
    xor dh, dh
    cmp dx, 00h     ; Is String Finished ?
    jz  .chomp00    ; Cut Out Useful Part
    cmp dx, 20h     ; Check For Space
    jz  .loop00
    cmp dx, TAB     ; Check For TAB
    jnz .loop01     ; Read On Until Next TAB
    jz  .loop00
    cmp cx, 00h     ; Null Input
    jz  .over01     ; Return Then
    dec cx      ; Otherwise Decrement Number Of Tokens
    pop si      ; Start Of Finishing Token
    mov ax, si      ; Save It, Just In Case It Becomes Also The Start Of The First Token
    inc si      ; Increment String Index
    mov dx, [si]
    xor dh, dh
    cmp dx, 00h     ; Has String Ended?
    jz  .loop002
    cmp dx, 20h
    jz  .loop002
    cmp dx, TAB
    jnz .bypass     ; Bypass All Characters In Token Until First Whitespace
    mov bx, si      ; Found End
    cmp cx, 00h     ; Is There Only One Token?
    jz  .inst00     ; Then Start Of Finishing Token=Start Of Opening Token
    dec cx
    pop ax      ; Move Start Of Previous Token In AX
    cmp cx, 00h     ; All Tokens Finished?
    jz  .inst00
    jnz .loop02     ; Loop Over
    mov si, ax      ; Set SI To Start
    cmp si, bx      ; All Characters In Token Processed ?
    jz  .over00     ; Done, Return
    mov dx, [si]
    mov [di], dx    ; Otherwise Overwrite Input String
    inc si      ; Increment User Token Input Index
    inc di      ; Increment Processed Token Input Index
    jmp .loop03     ; Loop Over

    xor dx, dx
    mov [di], dx    ; NULL-Terminate Processed Token
    pop ax      ; Retrieve AX
    pop bx      ; Retrieve BX
    pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
    pop dx      ; Retrieve DX
    pop di      ; Retrieve DI
    pop si      ; Retrieve SI
    ret         ; Return

clr_scr proc near
push    ax      ; Save AX
push    bx      ; Save BX
push    cx      ; Save CX
push    dx      ; Save DX
xor dx, dx      ; Cursor At Top-Left
call    goto_xy
mov ah, 6       ; Scroll Up Whole Screen
mov al, 0       ; Text Color : White
mov bh, 7       ; Background : Black
xor cx, cx      ; Top-left
mov dh, 24      ; Bottom-Most
mov dl, 79      ; Right-Most
int 10h
pop dx      ; Retrieve DX
pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
pop bx      ; Retrieve BX
pop ax      ; Retrieve AX

chk_internal proc near
    push    si          ; Save SI       
    push    cx          ; Save CX
    lea di, [cmd_ver]       ; VER Command
    call    cmp_str         ; Compare User Input
    jnc .do_ver         ; Execute Command If Matched
    lea di, [cmd_help]      ; HELP Command
    call    cmp_str         ; Compare User Input
    jnc .do_help        ; Execute Command If Matched
    lea di, [cmd_cls]       ; CLS Command
    call    cmp_str         ; Compare User Input
    jnc .do_cls         ; Execute Command If Matched
    lea si, [str_default]   ; Default Error Message
    mov cx, 60h         ; Max Length 60Hex Characters
    call    put_str
    jmp .clean0         ; Return
    lea si, [str_ver]       ; String For VER
    mov cx, 40h         ; Max Length 40Hex Characters
    call    put_str
    jmp .clean0         ; Return
    lea si, [str_help]      ; String For HELP
    mov cx, 80h         ; Max Length 80Hex Characters
    call    put_str
    jmp .clean0         ; Return
    call    clr_scr         ; Call Clear Screen Function
    jmp .clean0         ; Return
    pop cx          ; Retrieve CX
    pop si          ; Retrieve SI
    ret             ; Return

get_xy proc near
push    ax      ; Save AX
xor ax, ax
mov ah, 03h     ; Select Put Cursor Function
int 10h     ; Call Interrupt
pop ax      ; Retrieve AX

goto_xy proc near
push    ax      ; Save AX
push    bx      ; Save BX
push    cx      ; Save CX
push    dx      ; Save DX
xor ax, ax
xor cx, cx
mov ah, 02h     ; Select Put Cursor Function
mov bh, 00h     ; Select Page (0-7)
int 10h     ; Call Interrupt
pop dx      ; Retrieve DX
pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
pop bx      ; Retrieve BX
pop ax      ; Retrieve AX

cmp_str proc near

    push    si              ; Save SI
    push    di              ; Save DI
    push    ax              ; Save AX
    push    bx              ; Save BX
    push    cx              ; Save CX
    clc                 ; Default : Clear Carry
    call    str_len             ; String Length Of SI
    mov ax, cx              ; Copy String-Length Of SI In AX
    push    si              ; Save SI
    mov bx, di
    mov si, bx              ; Move DI to SI
    call    str_len             ; String Length Of DI
    mov bx, cx              ; Copy String-Length Of DI In BX
    pop si              ; Retrieve Back SI
    cmp ax, bx              ; Check If String Lengths Are Equal
    jnz .nosame             ; Not Same
        mov al, [si]    ; Load Next Character From SI to AL
        mov bl, [di]    ; Load Next Character From DI to BL
        cmp al, bl      ; Compare Two Characters
        jnz .nosame     ; Not Same
        or  al, al      ; Check If AL=0
        jz  Loop0Done   ; AL=0? Then Return
        inc si      ; Increment SI
        inc di      ; Increment DI
        jmp Loop0
    .nosame :
        stc         ; Set Carry Flag
        pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
        pop bx      ; Retrieve BX
        pop ax      ; Retrieve AX
        pop di      ; Retrieve DI
        pop si      ; Retrieve SI

put_str proc near

    push    si          ; Save SI
    push    ax          ; Save AX
    push    cx          ; Save CX
        cmp cx, 0h      ; Check If CX=0
        jz  PrintDone   ; Don't Bother Printing Further
        lodsb           ; Load Next Character From SI to AL
        or  al, al      ; Check If AL=0
        jz  PrintDone   ; AL=0? Then Return
        call    put_chr     ; Else Go On To Print Character
        dec cx      ; Decrement Counter
        jmp Print
        pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
        pop ax      ; Retrieve AX
        pop si      ; Retrieve SI

put_chr proc near

        push    ax      ; Save AX
        cmp al, TAB     ; Check For Tab Character
        jnz no_tab      ; Skip Tab Processing
        push    si
        lea si, [tab_max]   ; Tab String Of Spaces (7)
        push    cx
        mov cx, 07d
        call    put_str     ; Print Out Tab Characters
        pop cx
        pop si
        jmp key_tab     ; Don't Print ASCII 09d (TAB)
        mov ah, 0eh     ; Select Print Character Function
        int 10h     ; Print Character
        pop ax      ; Retrieve AX

get_ch proc near

        mov     ah, 0       ; Read Key Opcode
                int     16h
                cmp     al, 0       ; ALT, SHIFT, CTRL etc
                jz      ReadLoop1       ;If so, don't echo this keystroke
                ;call   put_chr

get_chr proc near

        mov     ah, 0       ; Read Key Opcode
                int     16h
                cmp     al, 0       ; ALT, SHIFT, CTRL etc
                jz      ReadLoop2       ; If So, Don't Echo This Keystroke
                call    put_chr     ; Echo Character

get_str proc near

        push    si          ; Save SI
        push    ax          ; Save AX
        push    bx          ; Save BX
        push    cx          ; Save CX
        mov bx, si          ; Copy Initial Address
        call    get_ch
        cmp al, 08d
        jz  .bksp
        cmp al, 13d
        jz  Count0Done
        cmp cx, 0h
        jz  Count0
        jmp .next
        cmp bx, si          ; Is It The First Key ?
        jz  Count0          ; Go Back Then

        push    ax          ; Save AX
        dec si          ; Reduce One Character
        inc cx          ; Free Up Deleted Character
        cmp [si], TAB       ; Is It A TAB ?
        jz  .is_tab

        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        xor bx, bx          ; Select Video Page 0
        call    get_xy          ; Read Cursor Position In DX
        cmp dl, 0h          ; Is It The First Column ?
        jz  .f_col00
        mov al, 08h         ; Print Backspace
        call    put_chr
        mov al, 20h         ; Print Space
        call    put_chr
        mov al, 08h         ; Print Backspace
        call    put_chr
        jmp .n_col00
        dec dh          ; Go To Previous Line
                        ; Assumes DH>0
        mov dl, 79d         ; Max Numbers Of Columns
        call    goto_xy         ; Place Cursor
        mov al, 20h         ; Print Space
        call    put_chr
        mov dl, 79d         ; Max Numbers Of Columns
        call    goto_xy         ; Place Cursor
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx
        jmp .not_tab

        push    cx
        mov cx, 07d

        push    bx
        push    cx
        push    dx
        xor bx, bx          ; Select Video Page 0
        call    get_xy          ; Read Cursor Position In DX
        cmp dl, 0h          ; Is It The First Column ?
        jz  .f_col01
        mov al, 08h         ; Print Backspace
        call    put_chr
        mov al, 20h         ; Print Space
        call    put_chr
        mov al, 08h         ; Print Backspace
        call    put_chr
        jmp .n_col01
        dec dh          ; Go To Previous Line
                        ; Assumes DH>0
        mov dl, 79d         ; Max Numbers Of Columns
        call    goto_xy         ; Place Cursor
        mov al, 20h         ; Print Space
        call    put_chr
        mov dl, 79d         ; Max Numbers Of Columns
        call    goto_xy         ; Place Cursor
        pop dx
        pop cx
        pop bx

        dec cx
        cmp cx, 0
        jnz .loop_tab
        pop cx
        xor ax, ax
        mov [si], ax        ; Reset Deleted Character To 0

        pop ax
        jmp Count0
        cmp cx, 0h          ; Is Buffer Already Full ?
        jz  Count0          ; Go Back And Wait For BKSP or ENTER
        dec cx          ; Decrement Max String Length
        call    put_chr
        mov [si], al
        inc si          ; Increment SI
        jmp Count0
        pop cx          ; Retrieve CX
        pop bx          ; Retrieve BX
        pop ax          ; Retrieve AX
        pop si          ; Retrieve SI

str_len proc near
        push    ax      ; Save AX
        push    si      ; Save SI
        xor cx, cx      ; Initialize Counter
        lodsb           ; Load Next Character From SI to AL
        or  al, al      ; Check If AL=0
        jz  CountDone   ; AL=0? Then Return
        inc cx
        jmp Count
        pop si      ; Retrieve SI
        pop ax      ; Retrieve AX

chr_to_upper proc near

        push    bx      ; Save BX
        push    cx      ; Save CX
        push    ax      ; Save AX
        mov bl, al
        mov al, 'a'
        cmp bl, al      ; Is Character < 'a'
        jl  .notlc          ; Other
        mov al, 'z'
        cmp     bl, al      ; Is Character > 'z'
        jg  .notlc          ; Other
        mov al, 20h
        sub bl, al      ; Convert to Uppercase
        xchg    al, bl      ; Exchange AL and BL
        jmp .lc     ; Lowercase Processed
        pop ax      ; Retrieve AX
        jmp .clear1
        pop cx      ; Waste AX
        pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
        pop bx      ; Retrieve BX

chr_to_lower proc near

        push    bx      ; Save BX
        push    cx      ; Save CX
        push    ax      ; Save AX
        mov bl, al
        mov al, 'A'
        cmp bl, al      ; Is Character < 'A'
        jl  .notuc          ; Other
        mov al, 'Z'
        cmp     bl, al      ; Is Character > 'Z'
        jg  .notuc          ; Other
        mov al, 20h
        add bl, al      ; Convert to Lowercase
        xchg    al, bl      ; Exchange AL and BL
        jmp .uc     ; Uppercase Processed
        pop ax      ; Retrieve AX
        jmp .clear2
        pop cx      ; Waste AX
        pop cx      ; Retrieve CX
        pop bx      ; Retrieve BX


str_to_upper proc near

        push    si          ; Save SI
        push    ax          ; Save AX
        mov al, [si]
        cmp al, 0h          ; Check If AL=0
        jz  Count1Done      ; AL=0? Then Return
        mov al, 'a'
        cmp [si], al        ; Is Character < 'a'
        jl  .Other1         ; Other
        mov al, 'z'
        cmp     [si], al        ; Is Character > 'z'
        jg  .Other1         ; Other
        mov al, 20h
        sub [si], al        ; Convert to Uppercase
        inc si          ; Increment SI
        jmp Count1
        pop ax          ; Retrieve AX
        pop si          ; Retrieve SI

str_to_lower proc near

        push    si          ; Save SI
        push    ax          ; Save AX
        mov al, [si]
        or  al, al          ; Check If AL=0
        jz  Count2Done      ; AL=0? Then Return
        mov al, 'A'
        cmp [si], al        ; Is Character < 'A'
        jl  .Other2         ; Other
        mov al, 'Z'
        cmp     [si], al        ; Is Character > 'Z'
        jg  .Other2         ; Other
        mov al, 20h
        add [si], al        ; Convert to Lowercase
        inc si          ; Increment SI
        jmp Count2
        pop ax          ; Retrieve AX
        pop si          ; Retrieve SI

sound proc near
    push    ax
    push    cx
    mov cx, ax          ; Temporarily Save Note Value
    mov al, 182
    out 43h, al
    mov ax, cx          ; Set up frequency
    out 42h, al
    mov al, ah
    out 42h, al
    in  al, 61h         ; Switch PC speaker on
    or  al, 03h
    out 61h, al
    pop cx
    pop ax

delay proc near
    push    ax
    cmp ax, 0
    je  .time_up        ; If delay = 0 then bail out

    mov cx, 0
    mov [.counter_var], cx  ; Zero the counter variable

    mov bx, ax
    mov ax, 0
    mov al, 1           ; 1 * 55ms = 55mS
    mul bx          ; Multiply by number of 55ms chunks required 
    mov [.orig_req_delay], ax   ; Save it

    mov ah, 0
    int 1Ah             ; Get tick count    

    mov [.prev_tick_count], dx  ; Save it for later comparison

    mov ah,0
    int 1Ah             ; Get tick count again

    cmp [.prev_tick_count], dx  ; Compare with previous tick count

    jne .up_date            ; If it's changed check it          
    jmp .checkloop          ; Otherwise wait some more

    pop ax

    mov ax, [.counter_var]      ; Inc counter_var
    inc ax
    mov [.counter_var], ax

    cmp ax, [.orig_req_delay]   ; Is counter_var = required delay?
    jge .time_up            ; Yes, so bail out

    mov [.prev_tick_count], dx  ; No, so update .prev_tick_count 

    jmp .checkloop          ; And go wait some more

.orig_req_delay     dw  0
.counter_var        dw  0
.prev_tick_count    dw  0


mute proc near
    push    ax
    in al, 61h
    and al, 0FCh
    out 61h, al
    pop ax

beep proc near
    push    ax
    mov ax, 560d    ; Sound Tone
    call    sound
    xor ax, ax
    mov ax, 02h     ; 110 milliseconds
    call    delay
    call    mute
    pop ax

end main

3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)


答案 1 :(得分:3)

另一个解决方案是使用TASM能够以与80286及更早版本处理器兼容的方式自动扩展跳转范围。如果添加JUMPS指令(或/jJUMPS命令行选项),汇编器将使用16位无条件跳转替换短8位条件跳转,使用相反的条件跳转分支绕它。例如,它会用这样的代码替换'jz Count0Done`:

     jnz .skip
     jmp Count0Done


答案 2 :(得分:2)

TASM 4.1使用tasm /uM510完美处理您的代码。



    pop cx          ; Retrieve CX
    pop bx          ; Retrieve BX
    pop ax          ; Retrieve AX
    pop si          ; Retrieve SI



    cmp cx, 0h          ; Is Buffer Already Full ?
    jz  .Count0inter        ; Go Back And Wait For BKSP or ENTER
    dec cx          ; Decrement Max String Length
    call    put_chr
    mov [si], al
    inc si          ; Increment SI
    jmp Count0

明确使用 BYTE PTR 进行比较:

    cmp byte ptr [si], TAB      ; Is It A TAB ?