
时间:2013-07-05 19:01:56

标签: java multithreading executorservice

我想验证我编写的多线程应用程序的设计,并在几点上得到澄清/重新保证。我提前为这么长的帖子道歉 - 我想把它分成几个问题,但后来我必须引用相同的代码,它们似乎都是相互关联的,所以我选择将所有内容放在一个帖子中。如果这不合适 - 请告诉我,我会将其分成多个帖子。


  1. BatchService (Spring Singleton bean):接受上传指定目录或zip存档的请求。为此,它持有ExecutorService servicePool。在每个请求中,它向池提交一个新的BatchUploader Callable任务,并将返回的Future存储在一个列表中 - 一个TX方法。它提供了获取所有上传状态和取消所有上传的方法。它还启动一个新的BatchMonitor线程来监视上传和更新队列的进度,这些队列包含已完成和未完成的上载信息。它还会在bean即将被销毁时清理所有资源(使用Spring的PreDestroy回调)
  2. BatchUploader 是一个Callable任务,它还有自己的ServiceExecutor batchPool来上传单个文件。在其call()方法中,它扫描目录或zip存档,并为每个文件向其池中提交SingleFileUploader Callable任务。
  3. SingleFileUploader 是一个Callable任务,在其call()方法中,它完成上传和处理文件的所有工作并返回一些状态。
  4. 这里有一些真实的和一些伪代码:

    public class BatchService {
    private ExecutorService servicePool;
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Future<SingleBatchUploadResult>> uploadBatchFutures = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Future<SingleBatchUploadResult>>();
    // keep last 100 unsuccessful uploads
    private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<SingleBatchUploadResult> notCompletedBatches = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<SingleBatchUploadResult>();
    // keep last 100 successful uploads
    private ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String> completedBatches = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<String>();
    private Thread monitorThread;
    public BatchService() {
        executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_BATCH_UPLOAD_THREADS);
        monitorThread = new Thread(new BatchMonitor());
    public void processUpload(String uploadId, String contentName) {
        Future<SingleBatchUploadResult> taskFuture = servicePool.submit(new BatchUploader(uploadId, contentName));
        uploadBatchFutures.put(uploadId, taskFuture);
    public void preDestroy() {
        // stop the monitor thread
        // stop all executors and their threads
    public void cancelAllTasks(){
        List<Runnable> waitingTasks =  servicePool.shutdownNow();
        for (Runnable task: waitingTasks){
            // examine which tasks are still waiting, if necessary            
    public boolean cancelBatchById(String uploadId){
        Future<SingleBatchUploadResult> resultFuture = activeBatchFutures.get(uploadId);
        if (resultFuture != null && (!resultFuture.isDone() || !resultFuture.isCancelled()) ){
            return true;
        // this task was either already finished, cancelled, not submitted or unknown
        return false;
    public void getCurrentStatus(){
        // just print out the sizes of queues for now
        System.out.println("number of active uploads: " + activeBatchFutures.size());            
        System.out.println("number of successfully completed uploads: " + completedBatches.size());            
        System.out.println("number of failed uploads: " + notCompletedBatches.size());                   
    public class BatchMonitor implements Runnable {
        public void run() {
            boolean cont = true;
            while (cont) {
                if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){
                    // the thread is being shut down - get out
                    cont = false;
                Iterator<Entry<String, Future<SingleBatchUploadResult>>> iterator = activeBatchFutures.entrySet().iterator();
                // remove completed Futures from the map
                // add successfully completed batches to completedBatches queue
                // add all other batches to notCompletedBatches queue
                while (iterator.hasNext() && cont){
                    if (batchUploadFuture.isCancelled()) {                        
                        // remove this future from the active list
                    } else if (batchUploadFuture.isDone()){
                        try {
                            SingleBatchUploadResult result = batchUploadFuture.get();
                            if (UploadStatus.SUCCESS.equals(result.getUploadStatus()))
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                            // the thread is being shut down - stop processing
                            cont = false;
                            // preserve interruption state of the thread
                        } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                        // remove this future from the active list
                    } else {
                        // the task has not finished yet - let it be
                        // TODO if a Future is not complete - see how old it is [how ?] If older then timeout - cancel it
                        // For now, rely on the ExecutorService timeout set on the BatchUploader 
                // try to sleep for 5 sec, unless the thread is being shutdown
                if (!Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){
                    try {
                    } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        cont = false;
                        // preserve interruption state of the thread
            System.out.println("BatchMonitor.run() has terminated");
        public void addToCompleted(String uploadId){
            int currentSize = completedBatches.size();
            // bring the size of the queue below MAX
            if (currentSize > MAX_SUCCESSFUL_RESULTS) {
                int delta = MAX_SUCCESSFUL_RESULTS - currentSize;
                while (delta > 0){
        public void addToNotCompleted(SingleBatchUploadResult result){
            int currentSize = notCompletedBatches.size();
            // bring the size of the queue below MAX
            if (currentSize > MAX_UNSUCCESSFUL_RESULTS) {
                int delta = MAX_UNSUCCESSFUL_RESULTS - currentSize;
                while (delta > 0){
    public class BatchUploader implements Callable<SingleBatchUploadResult> {
    private ExecutorService executorService;
    // Map<fileName, Future result> - holds Futures for all files that were submitted for upload (those that did not fail validation)
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, Future<SingleFileUploadResult>> uploadTaskFutures = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Future<SingleFileUploadResult>>();
    private ConcurrentHashMap<String, SingleFileUploadResult> notUploadedFiles = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, SingleFileUploadResult>();
    private int totalFilesToUpload = 0;
    public BatchUploader(...) {
        executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(MAX_THREADS_PER_BATCH);
    public SingleBatchUploadResult call() {
    // do some validation
         if ( this is a correct ZIP file){
            String errorMessage = processZipArchive(threadName, contentName);
            // the errorMessage will be not null if there were some exceptions that happened during the zip archive read:
            // opening the ZIP archive, reading entries or thread interruption exceptions
            if (errorMessage != null) {
                return errorBatchUploadResult;                
        // all tasks are submitted - stop the service from accepting new requests and shutdown when done
        // now wait until all tasks have finished - but only up to BATCH_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC seconds
        try {
            executorService.awaitTermination(BATCH_UPLOAD_TIMEOUT_IN_SEC, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            // try to shutdown all running tasks and stop waiting tasks from being scheduled;
            // preserve interruption state of the thread
            return errorBatchUploadResult; 
        // at this point, we either finished all tasks (awaitTermination finished before timeout),
        // or we timed out waiting. Get the latest status of each task
        List<String> successfullyUploadedFiles = new LinkedList<String>();
        for (String entryName : uploadTaskFutures.keySet()) {
            Future<SingleFileUploadResult> future = uploadTaskFutures.get(entryName);
            try {
                if (future.isCancelled()) {
                    notUploadedFiles.putIfAbsent(entryName, taskResult);                   
                } else if (future.isDone()) {
                    // this task has finished
                    taskResult = future.get();
                    if (taskResult.getUploadStatus().equals(UploadStatus.SUCCESS))
                        notUploadedFiles.putIfAbsent(entryName, taskResult);                   
                } else {
                    // this task is either not started yet or not finished yet 
                    notUploadedFiles.putIfAbsent(entryName, sometaskResult);
            } catch (InterruptedException e){
                // this is  a signal to stop processing
                // cancel/stop all executing/waiting SingleFileUpload tasks
                // preserve interruption state of the thread
                return batchUploadResult;
            } catch (ExecutionException e) {
                // we do not know what the state of this task is 
                notUploadedFiles.putIfAbsent(entryName, sometaskResult);
        return batchUploadResult;
    private String processZipArchive(String threadName, String zipName) {
       // do all ZIP-reading work here
            while ( valid file found )
                if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){
                    // this batch uploader thread is being shut down -  stop all SingleFileUpload tasks
                    return errorMessage;
                // do a try while processing individual files to be able to gather info about failed files but continue processing good ones
                try {
                    // read the file and pass it for processing to SingleFileUploader
                    Future<SingleFileUploadResult> taskFuture = executorService.submit(new SingleFileUploader(uploadId, bytesContent, zipEntryName));
                    uploadTaskFutures.put(zipEntryName, taskFuture);
                 } catch (some exceptions) {
                      notUploadedFiles.put(zipEntryName, taskResult);
    return errorMessage;
    public class SingleFileUploader implements Callable<SingleFileUploadResult> {
    public SingleFileUploadResult call() {
        // check if there was a cancellation request
        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()){
            // this file uploader thread is being shut down - get out            
            return errorResult;
        // do the real work here
        return result;



    1. 我正在使用一个单独的线程BatchMonitor,通过定期扫描活动期货列表并将其移动到“已成功完成”或“未完成”[失败]来跟踪活动,已完成和尚未完成的活动。 ]“排队。我想知道是否有更好的方法呢?

    2. 我使用了同步的无界队列 - 并且我自己将它们绑定到指定的最大值,因为我不断向它们添加项目。我在标准的JDK库中找不到“有界并发队列”,只有无限制的队列,我希望我可以使用Guava的EvictingQueue,但它被捆绑到15.0版本中,似乎还没出现......所以,我决定自己限制队列的大小,代价是使用size()操作,我知道这是并发队列的一个问题,因为它对队列进行了全面扫描......我的理由是它可能是好的,如果我保持队列的大小 - 在我的情况下为100

    3. 我是否需要并发队列?修改队列的唯一线程是BatchMonitor线程,并且将读取队列的唯一其他线程是BatchService线程。我可以进入不同步状态的唯一时间是BatchSErvice尝试获取特定上载的状态。可能已从activeBatchFutures映射中删除了该上载但尚未放入“completed”或“notCompleted”队列,因为我没有故意在映射和队列之间同步读/写,以避免不必要的锁定。但我很乐意离开,偶尔会为特定上传返回“未找到”状态 - 第二次要求状态会得到正确的结果。

    4. BatchService是一个Singleton bean - 它带来了自己的可伸缩性问题,因为对这个bean的所有请求都会受到限制。另一种选择可能是使每个BatchUploader成为一个Spring bean并限制bean的数量,但是我将如何进行整体监控?

    5. 处理超时和取消:我正在尝试使这个应用程序防弹资源清理 - 我正在尝试处理所有ThreadInterpution情况并停止处理以允许线程被杀死。我依靠InterruptedException来在BAtchUploader中捕获和处理,通过调用batchPool.shutdownNow()将此事件传播到各个FileUploader任务。你能看到我可能遇到失控线程的任何潜在案例 - 当JVM关闭时,app会重新部署在Web容器中,......?

    6. 谢谢!


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

  1. 使用Guava ListenableFuture而不是BatchMonitor - ListenableFuture可以在Future完成后立即执行回调,从而无需您使用线程来监控您的Futures

  2. 使用ArrayBlockingQueue,这是一个有界并发队列。如果队列为空,则在使用者线程中使用take删除项目并阻塞;如果队列为空,则在生产者线程中使用offer(E e, long timeout, TimeUnit unit)添加项目和块(对于timeout units)满。

  3. 如果您使用ListenableFutures,那么您不需要BatchMonitor或并发队列

  4. 我建议您在Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()循环的每次迭代中检查for (String entryName : uploadTaskFutures.keySet()),因为您没有调用在所有代码路径上抛出InterruptedException的方法(例如,如果您继续经过else路径,然后在您注意到已设置中断标志之前可能需要一段时间)