
时间:2013-07-11 20:06:52

标签: emacs org-mode


org-state是一个“[h] ook,它在TODO项目状态发生变化后运行”。因此,除非我实际上改变待办事项的状态,否则我认为我不能使用(string-equal org-state "Next Action")。我列出的每个string-equal代码行均被拒绝:Symbol's value as variable is void: org-todoorg-deadline。截止日期是todo状态下面出现的一条线,因此在测试两种条件是否存在时也可能会出现问题。

(defun if-next-action-not-today-then-promote ()


    (goto-char (point-min))


    (re-search-forward "^\*\* Next Action" nil t)

        (when (and (string-equal org-todo "Next Action") (not (string-equal org-deadline "<%<%Y-%m-%d %a>>")) )

        (message "You have satisfied the two conditions . . . proceeding.")

        (org-todo "Active")  ;; change state to active

        (org-deadline nil "<%<%Y-%m-%d %a>>") ;; change deadline to today




示例* .org配置文件。


  ** Active [#A] First task due today. :lawlist:
     DEADLINE: <2013-07-11 Thu >

  ** Active [#A] Second task due today. :lawlist:
     DEADLINE: <2013-07-11 Thu >

  ** Next Action [#E] Test One -- make Active with deadline today. :lawlist:
     DEADLINE: <2013-07-31 Wed >

  ** Next Action [#E] Test Two -- make Active with deadline today. :lawlist:
     DEADLINE: <2013-07-31 Wed >

编辑:以下是Jonathan Leech-Pepin在下面的答案中提出的功能的修改。在答案的第一稿中,由于nil的问题,我无法从变量deadline获得(org-element-timestamp-interpreter . . . nil)以外的任何内容 - 完全消除该引用似乎可以解决问题。我一路上设置了消息,这样我就能更好地理解发生了什么。我使用if代替unless,因为我想要一条else消息让我知道条件没有达到,但功能仍然正常工作。我已经运行了几个测试,包括将它包装到re-search-forward类型的函数中并且它非常好用 - 包装函数可以通过多种方式完成,但这超出了这个线程的范围 - 例如,{{ 1}}和(&optional from-state to-state)再然后(interactive)向下;或(setq . . .)(from-state to-state)

(interactive (list (setq . . .)

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

只要您使用Org 7.9.2或更高版本,以下内容就可以使用。我通过调整截止日期和待办事项状态来测试它。

(defun zin/org-test-deadline (from-state to-state)
  "Change headline from FROM-STATE to TO-STATE if the deadline is
not already set to today."
  (interactive "sChange from state: \nsChange to state: ")
  (unless (org-at-heading-p)
  (let* ((element (org-element-at-point))
         (todo-state (org-element-property :todo-keyword
         ;; Do not give an error if there is no deadline
         (deadline (ignore-errors
                        (org-element-property :deadline
                                              element) nil)))))
         (today (time-to-days (current-time))))
    (unless (or
             ;; Is there a deadline
             (not deadline)
             ;; Is the deadline today
             (eq today deadline)
             ;; Is the todo state the wrong one
             (not (string= todo-state from-state)))
      (org-todo to-state)
      (org-deadline nil "."))))
