
时间:2013-07-13 23:12:35

标签: c# design-patterns

我的AddCustomer()有四个参数(firName, lastName, email, companyId),如下所示。

public class CustomerService

            public bool AddCustomer(
                    string firName, string lastName, 
                    string email, int companyId)

           //logic: create company object based on companId

           //other logic including validation

           var customer = //create customer based on argument and company object 

           //save the customer



     public class Customer
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string FirstName { get; set; }

        public string LastName { get; set; }

        public Company Company { get; set; }

        public string EmailAddress { get; set; }

        //Other five primitive properties


        public class Company
        public int Id { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }



 public bool AddCustomer(Customer customer){         



public bool AddCustomer(Customer customer)




3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)







namespace CustomerDomain.Commands
    public class RegisterNewCustomer : ICommand
        public RegisterNewCustomer(Guid registrationId, string firstName, string lastName, string email, int worksForCompanyId)
            this.RegistrationId = registrationId;
            this.FirstName = firstName;
            // ... more fields
        public readonly Guid RegistrationId;
        public readonly string FirstName;
        // ... more fields
    public class ChangeCustomerEmail : ICommand
        public ChangeCustomerEmail(int customerId, string newEmail)
        // ...
    public class ChangeCustomerCompany : ICommand
        public ChangeCustomerCompany(int customerId, int newCompanyId)
        // ...
    // ... more commands

namespace CustomerDomain.Events
    public class NewCustomerWasRegistered : IEvent
        public NewCustomerWasRegistered(Guid registrationId, int assignedId, bool isPremiumCustomer, string firstName /* ... other fields */)
            this.RegistrationId = registrationId;
            // ...
        public readonly Guid RegistrationId;
        public readonly int AssignedCustomerId;
        public readonly bool IsPremiumCustomer;
        public readonly string FirstName;
        // ...
    public class CustomerRegistrationWasRefused : IEvent
        public CustomerRegistrationWasRefused(Guid registrationId, string reason)
        // ...
    public class CustomerEmailWasChanged : IEvent
    public class CustomerCompanyWasChanged : IEvent
    public class CustomerWasAwardedPremiumStatus : IEvent
    public class CustomerPremiumStatusWasRevoked : IEvent



namespace CompanyIntelligenceServices
    public interface ICompanyIntelligenceService
        CompanyIntelligenceReport GetIntelligenceReport(int companyId); 
        // ... other relevant methods.

    public class CompanyIntelligenceReport
        public readonly string CompanyName;
        public readonly double AccumulatedSales;
        public readonly double LastQuarterSales;
        public readonly bool IsBankrupt;
        // etc.


public class CustomerDomainService : IDomainService
    private readonly Func<int> _customerIdGenerator;
    private readonly Dictionary<Type, Func<ICommand, IEnumerable<IEvent>>> _commandHandlers;
    private readonly Dictionary<int, List<IEvent>> _dataBase;
    private readonly IEventChannel _eventsChannel;
    private readonly ICompanyIntelligenceService _companyIntelligenceService;

    public CustomerDomainService(ICompanyIntelligenceService companyIntelligenceService, IEventChannel eventsChannel)
        // mock database.
        var id = 1;
        _customerIdGenerator = () => id++;
        _dataBase = new Dictionary<int, List<IEvent>>(); 

        // external services and infrastructure.
        _companyIntelligenceService = companyIntelligenceService;
        _eventsChannel = eventsChannel;

        // command handler wiring.
        _commandHandlers = new Dictionary<Type,Func<ICommand,IEnumerable<IEvent>>>();
        SetHandlerFor<RegisterNewCustomerCommand>(cmd => HandleCommandFor(-1,
            (id, cust) => cust.Register(id, cmd, ReportFor(cmd.WorksForCompanyId))));
        SetHandlerFor<ChangeCustomerEmail>(cmd => HandleCommandFor(cmd.CustomerId, 
            (id, cust) => cust.ChangeEmail(cmd.NewEmail)));
        SetHandlerFor<ChangeCustomerCompany>(cmd => HandleCommandFor(cmd.CustomerId,
            (id, cust) => cust.ChangeCompany(cmd.NewCompanyId, ReportFor(cmd.NewCompanyId))));
    public void PerformCommand(ICommand cmd)
        var commandHandler = _commandHandlers[cmd.GetType()]; 
        var resultingEvents = commandHandler(cmd);
        foreach (var evt in resultingEvents)
    private IEnumerable<IEvent> HandleCommandFor(int customerId, Func<int, Customer, IEnumerable<IEvent>> handler)
        if (customerId <= 0)
            customerId = _customerIdGenerator();
        var events = handler(LoadCustomer(customerId));
        SaveCustomer(customerId, events);
        return events;
    private void SetHandlerFor<TCommand>(Func<TCommand, IEnumerable<IEvent>> handler)
        _commandHandlers[typeof(TCommand)] = cmd => handler((TCommand)cmd);
    private CompanyIntelligenceReport ReportFor(int companyId)
        return _companyIntelligenceService.GetIntelligenceReport(companyId);
    private Customer LoadCustomer(int customerId)
        var currentHistoricalEvents = new List<IEvent>();
        _dataBase.TryGetValue(customerId, out currentHistoricalEvents);
        return new Customer(currentHistoricalEvents);
    private void SaveCustomer(int customerId, IEnumerable<IEvent> newEvents)
        List<IEvent> currentEventHistory;
        if (!_dataBase.TryGetValue(customerId, out currentEventHistory))
            _dataBase[customerId] = currentEventHistory = new List<IEvent>();


internal class Customer
    private int _id; 
    private bool _isRegistered;
    private bool _isPremium;
    private bool _canOrderProducts;

    public Customer(IEnumerable<IEvent> eventHistory)
        foreach (var evt in eventHistory)

    public IEnumerable<IEvent> Register(int id, RegisterNewCustomerCommand cmd, CompanyIntelligenceReport report)
        if (report.IsBankrupt)
            yield return ApplyEvent(new CustomerRegistrationWasRefused(cmd.RegistrationId, "Customer's company is bankrupt"));
        var isPremium = IsPremiumCompany(report);
        yield return ApplyEvent(new NewCustomerWasRegistered(cmd.RegistrationId, id, isPremium, cmd.FirstName, cmd.LastName, cmd.Email, cmd.WorksForCompanyID));
    public IEnumerable<IEvent> ChangeEmail(string newEmailAddress)
        EnsureIsRegistered("change email");
        yield return ApplyEvent(new CustomerEmailWasChanged(_id, newEmailAddress));
    public IEnumerable<IEvent> ChangeCompany(int newCompanyId, CompanyIntelligenceReport report)
        EnsureIsRegistered("change company");
        var isPremiumCompany = IsPremiumCompany(report);
        if (!_isPremium && isPremiumCompany)
            yield return ApplyEvent(new CustomerWasAwardedPremiumStatus(_id));
            if (_isPremium && !isPremiumCompany)
                yield return ApplyEvent(new CustomerPremiumStatusRevoked(_id, "Customer changed workplace to a non-premium company"));
            if (report.IsBankrupt)
                yield return ApplyEvent(new CustomerLostBuyingCapability(_id, "Customer changed workplace to a bankrupt company"));
    // ... handlers for other commands
    private bool IsPremiumCompany(CompanyIntelligenceReport report)
        return !report.IsBankrupt && 
            (report.AccumulatedSales > 1000000 || report.LastQuarterSales > 10000);
    private void EnsureIsRegistered(string forAction)
        if (_isRegistered)
            throw new DomainException(string.Format("Cannot {0} for an unregistered customer", forAction));
    private IEvent ApplyEvent(IEvent evt)
        // build up only the status needed to take domain/business decisions.
        // instead of if/then/else, event hander wiring could be used.
        if (evt is NewCustomerWasRegistered)
            _isPremium = evt.IsPremiumCustomer;
            _isRegistered = true;
            _canOrderProducts = true;
        else if (evt is CustomerRegistrationWasRefused)
            _isRegistered = false;
        else if (evt is CustomerWasAwardedPremiumStatus)
            _isPremium = true;
        else if (evt is CustomerPremiumStatusRevoked)
            _isPremium = false;
        else if (evt is CustomerLostBuyingCapability)
            _canOrderProducts = false;
        return evt;


答案 1 :(得分:0)


答案 2 :(得分:0)


var customer = new CustomerBuilder()




