
时间:2013-07-17 16:19:10

标签: html css firefox drop-down-menu


要查看问题,请转到此处: 向下滚动图像是一个带有'Page 1'的HTML下拉菜单。点击这里有一些其他选项,右边有一个额外的15px菜单,我根本无法理解。它不能像选项一样被点击,它不应该在那里,它使选项宽度大于180px,这就是它的设置。

请注意,我已经测试过,如果这个灰色空间出现在铬和歌剧院,那么它没有。 这让我相信它只出现在Firefox ...

要查看代码,请检查元素,因为它可能更容易调查,但如果不是,我可以通过HTML / CSS。




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    <h2>Page 1</h2>
    <h4>Posted 23rd May 2013, 10:16 PM</h4>

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                          <a href="" title="FallenFantasy174"><img class="avatar" src="" alt="view FallenFantasy174's profile"></a>   <h2 class="postername"><a href="" title="FallenFantasy174">FallenFantasy174</a></h2><br>
                          <h4 class="posttime">23rd May 2013, 10:16 PM</h4>
                      <div class="accontent">
                          <p>Wonder what she's up to? :P<br>
Sorry I didn't upload in time for wen I said I would, I was too busy and had to deal with stuff. :/<br>
Anyway I'm really happy with the lighting, layout and the sky in this one. I've also started to use MangaStudio as well as Gimp so this was done in a mixture of the two Unfortunately it takes a while to swap things between them but on the bright side there's alot MangaStudio can do that Gimp can't so I'm having fun with that. :P<br>
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