Sencha Ext JS 4图表:自定义xField(类别)标签位置

时间:2013-07-25 09:53:03

标签: extjs charts extjs4 extjs4.2

我正在尝试将应用程序从Flex 3移植到Sencha Ext JS 4。此应用程序有一个带有柱形图的仪表板(请看下面的第一张图)。 xField的值有点长。

enter image description here


label : {
    rotate : {degrees:45}


enter image description here

我正在考虑自定义onPlaceLabel功能,但我不知道该怎么做。 我将如何做到这一点来实现我所需要的?

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)



Ext.define('Ext.ux.chart.axis.Axis.OverlappingLabelOptions', {
    override: 'Ext.chart.axis.Axis'

    ,labelRows: 1

    ,hideOverlappingLabels: true

    ,drawHorizontalLabels: function() {
        // ... see at the end of the post for the full implementation


    type: 'Category',
    position: 'bottom',
    fields: ['name'],
    title: 'Sample Metrics',

    labelRows: 5,
    hideOverlappingLabels: false

我的第一次尝试是将重叠标签自动推到一行。这就是你通过设置labelRows: 'auto'获得的。它在某些条件下运行良好,并具有自动化的优点。

enter image description here


enter image description here



    // ...
    hideOverlappingLabels: false,
    labelRows: 5

enter image description here



 * This override adds a {@link #labelRows} option to draw horizontal axis labels on multiple
 * rows, and also an {@link #hideOverlappingLabels} option.
Ext.define('Ext.ux.chart.axis.Axis.OverlappingLabelOptions', {
    override: 'Ext.chart.axis.Axis'

    ,alternateClassName: 'Ext.ux.AxisOverlappingLabelOptions'

     * @cfg {Integer/String}
     * Number of label rows. If this option is set to 'auto', then overlapping labels will
     * be drawn on the next row where they don't overlap. Which can give a messy result.
    ,labelRows: 1

     * @cfg {Boolean}
     * Set to false to prevent automatic hiding of overlapping labels.
    ,hideOverlappingLabels: true

    ,drawHorizontalLabels: function() {
        var me = this,
            labelConf = me.label,
            floor = Math.floor,
            max = Math.max,
            axes = me.chart.axes,
            insetPadding = me.chart.insetPadding,
            gutters = me.chart.maxGutters,
            position = me.position,
            inflections = me.inflections,
            ln = inflections.length,
            labels = me.labels,
            maxHeight = 0,
            bbox, point, prevLabel, prevLabelId,
            adjustEnd = me.adjustEnd,
            hasLeft = axes.findIndex('position', 'left') != -1,
            hasRight = axes.findIndex('position', 'right') != -1,
            textLabel, text,
            last, x, y, i, firstLabel;

        var labelRows = Ext.num(this.labelRows, 1),
            autoOffsetLabels = this.labelRows === 'auto',
            hideLabels = this.hideOverlappingLabels;

        var lastLabelOnRow = [],
            row, j;

        last = ln - 1;
        //get a reference to the first text label dimensions
        point = inflections[0];
        firstLabel = me.getOrCreateLabel(0, me.label.renderer(labels[0]));
        ratio = Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.sin(labelConf.rotate && (labelConf.rotate.degrees * Math.PI / 180) || 0)));

        for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
            row = 0; // rx: start at first row
            point = inflections[i];
            text = me.label.renderer(labels[i]);
            textLabel = me.getOrCreateLabel(i, text);
            bbox = textLabel._bbox;
            //maxHeight = max(maxHeight, bbox.height + me.dashSize + me.label.padding);
            x = floor(point[0] - (ratio ? bbox.height : bbox.width) / 2);
            if (adjustEnd && gutters.left == 0 && gutters.right == 0) {
                if (i == 0 && !hasLeft) {
                    x = point[0];
                else if (i == last && !hasRight) {
                    x = Math.min(x, point[0] - bbox.width + insetPadding);
            if (position == 'top') {
                y = point[1] - (me.dashSize * 2) - me.label.padding - (bbox.height / 2);
            else {
                y = point[1] + (me.dashSize * 2) + me.label.padding + (bbox.height / 2);

            // rx: vertical offset
            y += (i % labelRows) * bbox.height;

                hidden: false,
                x: x,
                y: y
            }, true);

            if (autoOffsetLabels) {
                // rx: find the row on which we can draw the label without overlapping
                for (j=0; j<lastLabelOnRow.length; j++) {
                    if (me.intersect(textLabel, lastLabelOnRow[j])) {
                            y: y + row * bbox.height
                        }, true);

                // rx: calc maxHeight knowing the row
                maxHeight = max(maxHeight, bbox.height + me.dashSize + me.label.padding + (bbox.height * row));

                // rx: keep reference to know where we can place the next label
                lastLabelOnRow[row] = textLabel;
            } else {

                if (hideLabels) {
                    // Skip label if there isn't available minimum space
                    if (i != 0 && (me.intersect(textLabel, prevLabel)
                        || me.intersect(textLabel, firstLabel))) {
                        if (i === last && prevLabelId !== 0) {
                        } else {

                maxHeight = max(maxHeight, bbox.height + me.dashSize + me.label.padding + bbox.height * (i % labelRows));

            prevLabel = textLabel;
            prevLabelId = i;

        return maxHeight;

答案 1 :(得分:0)



  1. 缩短可见轴标签文本,使标签适合(因此 渲染)

  2. 为轴标签精灵添加工具提示,并使其显示完整的标签文字

  3. 代码段:

    1. 内轴配置......

      label : {
             renderer: function(v){
              //if v is 'Grilled Pizza Special' then you get something like 'Grilled ...'
               return Ext.String.ellipsis(v,12);
    2. 修改了drawHorizo​​ntalLabels()...

      drawHorizontalLabels: function () {
      var me = this,
          labelConf = me.label,
          floor = Math.floor,
          max = Math.max,
          axes = me.chart.axes,
          insetPadding = me.chart.insetPadding,
          position = me.position,
          inflections = me.inflections,
          ln = inflections.length,
          labels = me.labels,
          maxHeight = 0,
          bbox, point, prevLabel, prevLabelId,
          adjustEnd = me.adjustEnd,
          hasLeft = axes.findIndex('position', 'left') != -1,
          hasRight = axes.findIndex('position', 'right') != -1,
          textLabel, text,tooltipText,
          last, x, y, i, firstLabel;
      last = ln - 1;
      //get a reference to the first text label dimensions
      point = inflections[0];
      firstLabel = me.getOrCreateLabel(0, me.label.renderer(labels[0]));
      ratio = Math.floor(Math.abs(Math.sin(labelConf.rotate && (labelConf.rotate.degrees * Math.PI / 180) || 0)));
      for (i = 0; i < ln; i++) {
          point = inflections[i];
          text = me.label.renderer(labels[i]);
          //not using text variable above for tooltip as tooltip would render the ellipsis text rather than the full label text.
          tooltipText = labels[i]; 
          textLabel = me.getOrCreateLabel(i, text);
          bbox = textLabel._bbox;
          maxHeight = max(maxHeight, bbox.height + me.dashSize + me.label.padding);
          x = floor(point[0] - (ratio ? bbox.height : bbox.width) / 2);
          if (adjustEnd && me.chart.maxGutter[0] == 0) {
              if (i == 0 && !hasLeft) {
                  x = point[0];
              else if (i == last && !hasRight) {
                  x = Math.min(x, point[0] - bbox.width + insetPadding);
          if (position == 'top') {
              y = point[1] - (me.dashSize * 2) - me.label.padding - (bbox.height / 2);
          else {
              y = point[1] + (me.dashSize * 2) + me.label.padding + (bbox.height / 2);
              hidden: false,
              x: x,
              y: y
          }, true);
                var labelTip = Ext.create('Ext.tip.ToolTip', {
              target : textLabel.el,
              html : tooltipText
          // Skip label if there isn't available minimum space
          if (i != 0 && (me.intersect(textLabel, prevLabel)
              || me.intersect(textLabel, firstLabel))) {
              if (i === last && prevLabelId !== 0) {
              } else {
          prevLabel = textLabel;
          prevLabelId = i;
      return maxHeight;