
时间:2013-07-29 06:02:19

标签: typo3


            'uid = '.$this->piVars['job'],
            array('hit_counter' => 'hit_counter + 1'),

然后在文件:class.t3lib_db.php中,我检查了两个函数function exec_UPDATEqueryfile()

     * @param   string      Database tablename
     * @param   string      WHERE clause, eg. "uid=1". NOTICE: You must escape values in this argument with $this->fullQuoteStr() yourself!
     * @param   array       Field values as key=>value pairs. Values will be escaped internally. Typically you would fill an array like "$updateFields" with 'fieldname'=>'value' and pass it to this function as argument.
     * @param   string/array        See fullQuoteArray()
     * @return  pointer     MySQL result pointer / DBAL object
    function exec_UPDATEquery($table, $where, $fields_values, $no_quote_fields = FALSE)

function fullQuoteArray()

     * Will fullquote all values in the one-dimensional array so they are ready to "implode" for an sql query.
     * @param   array       Array with values (either associative or non-associative array)
     * @param   string      Table name for which to quote
     * @param   string/array        List/array of keys NOT to quote (eg. SQL functions) - ONLY for associative arrays
     * @return  array       The input array with the values quoted
     * @see cleanIntArray()
     function fullQuoteArray($arr, $table, $noQuote = FALSE)


这是如何运作的:array('hit_counter')?或换句话说,function fullQuoteArray()如何运作?这是什么意思:fullquote all values in the one-dimensional array

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