抽象工厂模式 - 具体产品之间的依赖性

时间:2013-08-01 20:46:16

标签: c# oop design-patterns language-agnostic factory-pattern


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace Graphics
    public interface IGraphicsFactory
        ICanvas CreateCanvas();
        Square CreateSquare();
        ComposedShape CreateComposedShape();

    public class SimpleGraphicsFactory : IGraphicsFactory
        public Square CreateSquare()
            return new SimpleImpl.SimpleSquare();

        public ComposedShape CreateComposedShape()
            return new SimpleImpl.SimpleComposedShape();

        public ICanvas CreateCanvas()
            return new SimpleImpl.SimpleCanvas();

    public interface ICanvas
        void AddShape(ShapeBase shape);
        void Render();

    public abstract class ShapeBase
        public abstract void Paint(ICanvas canvas);

    public abstract class Square : ShapeBase
        public int size;

    public abstract class ComposedShape : ShapeBase
        public int size;
        public ShapeBase InternalShape1 { get; set; }
        public ShapeBase InternalShape2 { get; set; }

namespace Graphics.SimpleImpl
    internal class SimpleSquare : Graphics.Square
        public void Init()
            // do something really important

        public override void Paint(ICanvas canvas)

            //?? how to avoid the type cast? (and I want to keep the DrawLine out of the ICanvas interface)
            SimpleCanvas scanvas = (canvas as SimpleCanvas);

    internal class SimpleComposedShape : Graphics.ComposedShape
        public void Init()
            //?? how can I call `InternalShape1.Init', preferably without type casts? (and I want to keep `Init` out of the `ShapeBase` class)
            // this.InternalShape1.Init();
            // this.InternalShape2.Init();

        public override void Paint(ICanvas canvas)
            // TODO: draw the thing

    internal class SimpleCanvas : Graphics.ICanvas
        List<ShapeBase> shapes = new List<ShapeBase>();

        public void AddShape(ShapeBase shape)

        public void Render()
            foreach (ShapeBase s in shapes)

        public void DrawLine()

namespace Test
    using Graphics;
    class TestSimpleGraphics
        static void Test1()
            IGraphicsFactory fact = new SimpleGraphicsFactory();
            ICanvas canvas = fact.CreateCanvas();

            Square sq1 = fact.CreateSquare();
            Square sq2 = fact.CreateSquare();
            ComposedShape cs = fact.CreateComposedShape();
            cs.InternalShape1 = sq1;
            cs.InternalShape2 = sq2;

  1. 我的抽象工厂模式实现是否正确?
  2. SimpleSquare.Paint内:可以避免类型转换吗? (我希望将DrawLine保留在ICanvas界面)
  3. 之外
  4. SimpleComposedShape.Init内:如何调用InternalShape.Init,最好不要使用类型转换? (我希望将Init保留在ShapeBase类)
  5. 之外

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

1 - 我认为你的SimpleGraphicsFactory确实是抽象工厂的一个很好的例子。

2 - SimpleSquare投射到SimpleCanvas是完全合适的,因为它们都是同一个家庭&#34;的一部分,由同一个具体工厂创建。回想一下Abstract Factory的定义(重点是我的):


提供用于创建相关或依赖系列的界面   没有指定具体类的对象。



3 - 我不知道你要做什么,你;我需要对细节发表评论,并且我会回复我的答案。我希望ComposedShape有一个方法Add(Shape s),让调用者可以为复合(容器)添加多个形状。但也许我误解了。

答案 1 :(得分:0)

如果我的意图是正确的,那么您正试图模仿System.Drawing.Graphics类(或HTML <canvas>)的功能。


  1. IGraphicsFactory重命名为ICanvasFactory,并让它只创建具体的ICanvas实现。删除CreateSquare和其他方法,因为您不必通过工厂创建形状(唯一重要的是您的形状通过具体的ICanvas实现)。

  2. ICanvas界面表示可以绘制原始形状(线条,圆圈,填充区域等)的画布。这意味着您应该公开允许调用者创建这些基元的公共方法。 Graphics还提供了各种转换功能,但现在这可能是一种过度杀伤力:

    interface ICanvas
         void Clear();
         void DrawLine(Point from, Point to, Pen pen);
         void DrawCircle(Point center, Double radius, Pen pen);
         void Paint();
         /* and stuff like that */
  3. Canvas不应包含Shapes的列表,而应包含基元列表。例如,当您调用ICanvas.DrawLine(...)方法时,它应该创建一个Line原语的实例并将其存储在内部列表中。


    class BitmapCanvas : ICanvas
        private readonly byte[] _bitmapData;
        private readonly List<IBitmapShape> _primitives;
        public BitmapCanvas(int width, int height)
            _bitmapData = new byte[width * height];
            _primitives = new List<IPrimitiveShape>();
        public void DrawLine(...) 
            // different implementations will handle this part differently.
            _primitives.Add(new BitmapLine(_bitmapData, from, to, pen));
        public void Paint()
            foreach (var shape in _primitives)
  4. 然后,具体的基本类将处理这个内部逻辑:

    class BitmapLine : IBitmapShape
        public void Draw()
            // write to the underlying byte array
  5. 由于ICanvas实现不会绘制实际形状,因此您不需要ShapeBase类。但是,您需要一个模拟类来绘制图形基元(上面称为IBitmapShape)。