
时间:2013-08-08 11:59:13

标签: haskell optimization lazy-evaluation strict




  1. 我可以通过对我的功能引入一些严格来避免这种情况吗? (seq / deepseq的东西?)。

  2. 我想在哪些情况下保持当前状态的插入/删除?

  3. 如果您认为代码设计错误或不正确,请随时更正或改进我的代码。


    import Data.List
    data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)
                  deriving (Eq)
    leaf x = Branch x Empty Empty
    -- insert ------------------------------------
    treeInsert :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
    treeInsert Empty x  = leaf x
    treeInsert (Branch y l r) x | x<y = Branch y (treeInsert l x) r
                                | x>y = Branch y l (treeInsert r x)
                                | otherwise = Branch x l r  --edit
    -- delete ------------------------------------
    treeDelete :: (Eq a, Ord a) => Tree a -> a -> Tree a
    treeDelete Empty _ = Empty
    treeDelete (Branch y l r ) x    | y<x   = Branch y l (treeDelete r x)
                                    | y>x   = Branch y (treeDelete l x) r
                                    | y==x  = del' $ Branch y l r
        -- if this Branch is a leaf dispose of it.
        -- if branch has only one child return the child (skip over).
        -- otherwise, replace this branch with its successor (the leftmost child of the right tree)
        --      successor will be extracted from its original location.
        del' ( Branch y Empty Empty )   = Empty
        del' ( Branch y Empty r )       = r
        del' ( Branch y l Empty )       = l
        del' ( Branch y l r )           = Branch ySucc l rWithout_ySucc
            ( rWithout_ySucc, ySucc ) = leftmost r
                leftmost ( Branch y Empty Empty )   = ( Empty, y )
                leftmost ( Branch y Empty r )       = ( r, y )
                leftmost ( Branch y l r )           = ( Branch y ll r, z ) where ( ll, z ) = leftmost l

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data Tree a = Empty | Branch a (Tree a) (Tree a)

data Tree a = Empty | Branch a !(Tree a) !(Tree a)


您有时可能不想这样做的原因是,现在您一次为所有操作支付“全部费用” - 从树中删除五个级别的元素将强制重建所有五个级别要立即执行新树,而如果你真的不需要实际查看这些路径,那么它们就永远不会被迫。


实际上,只需在使用站点强制执行严格性,通常可以避免堆栈溢出。所以,想象一下你在一棵空树上有一个fold,它连续插入了许多元素。如果您使用严格 foldl'(即使使用了懒惰的树),那么与使用延迟折叠时相比,最终会消耗更少的堆栈。