
时间:2013-08-26 21:52:46

标签: haskell ghc


{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}

data MyError = MyError String deriving (Eq, Show)

data MyList    = MyList [Double] deriving (Eq, Show)
data NamedList = NamedList String MyList deriving (Eq, Show)

class MyNum a b ret where
    myAdd       :: a -> b -> Either MyError ret
    myLessThan  :: a -> b -> Either MyError Bool

instance MyNum MyList Double MyList where
    myAdd (MyList xs) x = Right $ MyList $ map (+x) xs
    myLessThan (MyList xs) x = Right $ all (< x) xs

instance MyNum NamedList Double NamedList where
    myAdd (NamedList n l) x = fmap (NamedList n) $ myAdd l x
    myLessThan (NamedList n l) x = myLessThan l x


No instance for (MyNum MyList Double ret0)
  arising from a use of `myLessThan'
The type variable `ret0' is ambiguous
Possible fix: add a type signature that fixes these type variable(s)
Note: there is a potential instance available:
  instance MyNum MyList Double MyList
    -- Defined at testing_instances.hs:13:10
Possible fix:
  add an instance declaration for (MyNum MyList Double ret0)
In the expression: myLessThan l x
In an equation for `myLessThan':
    myLessThan (NamedList n l) x = myLessThan l x
In the instance declaration for `MyNum NamedList Double NamedList'

因为编译器无法确定MyNum用于MyList的具体实例。它适用于myAdd,因为MyNum的返回类型很容易派生,但它无法计算myLessThan。我想使用这个类型类,以便我可以轻松地在整个过程中添加细粒度的错误处理,因为我的实际代码具有+, - ,*,/,&lt;,&lt; =,&gt;和&gt; = ,我想为MyNum Double MyList MyListMyNum MyList MyList MyList创建一个实例,为NamedList创建类似的实例。除非有更简单的方法,否则我可以拥有多态交换运算符。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

您可以使用functional dependencies指定“retab唯一确定”。

{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
class MyNum a b ret | a b -> ret where


myLessThan (NamedList n l) x = myLessThan l x


instance MyNum MyList Double SomeOtherType where

答案 1 :(得分:4)


-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances     #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-class MyNum a b ret where
-    myAdd       :: a -> b -> Either MyError ret
+class MyNum a b where
+    type Ret a b
+    myAdd       :: a -> b -> Either MyError (Ret a b)

-instance MyNum MyList Double MyList where
+instance MyNum MyList Double where
+    type Ret MyList Double = MyList

-instance MyNum NamedList Double NamedList where
+instance MyNum NamedList Double where
+    type Ret NamedList Double = NamedList

我刚刚将ret类型从类参数移至associated type Ret 这是一种TypeFamily - 表示类参数abRet的函数的方法。
