返回谓词的方法< T> (其中T仅在运行时已知)

时间:2013-08-27 14:14:31

标签: c# generics datagrid filter predicate



dataGrid1.Filter = p => p.A_Field_Table1.Contains(textBox.Text);


然后我创建了一个动态生成Predicate< T> :

public static Predicate< T > GetPredicate< T >(string column, string valueP, T objSource, string table)
        Type itemType = typeof(T);

        ParameterExpression predParam = Expression.Parameter(itemType, "p");
        Expression left = Expression.Property(predParam, itemType.GetProperty("A_" + column+ "_" + table));
        var valueStr= Expression.Constant(valueP);
        var typeOfStr = valueStr.Type;
        var containsMethod = typeOfStr.GetMethod("Contains", new [] { typeof(string) });
        var call = Expression.Call(left, containsMethod, valueStr);
        Func< T, bool > function = (Func< T, bool >)Expression.Lambda(call, new[] { predParam }).Compile();
        return new Predicate< T >(function);


var dataGridItem = dataGrid.Items[0];
dataGrid1.Filter = Class_X.GetPredicate(columnRefName,textBox.Text,dataGridItem,tableRefName);

但泛型方法抛出一个异常,即类型T是&#34; object&#34;的类型,即使objSource是Model.TableName的类型。

我读了一些教程,说T在运行时无法解析,那么我应该使用&#34; dynamic&#34;而不是泛型类型。

我已经尝试过使用&#34;动态&#34;类型,但我将Lambda表达式转换为Func&lt;时得到异常动态,布尔&gt;。说我无法从&lt;转换Model.TableName,bool&gt;到&lt; System.Object,bool&gt;。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

在这种情况下,您无法使用泛型。 FilterFunc<object, bool>,所以:

public static Predicate<object> GetPredicate(string column, string valueP, object objSource, string table)
    Type itemType = objSource.GetType();

    ParameterExpression predParam = Expression.Parameter(typeof(object), "p");
    Expression left = Expression.Property(Expression.Convert(predParam, itemType), "A_" + column+ "_" + table);
    var valueStr= Expression.Constant(valueP);
    var typeOfStr = valueStr.Type;
    var containsMethod = typeOfStr.GetMethod("Contains", new [] { typeof(string) });

    var call = Expression.Call(left, containsMethod, valueStr);

    //To handle null values. It considers null == string.Empty
    //var left2 = Expression.Coalesce(left, Expression.Constant(string.Empty));
    //var call = Expression.Call(left2, containsMethod, valueStr);

    //If you want null values to be distinct from string.Empty, it's
    //much more complex. You'll need a temporary variable (left2)
    //where to put the value of the property, and then you can use the 
    //Expression.Condition (that is the ? : ternary operator) to 
    //test for null values
    //var left2 = Expression.Variable(typeof(string));
    //var assign = Expression.Assign(left2, left);
    //var notNull = Expression.NotEqual(left2, Expression.Constant(null));
    //var call = Expression.Call(left2, containsMethod, valueStr);
    //var condition = Expression.Condition(notNull, call, Expression.Constant(false));
    //var block = Expression.Block(new[] { left2 }, new Expression[] { assign, condition });

    Predicate<object> function = Expression.Lambda<Predicate<object>>(call, new[] { predParam }).Compile();
    return function;


请注意,如果您尝试在null属性上使用NullReferenceException,则不会测试行属性中的Containsnull < / p>
