
时间:2013-08-30 21:17:46

标签: javascript backbone.js underscore.js

一读到docs for underscore.js' _.result,我认为它可能在表单验证的上下文中有用。所以在我的骨干视图中,我有一个保存方法如下:

save : function() {
    var values = _.reduce(this.$el.find(":input"), function(values, input) {
        values[input.name] = input.value;
        return values;
    }, {});

    this.showErrors(_.result(this.validate(values), 'unlessValid'));

    NOTE: I've concluded this is a more idiomatic underscore.js approach

    _.compose(submitForm, _.wrap(unlessFormInvalid, showFormErrors));

    However I've left out 'this.' to reduce the 'noise', and yet the calls
    to '_.compose' and '_.wrap' make this noisier than I'd like anyway, and 
    would undoubtedly be exacerbated in cases where there are more than just
    'unless' and (implicit above) 'if' conditions.  Therefore I'm becoming more
    inclined to implement my own sort of promise/'thennable' interface, such as:

        onValid: this.submitForm,
        onInvalid: this.showFormErrors


submissionErrors : function(values) {
    console.log('inside submissionErrors -- always get here');
    console.log('but only reach showErrors if submissionErrors returns value');
   // return {};

validate : function(values) {
    var unlessValid = this.submissionErrors(values) || this.persist.call(this, values);

    return {
        unlessValid: unlessValid

persist : function(values) {
    console.log('inside persist');

showErrors : function(errors) {
    if (errors) {
        console.log('inside show Errors');

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:6)


var nameProperty = {name: 'Peter'};
var nameMethod = {name: function () {return 'Peter';}};
console.log(_.result(nameProperty, 'name'));
console.log(_.result(nameMethod, 'name'))



