
时间:2013-09-04 20:31:49

标签: c++ algorithm math physics


Object moving through an area

在上图中,w by h物体在一个区域内移动(其后面的深灰色区域是已经被覆盖的区域)。如果物体以速度v移动并且花费t秒进行90度转弯(或每转1度转动t / 90),我需要制定一种算法来确定覆盖整个区域的最快路径。物体可以移动到指定区域之外。


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

[编辑回答] 对不起,我错了。


1. what is the smallest rectangle that covers the all area
2. compute the time to 'paint it' from your starting position:
    2.1 as you can go outside, just
        2.1.1 calculate time  if browsing by rows
        2.1.2 if by column
        2.1.3 if turning from outer to center
        2.1.4 if turning from outer to center
    2.2 decide what is the most efficient solution
3. store this result
4. subdivise the area in 2 smaller rectangles
5. redo the same thing for the 2 and test various combination for the travel from rectangle 1 to 2 (obviously the starting pos on 2 is free) Always keep track that anything bigger than the cost of the first solution can be ignored 

如果我可以做一个简单的猜测,那在数学上不是最快的,而是一个很好的解决方案 是大多数AOI做的,只做最大的矩形。


已经找到了矩形的最佳解决方案。 那就是图形问题(矩形图,图之间的联系是另一个问题)

