
时间:2009-12-07 20:16:23

标签: multithreading parallel-processing puzzle


12 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)


Multithreaded Programming with ThreadMentor : A Tutorial



ThreadMentor : The Dining Philosopher's Problem
ThreadMentor : The Dining Philosopher's Problem: The Lefty-Righty Version


餐饮哲学家的问题是由E. W. Dijkstra发明的。想象一下,五个哲学家只是在思考和东方生活。餐厅中间是一张带五把椅子的圆桌。桌子上有一大盘意大利面。但是,只有五根筷子可用,如下图所示。每个哲学家都在想。当他饿了,他坐下来拿起最接近他的两根筷子。如果一个哲学家可以拿起两根筷子,他会吃一段时间。在一位哲学家吃完之后,他放下筷子开始思考。

ThreadMentor : The Cigarette Smoker's Problem


这个问题是由S. S. Patil于1971年引起的。假设一支香烟需要三种成分,烟草,纸和火柴。有三个连锁吸烟者。他们每个人只有一种无限供应的成分。有一种代理人可以无限供应所有三种成分。为了制作香烟,吸烟者必须使用另外两种成分纸和烟草(分别是烟草和火柴,以及烟草和纸)。代理人和吸烟者共用一张桌子。代理人随机生成两种成分,并通知需要这两种成分的吸烟者。一旦从桌子上取出配料,代理商再提供两个。另一方面,每个吸烟者等待代理人的通知。一旦通知,吸烟者拿起食材,抽一支烟,抽烟一会儿,然后回到餐桌旁等待下一份食材。

ThreadMentor : The Producer/Consumer (or Bounded-Buffer) Problem



ThreadMentor : The Roller Coaster Problem


假设有n名乘客和一辆过山车。乘客反复等待乘坐可以容纳最多C乘客的汽车,其中C <1。 ñ。但是,只有当车满时,它才能绕过赛道。完成骑行后,每位乘客在游乐园周围游荡,然后返回过山车再骑一次。出于安全原因,该车只能骑行T次然后开枪。


  1. 汽车总是乘坐C乘客;
  2. 汽车行驶时,没有乘客会从车上跳下来;
  3. 汽车行驶时,没有乘客会跳上车;
  4. 在下车之前,没有乘客会要求再次乘车。
  5. ThreadMentor : The Bridge Problem








答案 1 :(得分:6)

Dining Philosophers Problem,是我想到的第一个。

答案 2 :(得分:2)


答案 3 :(得分:2)

答案 4 :(得分:1)

Dining philosophers就是一个......

unisex bathroom是另一个

答案 5 :(得分:1)


答案 6 :(得分:1)

答案 7 :(得分:1)

这是我在本科学习期间完成多线程的first problem

答案 8 :(得分:1)






答案 9 :(得分:1)

Elevator Simulator很常见。

答案 10 :(得分:1)

这是PARLANSE中实现的并行N-puzzle解算器。该语言具有类似LISP的语法,但实际上更接近于C(标量,结构,指针,函数调用),但与C语言不同,它具有本地范围。秘密在于并行fork-grain运算符(|| ...),它并行执行所有操作数,以及PARLANSE使用异常来阻止父粒的能力。


(define Version `N-puzzle Solver V1.1~l
Copyright (C) 1998-2009 Semantic Designs; All Rights Reserved~l')

(define SolveParticularPuzzle ~t)
(define ManhattanHeuristic ~t) ; Manhattan is really fast
(define PrintTrace ~f)

(include `parmodule.par')

(define ScrambleCount 10000)

(define PuzzleSize `Length of side of N-puzzle' +4) ; at least 3!

(define PuzzleSizeMinus1 +3)

(define PuzzleArea `Area of puzzle (= (-- N))' +16) ; (= (* PuzzleSize PuzzleSize))

(define PuzzleAreaMinus1 +15)

(define BlankTile `Code for a blank tile' 0)

(define puzzlepieceT `Codes for nonblank tiles'
    (sort natural (range 1 PuzzleArea)))   

(define BoardPositionT integer) ; normally positive, but sometime we reach off the edge

(define ConfigurationT (array puzzlepieceT 0 PuzzleAreaMinus1))

(define HardPuzzle1 `Solution found of length 29:
         2 1 5 6 2 3 7 11 10 6 2 3 7 11 10 14 13 9 8
         12 13 9 5 1 2 6 5 1 0'
   (lambda (function ConfigurationT void)
  (make ConfigurationT 01 11 02 00
               04 06 09 05
               13 12 07 03
               08 14 10 15)

(define HardPuzzle2 `Solution found of length 31:
         0 4 5 6 10 9 5 1 2 3 7 6 10 9 5 1
         2 3 7 6 5 1 2 6 1 0 14 13 9 5 4 0'
   (lambda (function ConfigurationT void)
  (make ConfigurationT 13 00 02 09
               04 05 06 01
               08 07 03 11
               12 14 10 15)

(define HardPuzzle3 `Solution found of length 56:
        1 2 6 7 3 2 6 10 14 15 11 10 9 5
        4 8 12 13 9 10 6 5 1 0 4 8 12 13
        14 10 6 7 11 10 9 13 14 15 11 10
        6 5 4 8 9 10 6 5 1 0 4 8 9 5 4 0
        Total solution time in seconds: 18-24 (on 8 processor machine)'
   (lambda (function ConfigurationT void)
  (make ConfigurationT 00 09 10 08
               15 12 03 02
               01 11 13 14
               06 04 07 05)

(define HardPuzzle4 `Solution found of length 50:
         4 5 1 0 4 8 12 13 9 5 1 0 4 5 6
         10 14 13 9 8 4 5 6 2 1 5 9 10 14
         13 12 8 9 10 11 15 14 13 9 10 11
         7 3 2 1 5 9 8 4 0
         Total solution time in seconds: 125 (on 8 processor machine)'
   (lambda (function ConfigurationT void)
  (make ConfigurationT 00 15 06 07
               12 03 08 11
               04 13 02 05
               01 14 09 10)

(define HardPuzzle5
    `Solution found of length 68:
     3 7 11 10 6 2 3 7 6 5 9 8 4 5 1 0 4 5 9 13 14 15 11
     7 6 5 1 2 6 5 9 8 12 13 14 10 6 5 4 8 12 13 14 15 11
     10 9 5 1 0 4 8 12 13 9 5 4 8 9 13 14 15 11 7 3 2 1 0
     Total solution time in seconds: 2790 (on 8 processor machine)'
   (lambda (function ConfigurationT void)
  (make ConfigurationT 15 09 00 14
               10 11 12 08
               03 02 13 07
               01 06 05 04)

(define ParticularPuzzleToSolve HardPuzzle5)

(define PrintConfiguration
   (action (procedure [Puzzle (reference ConfigurationT)])
  (do [position BoardPositionT] +0 PuzzleAreaMinus1 +1
      (;; (ifthenelse (<= Puzzle:position 9)
         (;; (PAR:PutConsoleCharacter "0")(PAR:PutConsoleNatural Puzzle:position) );;
         (PAR:PutConsoleNatural Puzzle:position)
      (ifthen (== (modulo (coerce natural position) (coerce natural PuzzleSize))
              (coerce natural PuzzleSizeMinus1)coerce )==

(define Solved? `Determines if puzzle is solved.'
  (lambda (function boolean
        [board (reference ConfigurationT)]
  (value (;; `Fast check for completed':
         (ifthen (~= board:0 BlankTile)
             (return ~f)
         (do [position BoardPositionT] PuzzleAreaMinus1 +1 -1
         (ifthen (~= board:position (coerce natural position))
             (return ~f)
     ~t ; all pieces are in proper places

(define ScoreT `Estimate of configuration distance from solution.
       Zero means configuration is a solution.'
   (sort natural (range 0 1000))) ; s/b (range 0 (* PuzzleArea PuzzleArea))

(define SolvedScore `The score of a goal position.' 0)
(define UnsolvableScore `An impossibly big score.' 12345678)

(define LowerBoundOnScore
   (lambda (function ScoreT [Puzzle (reference ConfigurationT)])
  (let (= [OutOfPlaceTiles ScoreT] 0)
    (compileifthenelse ManhattanHeuristic ; ~t for Out-of-place, ~f for Manhattan
       (do [Row BoardPositionT] PuzzleSizeMinus1 +0 -1
           (do [Column BoardPositionT] PuzzleSizeMinus1 +0 -1
           (local (;; (= [position integer] (+ (* Row PuzzleSize)
                  (= [tile puzzlepieceT] Puzzle:position)
              (ifthen (~= tile BlankTile) ; ignore BlankTile
             (+= OutOfPlaceTiles
                   (+ (magnitude (- Row (coerce integer (// tile (coerce natural PuzzleSize)))))
                  (magnitude (- Column (coerce integer (modulo tile (coerce natural PuzzleSize)))))
                   )+ ; add Manhattan distance of tile from tile goal
           )do ; Column   
       )do ; Row
       (do [position BoardPositionT] PuzzleAreaMinus1
                     +1  ; skipping zero effectively ignores BlankTile
           (ifthen (~= Puzzle:position (coerce natural position))
               (+= OutOfPlaceTiles)
    OutOfPlaceTiles ; the answer

(recursive PathElementT
   (define PathElementT `A series of moves of the blank tile.'
       (structure [Move BoardPositionT]
          [Next (reference PathElementT)]

(define EmptyPath (void (reference PathElementT))void )define

(define ValuedPathT `A path and the score it acheives.'   
    (structure [Solved boolean]
           [Score ScoreT]
           [Path (reference PathElementT)])

(define MakeMove `Applies a move to a configuration'
   (lambda (function ConfigurationT
         (structure [BlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
                [NewBlankPosition BoardPositionT]
                      (reference ConfigurationT)]
             )structure )function
 (let (= [ResultConfiguration ConfigurationT]
        (@ ConfigurationBeforeMove)  )=
         (compileifthen PrintTrace
        (;; (PAR:PutConsoleNatural BlankTilePosition)
            (PAR:PutConsoleNatural NewBlankPosition)
         (trust (== ConfigurationBeforeMove:BlankTilePosition
         (= ResultConfiguration:BlankTilePosition
         (= ResultConfiguration:NewBlankPosition BlankTile)

(define TopEdge? `Determines if a position is along top edge of puzzle.'
   (lambda (function boolean BoardPositionT)
   (< ? PuzzleSize)

(define BottomEdge? `Determines if a position is along bottom edge of puzzle.'
   (lambda (function boolean BoardPositionT)
   (>= ? (- PuzzleArea PuzzleSize))

(define LeftEdge? `Determines if a position is along left edge of puzzle.'
   (lambda (function boolean BoardPositionT)
   (== (modulo (coerce natural ?) (coerce natural PuzzleSize)) 0)==

(define RightEdge? `Determines if a position is along right edge of puzzle.'
   (lambda (function boolean BoardPositionT)
   (== (modulo (coerce natural ?) (coerce natural PuzzleSize))modulo
       (coerce natural PuzzleSizeMinus1)coerce )==

(define Solved! (exception (lambda (function string (reference ValuedPathT))
                   `N-puzzle solution is:~l'

[SerialPrint semaphore]

[MaxMoves natural]

(define Npuzzle
   (lambda (function ValuedPathT
        [BlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
        [PreviousBlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
        [Puzzle ConfigurationT]
        [MovesToHere natural]

(define Npuzzle `Solves a puzzle and generates a sequence which is a solution.'
  (lambda (function ValuedPathT
        [BlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
        [PreviousBlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
        [Puzzle ConfigurationT]
        [MovesToHere natural]
 (ifthenelse (value (compileifthen PrintTrace
            (;; (PAR:PutConsole (. `In Npuzzle at depth '))
                (PAR:PutConsoleNatural MovesToHere) (PAR:PutConsoleNewline)
                (PrintConfiguration (. Puzzle))
            (Solved? (. Puzzle)))
   (make ValuedPathT ~t 0 EmptyPath)make ; the answer
   (let (|| [valuedpath1 ValuedPathT]
        [valuedpath2 ValuedPathT]
        [valuedpath3 ValuedPathT]
        [valuedpath4 ValuedPathT]
        [Best ValuedPathT]
        (= [EstimatedDistance natural]
           (+ MovesToHere (LowerBoundOnScore (. Puzzle)))+ )=
     (ifthenelse (value (compileifthen PrintTrace
                (;; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Inside LET EstimatedDistance= '))
                (PAR:PutConsoleNatural EstimatedDistance) (PAR:PutConsoleNewline)
            (> EstimatedDistance MaxMoves) )
    (make ValuedPathT ~f EstimatedDistance EmptyPath) ; don't explore any further
       (;; (assert (& (<= +0 BlankTilePosition)
              (< BlankTilePosition PuzzleArea) )& )assert
; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Solve subpuzzles: blank @ '))(PAR:PutConsoleNatural BlankTilePosition)(PAR:PutConsoleNewline)

           (try `Solve subpuzzles':
          (|| ; replace this by (;; to see pure serial execution times
              `Fork Right':
              (local (|| (= [NewBlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
                    (++ BlankTilePosition) )=
                 [ExtendedPath (reference PathElementT)]
             (ifthenelse (value (;; ; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Fork Right~l'))
                (&& (~= NewBlankTilePosition
                    PreviousBlankTilePosition )~=
                (~ (RightEdge? BlankTilePosition))~
                )&& )value
                (;; (= valuedpath1
                   (Npuzzle NewBlankTilePosition
                        (MakeMove BlankTilePosition
                              (. Puzzle) )MakeMove
                        (++ MovesToHere)
                   )Npuzzle )=
                (ifthen valuedpath1:Solved
                   (;; (+= valuedpath1:Score) ; since we added a move
                       (= ExtendedPath (new PathElementT))
                       (= (@ ExtendedPath) (make PathElementT NewBlankTilePosition valuedpath1:Path) )=
                       (= valuedpath1:Path ExtendedPath)
                       (raise Solved! (. valuedpath1))
                (= valuedpath1 (make ValuedPathT ~f UnsolvableScore EmptyPath))=
              `Fork Left':
              (local (|| (= [NewBlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
                    (-- BlankTilePosition) )=
                 [ExtendedPath (reference PathElementT)]
             (ifthenelse (value (;; ; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Fork Left~l'))
                (&& (~= NewBlankTilePosition
                    PreviousBlankTilePosition )~=
                (~ (LeftEdge? BlankTilePosition))~
                )&& )value
                (;; (= valuedpath2
                   (Npuzzle NewBlankTilePosition
                        (MakeMove BlankTilePosition
                              (. Puzzle) )MakeMove
                        (++ MovesToHere)
                   )Npuzzle )=
                (ifthen valuedpath2:Solved
                   (;; (+= valuedpath2:Score) ; since we added a move
                       (= ExtendedPath (new PathElementT))
                       (= (@ ExtendedPath) (make PathElementT NewBlankTilePosition valuedpath2:Path) )=
                       (= valuedpath2:Path ExtendedPath)
                       (raise Solved! (. valuedpath2))
                (= valuedpath2 (make ValuedPathT ~f UnsolvableScore EmptyPath))=
              `Fork Down':
              (local (|| (= [NewBlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
                    (- BlankTilePosition PuzzleSize) )=
                 [ExtendedPath (reference PathElementT)]
             (ifthenelse (value (;; ; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Fork Down~l'))
                (&& (~= NewBlankTilePosition
                    PreviousBlankTilePosition )~=
                (~ (TopEdge? BlankTilePosition))~
                )&& )value
                (;; (= valuedpath3
                   (Npuzzle NewBlankTilePosition
                        (MakeMove BlankTilePosition
                              (. Puzzle) )MakeMove
                        (++ MovesToHere)
                   )Npuzzle )=
                (ifthen valuedpath3:Solved
                   (;; (+= valuedpath3:Score) ; since we added a move
                       (= ExtendedPath (new PathElementT))
                       (= (@ ExtendedPath) (make PathElementT NewBlankTilePosition valuedpath3:Path) )=
                       (= valuedpath3:Path ExtendedPath)
                       (raise Solved! (. valuedpath3))
                (= valuedpath3 (make ValuedPathT ~f UnsolvableScore EmptyPath))=
              `Fork Up':
              (local (|| (= [NewBlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
                    (+ BlankTilePosition PuzzleSize) )=
                 [ExtendedPath (reference PathElementT)]
             (ifthenelse (value (;; ; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Fork Up~l'))
                (&& (~= NewBlankTilePosition
                    PreviousBlankTilePosition )~=
                (~ (BottomEdge? BlankTilePosition))~
                )&& )value
                (;; (= valuedpath4
                   (Npuzzle NewBlankTilePosition
                        (MakeMove BlankTilePosition
                              (. Puzzle) )MakeMove
                        (++ MovesToHere)
                   )Npuzzle )=
                (ifthen valuedpath4:Solved
                   (;; (+= valuedpath4:Score) ; since we added a move
                       (= ExtendedPath (new PathElementT))
                       (= (@ ExtendedPath) (make PathElementT NewBlankTilePosition valuedpath4:Path) )=
                       (= valuedpath4:Path ExtendedPath)
                       (raise Solved! (. valuedpath4))
                (= valuedpath4 (make ValuedPathT ~f UnsolvableScore EmptyPath))=
          ) ; || or ;;
          `Exception handler':
          (;; ; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Exception handler~l'))
              (ifthenelse (== (exception) Solved!)==
             (;; (= Best (@ (exceptionargument (reference ValuedPathT))))=
                 (acknowledge (;; );; )acknowledge
             (propagate) ; oops, something unexpected!
          `Success handler':
          (;; ; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Success (no exception raised)!~l'))
              `If we get here, no result is a solution,
               and all results have leaf-estimated scores.'
              (ifthenelse (< valuedpath1:Score valuedpath2:Score)
             (= Best valuedpath1)
             (= Best valuedpath2)
              (ifthen (< valuedpath3:Score Best:Score)
                  (= Best valuedpath3) )ifthen
              (ifthen (< valuedpath4:Score Best:Score)
                  (= Best valuedpath4) )ifthen
     Best ; the answer to return

[StartTimeMicroseconds natural]
(define ElapsedTimeSeconds
   `Returns time in seconds rounded to nearest integer'
   (lambda (function natural void)
       (/ (- (+ (MicrosecondClock) 500000) StartTimeMicroseconds) 1000000)

(define main
   (action (procedure void)
  (local (|| [PuzzleToSolve ConfigurationT]
         [BlankTilePosition BoardPositionT]
         [Solution ValuedPathT]
         [BlankLocation BoardPositionT]
         [Neighbor BoardPositionT]
         [PathScanP (reference PathElementT)]
         [ElapsedTime natural]
     (;; (PAR:PutConsoleString Version)
     (consume (addresource SerialPrint 1))
     `Set PuzzleToSolve to Solved position':
     (do [position BoardPositionT] +0 PuzzleAreaMinus1 +1
         (= PuzzleToSolve:position (coerce puzzlepieceT position) )=
     (ifthenelse SolveParticularPuzzle
        (;; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Hard puzzle...~l'))
        (= PuzzleToSolve (ParticularPuzzleToSolve) )= );;
        (;; `Scramble puzzle position'
        (PAR:PutConsole (. `Random puzzle...~l'))
        (= BlankLocation +0)
        (do [i natural] 1 (modulo (MicrosecondClock)
                      ScrambleCount)modulo 1
            (;; (= Neighbor BlankLocation)
            (ifthenelse (== (PAR:GetRandomNat 2) 0)
               (;; `Move Blank up or down'
                (ifthenelse (== (PAR:GetRandomNat 2) 0)
                   (ifthen (~ (TopEdge? BlankLocation)) (-= Neighbor PuzzleSize))
                   (ifthen (~ (BottomEdge? BlankLocation)) (+= Neighbor PuzzleSize))
               (;; `Move Blank left or right'
                   (ifthenelse (== (PAR:GetRandomNat 2) 0)
                  (ifthen (~ (LeftEdge? BlankLocation)) (-= Neighbor))
                  (ifthen (~ (RightEdge? BlankLocation)) (+= Neighbor))
             ; (PAR:PutConsoleNatural BlankLocation)(PAR:PutConsoleNatural Neighbor)(PAR:PutConsoleSpace)
             (ifthen (~= BlankLocation Neighbor)
                (= PuzzleToSolve
                   (MakeMove BlankLocation Neighbor (. PuzzleToSolve). )MakeMove )=
             (= BlankLocation Neighbor)=
     (;; `Initialize solver'
         (= Solution:Solved ~f)
         (= Solution:Score 0)
         (do FindBlankTile 
         [position BoardPositionT] +0 PuzzleAreaMinus1 +1
           (ifthen (== PuzzleToSolve:position BlankTile)
                       (;; (= BlankTilePosition position)
                           (exitblock FindBlankTile)
                           );; )ifthen )do
     (PAR:PutConsole (. `~lInitial Configuration:~l'))
     (PrintConfiguration (. PuzzleToSolve))
     (PAR:PutConsole (. `Estimate of solution length: '))
     (PAR:PutConsoleNatural (LowerBoundOnScore (. PuzzleToSolve)))
     (= StartTimeMicroseconds (MicrosecondClock))
     (while (~ Solution:Solved)
         (;; (critical SerialPrint 1
            (;; (PAR:PutConsole (. `*** Iteration to depth '))
            (PAR:PutConsoleNatural Solution:Score)
            (PAR:PutConsole (. `    ')) (PAR:PutConsoleNatural (ElapsedTimeSeconds)) (PAR:PutConsole (. ` Seconds'))
         (= MaxMoves Solution:Score)
         (= Solution (Npuzzle BlankTilePosition BlankTilePosition PuzzleToSolve 0) )=
     (= ElapsedTime (ElapsedTimeSeconds))
     (critical SerialPrint 1
        (;; (PAR:PutConsole (. `Solution found of length '))
        (PAR:PutConsoleNatural Solution:Score) (PAR:PutConsole (. `: '))
        (iterate (= PathScanP Solution:Path)
             (~= PathScanP EmptyPath)
             (= PathScanP PathScanP:Next)
           (;; (PAR:PutConsoleNatural (coerce natural PathScanP:Move)) (PAR:PutConsoleSpace)
        (PAR:PutConsole (. `Total solution time in seconds: '))  (PAR:PutConsoleNatural ElapsedTime) (PAR:PutConsoleNewline)

答案 11 :(得分:1)

The little book of semaphores这是免费提供的书有很多同步难题。它包括几乎所有其他答案中引用的谜题。为所有难题提供解决方案。