python xml按属性值搜索

时间:2013-09-17 07:26:27

标签: python xml minidom

我正在使用python实用程序来搜索并在一个非常大的配置文件中显示记录的完整路径,存储为xml文件。 文件大小可以是12M,可以容纳294460行,并且可以增长到更大的大小。


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>
<root version="1.1.1">
  <record path="">
    <record path="path1">
      <field name="some_name1" value="1234"/>
      <record path="path2">
        <field name="0" value="abcd0"/>
        <field name="1" value="abcd1"/>
        <field name="2" value="abcd2"/>
        <field name="28" value="abcd28"/>
        <field name="29" value="abcd29"/>
    <record path="pathx">
      <record path="pathy">
        <record path="pathz">
        <record path="pathv">
          <record path="pathw">
            <field name="some_name1" value="yes"/>
            <field name="some_name2" value="2084"/>
            <field name="some_buffer_name" value="14"/>
            <record path="cache_value">
              <field name="some_name7000" value="12"/>
        <record path="path_something">
          <field name="key_word1" value="8"/>
          <field name="key_word2" value="9"/>
          <field name="key_word3" value="10"/>
          <field name="key5" value="1"/>
          <field name="key6" value="1"/>
          <field name="key7" value="yes"/>



这是我写的: xml_file_location是文件的位置 string_to_search是我在XML文件中搜索的字符串 我找到的那个节点的路径存储在type:record的节点中,名为:path的属性,这就是我打印给用户的内容。

with open(xml_file_location, 'r') as inF:
# search the xml file for lines with the string for search
    for line in inF:
        if string_to_search in line:
            found_counter = found_counter + 1
            node_type = line.strip(" ").split(" ")[0]
            node_type = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', node_type)
            node_attr = line.strip(" ").split(" ")[1]
            node_value = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9_]+', '', node_attr.split("=")[1])
            node_attr = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9]+', '', node_attr.split("=")[0])
            #print node_type
            #print node_attr
            #print node_value
            if node_type in lines_dict:
                if not node_attr in lines_dict[node_type]:
                    lines_dict[node_type][node_attr] = [nome_value]
                elif not node_value in lines_dict[node_type][node_attr]:
                lines_dict[node_type] = {}
                lines_dict[node_type][node_attr] = [node_value]

print "Found: %s strings in the xml file" %found_counter

#pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter(indent=4)

print "Parsing the xml file"
dom = parse(xml_file_location)

print "Locating the full path"

for node_type in lines_dict:
# for all types of node
    elements = dom.getElementsByTagName(node_type)
    # create the elements for those nodes
    for node in elements:
    # go over all nodes in the elements
        if node.hasAttribute(node_attr):
            if node.getAttribute(node_attr) in lines_dict[node_type][node_attr]:
            # check if the attribute appears in the lines dict 
                result = node.getAttribute(node_attr) # holds the path
                parent = node.parentNode       # create a pointer to point on the parent node
                while parent.getAttribute("path") != "":
                # while didn't reach the root of the conf - a record that has an empty path attribute
                    result = parent.getAttribute("path") + "." + result     # add the path of the parent to the full path
                    parent = parent.parentNode                              # advance the parent pointer
                print "Found: %s" %node.toprettyxml().split("\n")[0]
                print "Path:  %s" %result

例如: 我将搜索:abcd1 该实用程序将打印完整路径:path1.path2 或者我将搜索:pathw,该实用程序将返回:pathx.pathy.pathv




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

正如@Martijn Pieters所说,使用ElementTree,它是自Python 2.5以来的stdlib - 你正在使用“with”所以我假设你是2.6+。这很容易学习,它的心智模型非常接近DOM。


答案 1 :(得分:0)



root = LXML.parse(xml_file_location) elements_list = root.xpath(".//*[@*[contains(., $text)]]", text = string_to_search )


使用lxml getpaerent()方法我会问每个节点“谁是你的父母”


root = LXML.parse(xml_file_location)
elements_list = root.xpath(".//*[@*[contains(., $text)]]", text = string_to_search )
print "Found: %s strings in the xml file" %len(elements_list)
for node in elements_list:
    print "\nFound:\n%s" %LXML.tostring(node).split("\n")[0]
    parent = node.getparent()
    if node.tag == "record":
        path = node.get("path") # nodes of type: "record" hold the attribute: "path"
    elif node.tag == "field":
        path = node.get("name") # nodes of type: "field" hold the attribute: "name"
        print "unclear node type adding empty string"
        path = ""
    full_path = path
    while parent.get("path") != "":
        parent_path = parent.get("path")
        full_path = parent_path + "." + full_path
        parent = parent.getparent()
    print "Full path: %s" %full_path