使用最小插入数和删除数重新排序IList <t> </t>

时间:2013-09-24 18:55:24

标签: c# sorting


public static void CustomSort<T>( IList<T> target, IComparer<T> comparer )



  • List<T>.Sort进行就地排序,这基本上就是我所追求的。但我不能假设目标的具体类型是List<T>
  • LINQ提供了一些解决方案,但不幸的是,他们将结果输出为新的可枚举,而不是修改目标列表。


3 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)



public static void CustomSort<T>( IList<T> list , IComparer<T> comparer )
  int[] unsorted = Enumerable.Range(0,list.Count).ToArray() ;
  int[] sorted   = Enumerable.Range(0,list.Count).OrderBy( x => list[x] , comparer ).ToArray() ;
  var   moves    = sorted.Zip( unsorted , (x,y) => new{ Src = x , Dest = y , } ).Where( x => x.Src != x.Dest ).OrderBy( x => x.Src ).ToArray() ;

  // at this point, moves is a list of moves, from a source position to destination position.
  // We enumerate over this and apply the moves in order.
  // To do this we need a scratch pad to save incomplete moves, where an existing item has
  // been over-written, but it has not yet been moved into its final destination.

  Dictionary<int,T> scratchPad = new Dictionary<int, T>() ; // a parking lot for incomplete moves
  foreach ( var move in moves )
    T value ;

    // see if the source value is on the scratchpad.
    // if it is, use it and remove it from the scratch pad.
    // otherwise, get it from the indicated slot in the list.
    if ( scratchPad.TryGetValue( move.Src , out value ) )
      scratchPad.Remove( move.Src );
      value = list[ move.Src ] ;

    // if the destination is after the source position, we need to put
    // it on the scratch pad, since we haven't yet used it as a source.
    if ( move.Dest > move.Src )
      scratchPad.Add( move.Dest , list[ move.Dest ]);

    // finally, move the source value into its destination slot.
    list[ move.Dest ] = value ;


  return ;

答案 1 :(得分:1)


  1. 为什么这个系列的观察者需要这么长时间?他们应该只根据个人变化做快速的事情。例如。如果它是用于UI更改,它可能会等到下一个UI重绘之后再关注更改。这应该让整个重新整理完成一次。或
  2. 使用ObservableRangeCollection<T>之类的内容,以便在可观察的集合中获得AddRange。如果可能,一些简单的代码可以确定集合是List<T>还是ObservableRangeCollection<T>以使用AddRange
  3. E.g。

    public static void SmartSort<T>(IList<T> source)
        var sortedList = source.OrderBy(x => x).ToList();
        if (source.SequenceEqual(sortedList))
        var list = source as List<T>;
        var collection = source as ObservableRangeCollection<T>;
        if (list != null)
        else if (collection != null)
            for (int i = 0; i < source.Count; i++)
                source[i] = sortedList[i];

答案 2 :(得分:1)

  1. 使用LINQ扩展方法排序并获取一个新的List,最后隐式调用ToList();

  2. 然后告诉您的可观察列表暂停(不关心更改)

  3. 清除您的可观察列表

  4. 从linq-ordered列表中将项添加到observable列表中。

  5. 告诉您的可观察列表继续观看更改

  6. 观察者观察的变化数量是否有效;从算法效率的角度来看,我试试这个解决方案。您可能永远不需要进一步优化。请记住: premature optimization is the root of all evil